Chud swordshit fans btfo

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then :marseytransflag: explain why half of the harfoots are white :marseysal: as snow :marseyski: and there :marseycheerup: are also a frickload of asian :marseyliondance: harfoots

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Its not my job to educate you, chud.

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Asian :marseyblops2chadcel: hobbits lmao :marseylaugh: :marseyasian:

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I think their just :marseyblops2chadcel2: called the Japanese :marseykamikaze:

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They needed someone to build :marseyyarn: the underground hobbit railroad for shipping the 'ho-bitz' to Mordor.

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Dumbass :marseysmoothbrain: meme. "Browner of skin" doesn't mean "black". Spaniards are browner than English. Gypsies are browner than English. Farm labourers are browner than gentry. Middle-Easterners are browner than English. We've many :marseymanysuchcases: shades :marseycool: to go before we get remotely close to Kangz.

Too darn right :marseysoren: Black :marseyblackcock: hobbits, dwarves and elves are being shoehorned in for "representation".

edit: wtactualf?!

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Shut up whyte boi


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Whyn't yo dum Niagara butt come over :marseyitsover: here and make :marseyyarn: me?

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Because yo cracker :marseymayo: butt would try to send me off to fight :marseypunching: dragons n sheit

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And you always do what :marseywtf2: Sharkey says, don't you?

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Only when it’s your wife asking for me whyte boi

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She had to search long :marseyfedpost: and hard :marseydiehard: for someone who could satisfy her pencil-peepee fetish. It seemed cruel to deny :marseyno: her.

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DAS RITE :#chadblack:

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How many :marseymanysuchcases: black :marcuscop: dinos are there?

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Spinosaurus was from Africa

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Stay mad nazi :marseyhomofascist:

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no u

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Greeks are of 'darker skin' than the English, you don't need to go full BIPOC.

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this perfectly explains why the hobbits (elves too) are mostly white :marseypatriot: with a few kangs at random. If you're going :marseysal2: to blackwash them at least make :marseyyarn: it consistent within an in-world ethnicity

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there :marseycheerup: are dragons and big birds :marseykiwimom: in this world, you are clearly a chud :marseytransgenocide: for not suspending your disbelief :marseyxdoubt:

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There :marseycheerup: are dragons in this world :marseymars: so why isn’t everything constantly being razed and stolen :marseywatermark: from by random dragon :marseytrogdor: kangz

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DnD didn't exist in Tolkien's days, so neither did the setting consistency.

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Because I don't know :marseyshutitdown: what :marseygasp: would happen in real life if there :marseycheerup: were dragons and big birds, but I definitely know :marseyhesright: what :marseygasp: would happen when a BIPOC :marseyblack: neighbor moves in.

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I am going :marseysal2: to NOT shoot :marseycupid: up my middle :marseylong2: school :marseygrad:

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proud of you :@acapat:

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Aww this one is really cute


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That last panel :marseyscared:

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hope he gets well :marseyclapping: soon :marseysoonretarded: and isn't contagious :#marseydoctor:

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hope he likes peepee :marseychadthundercock:

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i hope so too! the alternative is... less than appealing :marseysick:

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Dope! Glad them black-butt Harfoots were able to black all them races! Makes sense, now, right?

The hobbit sucked.

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loved the hobbit movies, hated the books

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The show has a multitude of other serious issues but I've already seen articles that only racist :marseychingchong: fans dislike it for being diverse.

No other possible reason, none what :marseypregunta: so ever.

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Imo ethnicity here doesn't mean shit :merdesey: compared to other, recently adapted, fantasy.

I don't understand how people under :marseyhandsup: 50 can stand Tolkien anyway. His work :marseyclapping: has already been bastardized so prolifically that you have to look :marseyinvestigate: to religion :marseyjesus2: for competitors.

This whole thing is one big yawn.

The Jackson Trilogy sucked and LOTR :marseythegrey: has never :marseyitsover: been good.

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I don't understand how people under :marseyhandsup: 50 can stand Tolkien anyway. His work :marseyaward: has already been bastardized so prolifically [...]

this may come as a shock :marseyohno: but it's actually :marseyakshually: still possible to read :marseyfingerwords: the books :marseysexylibrarian: he wrote instead of watching :marseyilluminati2: adaptations

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It says "browner" not "pitch black :marseymayoface: like a field hand."

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Stop trying to erase :marseyerasure: black :marseymyeisha: and brown bodies

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Based. There's a frickton of problems with the show, the main ones being the dialogue that sounds like a preteen attempting poetry and the lack of plot, but "muh fair skin" isn't one of them.

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its just :marseyblops2chadcel: a bad fricking :marseytom: show, do u see this outrage for house :marseykiwivampire: of the dragon? no

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Why doesnt the bioc dwarf :marseymanlet: have a beard :marseyblackfacexmas: then :marseytransflag: if their so accurate to the book :marseyatlasshrugged:

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Anyone who truly cares on either side should be euthanized.

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