rdrama's PREMIER FGC and E-Sports hub with shitposts and fighting game|anime|video game girls
Hosted at start.gg/rDrama
#1 @AutisticOnTheStreets (GMTOW)
#2 @AutisticOnTheStreets (LB2)
#3 @AutisticOnTheStreets (DS3/VSAV)
#4 @DestoryerCarbine (CVS2)
#5 @DestoryerCarbine (SF3)
#6 @KongEnjoyer (ABK)
#7 @Wolverine (KOF2002)
#8 @CamNewton (SF3)
#9 @CamNewton (LB2)
#10 @CamNewton (MBAACC)
#11 @Horned_waifus_shill (GBFVR)
#12 @CamNewton (GMTOW)
#13 @CamNewton (WW7)
#14 @CamNewton (IS)
#15 @AutisticOnTheStreets (VSAV)
#16 @CamNewton (Soku)
#17 @DestoryerCarbine (SF3)
#18 @CamNewton (GGXX)
#19 @CamNewton (SFA3)
Previous Event Matches -
1st Furbowl - @Soren vs @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE - Won by @Soren
2nd Furbowl - @Soren vs @Wolverine - Won by @Soren
Our Official Youtube Archive -
/h/kappa Extravanganza
We are currently aligned with:
House Racist
I don't have much to say because I'm speechless that a Strive player is a degenerate.
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I'd be interested to see an average skin tone chart for each fighting game. I imagine this light skin pretty well represents the Strive players.
Nah, Strive shares an audience with DBFZ, pretty goddarn dark
Strive "fans" are a separate group
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I'd be interested to see an average skin tone chart for each fighting game. I imagine this light skin pretty well represents the Strive players.
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Nah, Strive shares an audience with DBFZ, pretty goddarn dark
Strive "fans" are a separate group
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