Absolute kween Galadriel puts three scrotes in a cuck cage.

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My favorite part of the show has been the dwarves extras, that I’m pretty sure are small children wearing bulky armor and helmets.

It looks like some little rascal shit it’s hilarious.

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So they just unlocked the cell for her, but they can't unlock their own?

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The fact that they had to cut away from half the scene, the choreography we saw was janky and stiff so how bad was the rest of it they didn't want to show?


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I mean we all knew it was going :marseysal2: to be a trashcan fire :marseykino: but they didnt :marseyfingerwords: even try to get the frickin choreography down?

Imagine if they had spent a billion on that Eragon movie :marseyprojection:


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This is the worst I've seen. The extras are just flopping around when she's not even hitting them.

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Ive seen that happen a lot in modern :marseyduchamp: movies, just :marseyblops2chadcel: awful, awful fight :marseyevilgrin: choreography. I guess :marseyshrug: they dknt want to spend any money :marseycoin: on it because "lol just :marseyblops2chadcel: fix it in post", or they cant actually :marseyakshually: make :marseyyarn: a real choreography in the first :marseywinner: place :marseyplacenofun: because the weapons/fighter/etc only get added in post.

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bruh how is hollywood/western action still be so shit. Still gotta watch hong kong movies from the 80s-2000s for good action. And most of those were made with shoestring budgets.

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I thought Galadriel was an op battlemage demigod and when she fought she looked alike a dancer, this looks like a match between a kid with two sticks he found on the lawn and Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 2005

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I'm glad we've finally got white millenials running the world so that women can finally be empowered. Remember how misogynistic movies were back in the days of the patriarchy?

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Blessed post 🙏

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Goddarn i miss good movies.

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That was fricking rad, the slo mo wall head kicks n shit!


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I can only handle so much cringe

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I’m gonna :marseynerd: here but actually had some hope for the show after the second episode but as soon as it became clear that they’re going to portray the downfall of Numenor as being at the same time as the forging of the rings (there’s like 1600 years of time between these two events in the books) that this show really is going to be Reddit tier fanfiction.

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I enjoy a good r-slurred foid-beats-up-groups-of-men power fantasy but darn a production of hamlet done by 6-year-olds has better choreography than that.

Jesus that's just embarrassing in a fundamentals-of-filmmaking way.

I bet you ate this up when it was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".


For one, Buffy had much better stunts than this, so probably. And two... what point does he think he's making here? Buffy was always a terminally feminist show. If someone loves Buffy but hates this doesn't it point towards the hatred having merit and not being based on hating wokeshit?

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This was beyond awful so Im not defending it, But the point was something like Buffy didnt have outrage, but Rings did; so you’re only upset because youve been told Rings is woke.

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So he's trying to say they're not bigots, they're just NPCs?

I'm having a real time seeing anything but "hah, gotcha! you hate this show because it's woke but you don't hate beat-you-over-the-head-feminism in an otherwise good show! BIGOT!"

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Bigot NPCs, yeah I guess.

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That's not Buffy.

Nobody loved that Buffy.

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movie Buffy any day of the week, Sarah Michelle Gellar looked like she had a cleft lip and downs syndrome.

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Them's fightin words

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My friend was obsessed with buffy growing up. I did not get it (he was a cute twink probably explains a lot). The movie was cool, cast well with good performances and a neat concept. It didn’t need to become a 6 season WB show with time travel and demons.

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:chudsey: Ugh... a woman beating up men? Don't they know us males are biologically superior to females? How dare they befoul my fantasy world full of dragons and orcs with such unrealistic ideas.

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she's not really beating them up, she's swirling around while the men dance into the cell, then she closes the door.

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Bezos just got really high and greenlit this show as joke right?

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This show is the ultimate virtue signal I hate to break it to you but its all the talk among libtards right now.

It allows Amazon to avoid talk of their shitty worker treatment, and wholesale selling of chinese scams and counterfiets.

