Jennifer Jason Leigh (game designer extraordinaire) creates a virtual reality video game. Featuring Jude Law as a newb g*mer, and Willem Defoe as a gas attendant whose name is Gas. Fricking Gas.
To play Leigh's exciting new game you fondle a kitty shaped controller.
You also need to drill a port in your spine to connect. These ports look exactly like buttholes. Cronenberg of course can't resist directing Law and Leigh to lasciviously finger each other's ports whenever possible.
This gaming equipment was the only good part of the movie because it was at least grotesquely interesting. The rest of it was a staggering painful blend of horrifically insipid acting, dialogue, and story.
Conclusion: the average dramacel will like this movie. I fricking hated it, which means drama will love it.
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it's a good movie.
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Bc of the cool z
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It was ok. Felt like a variation/ retread of VIDEODROME.
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It's up there tbh for cronenberg. I feel like I would enjoy him more without the shoehorning of organic gore shit into to everything pre 2000s. First 2/3 of dead ringers is a master piece then it's trash
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it's not pre 2000s he's still doing that shit
he made crimes of the future last year which is all bodymod shit
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10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial b-word. I used to buy crappy quality cowtools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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Good call. I liked it. Now, knowing you hate it, i like it even more, spite being my favourite condiment.
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Willem Defoe as an NPC in a shitty VR game with extremely realistic visuals and haptics.
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How can you not appreciate
this top tier acting?
"Chinese Waiter" lol
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the waiter is not an actual person, none of them are, so they don't act like people.
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What's Jude Law's excuse?
Thank god he stopped trying to do accents later
in his career. Christopher Ecclestone is in this doing an awful American
accent too.
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jude law is just a weird dude lol.
also, he's playing a VR game in that scene, it's not a normal interaction.
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That sounds terrible, OP. Thank you for the warning.
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You forgot op is a strag
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