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Holy frick it’s not even an exaggeration


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Yeah this was the scene where I gave up on the show lol.

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I just can't anymore :marseydead:

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This is real? :marseyrope:

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Yeah lmao, and it makes no sense since Galadriel was the first elf to set foot on the island for centuries.

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yes but it starts with one and pretty soon your island is overrun with boat people.

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Just pull a Martha's Vineyard and call the national guard to deport them. Easy.

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She looks too much like Amy Schumer for me to take her seriously as an elf.

I don't mind the black moid elf because he looks non-human beauty, haughty resting b-word face and doesn't look like a Germanic Fat B-word so thats absolutely a good fit for elf.

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The soy Marvel quips too.

>YouTuber. Not a furry.

If you have to say this you're definitely a furry.

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I don't know what's with characters who beat several other characters easily, especially when they're foid beating men. Do the makers think these scenes are any good? They're so ridiculous.

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Bro it's Lord of the Rings you rslur, in the movies each member of the fellowship would kill like 200 orcs per battle and Gandalf killed a giant demon

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Gandalf is a god tho just in human form.

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B-But they had swords and Gandalf has magic! :soymad: There's no way a woman can twirly-twirly 3 armed guards into a cell with her bare hands! :soycry:

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The Balrog is a baby angel just like Gandalf, and Gandalf died at the end of the fight. Even draw between two similarly powered beings.

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I dont watch the show, why is she imprisoned?

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They were going to run a handmaiden train on her.

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Cause she was acting like a smarmy ladygarden and kept threatening the queen. I was more concerned the show would girlboss her into getting what she wanted, but she only didn't fail miserably because everyone realized she was right because a magic tree wilted. We'll see how it progresses. The show will actually pass my litmus test if she really really gets knocked on her butt and fricks everything up for being a know-it-all who thinks her quest for revenge is most important, not as much as the bad the elf fu.

You'd think for 500 mil production they could have had a choreographer who made something a little better than that Vulcan nerve pinch camera cut away though. Waif-fu can be done well enough.

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Yeah like crouching tiger hidden dragon the chick fights in a way that’s somewhat believable for a foid even though she’s like dance flying the whole time

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Boobs :marseymommymilkers: too small, couldn't pay the breasts :marseymommymilkers: milk tax

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Because being a woman in the white patriarchy is a crime.

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So true

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The scrotes should be happy they didn't show how badly she embarrassed them in combat

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The guards clearly know what they're doing: they're not paid enough to deal with foid nonsense. An afternoon in the cagie is better than having to withstand her one more minute

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I now understand why Bezos was personally involved: union leaders and their members are fricking racist, a day in the wagie cagie is better than the ragie lady, and he has enough frick you money to not only tread on u but also frick ur entire childhood back in time

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>standing there all day while the inmate screams how women are just as strong as men, if not better.

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Imagine how awful the footage they cut was that this is what they kept in a show with a billion dollar budget :marseyxd:

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Marvel :marseyspiderman: is really good :marseyaward: with waif-fu action :marseypop: scenes because they demand their actors to be on set for rehearsal. This actress clearly didn't rehearse so they cut what :marseywtf2: looked worse than what :marseypregunta: we see here.

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I laughed when I saw that. Not as bad as the "everyone's bad at catching Leia" scene from Kenobi, but this series is supposed to be of the highest quality allegedly, and this ain't it

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link hilarious kenobi scene

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Trans lives matter


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fricking lol

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Literally looks like the action from a play put on by middle schoolers :#marseyxd:

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Is that the same castle from Army Of Darkness?

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You will never be a real neighbor. You have no melanin, you have no opps, you have no drip. You are a headass cracka twisted by drugs and gang shit into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “homies” laugh at your ghoulish skin behind closed doors.

Hood neighbors are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed neighbors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even tronkies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a neighbor. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy to hang with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he hears your chipmunk butt crakoid vocal signature.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a honky is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


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