My latest surgery finally has almost completely closed my wound but I'm still here watching public access on the hospital tv. I never know what I'm going to get, but I know I'm going to inflict it on you dear dramanauts.
More effort was put into this poster than the movie.
This time I found what was possibly the worst of the countless low budget attempts to cash in off Star Wars in the late 1970s. You know how they used to make Spaghetti Westerns because Italy was so poor and cheap to shoot in? They also made truly awful sci-fi notable for goofy costumes and sound effects that would be more at home in a Hollywood children's serial of the 1930s. Instead of trying to give a detailed analysis I think it's better to just share my train of thought.
Don't ever say Star Trek TOS uniforms were goofy.
The Movie
everyone is wearing goofy euro space uniforms that look like Buck Rogers shit from the 1930s
people's mouths usually aren't seen while they talk because it's made to be dubbed
lots of gesticulating and jumping and hugging, not sure if it's because they can't rely on dialogue or this is just what wops do
there's a supercomputer called Wiz... But can we trust a computer?
Captain Hamilton plays by his own set of rules and punches his superiors when he feels like it, hates computers, but we need him for this mission
Some scientist woman has forgotten how to love and needs the greasy captain to teach her
chica declares that he was so good she'll never go back to robotic s*x toys, Captain declares this his first victory over machines
Enemy flying saucers whizz by with goofy theremin noises
even the journos at the panicky press conference all wear identical jumpsuits for some reason
Ship is damaged so there's lots of old time radio sound effects and cheap effects like the camera slowly spinning around
there's an actual Nixie tube on the bridge, most high tech looking device in the movie
Crash land on Planet Dark Stage. Not much happening
Lots of blundering around in darkness until eventually someone finds a scary robot
the robot is a red light shining through the front grill of a car or something, we know it's bad because scary music plays and everyone screams
now this is a slasher movie as each tard gets bumped off one by one
Captain got teleported to a cave more wandering around looking for the origin of the strange signals
captured by blue people who speak through telepathy
An ancient race that was overthrown by their own machines, nuclear war, every scifi trope that had been tired a generation earlier
captain makes a deal with the Blue Man Group to defeat the monster haunting them
captain goes back to the ship to get weapons, apparently destroys that scary robot from before?
meanwhile on Earth... A scene happens for some reason
Captain's ship's computer tells him to push a red button to kill the bad guy in the end
There's some kind of attack on the ship? 90% of the screen is always dark so it's impossible to tell what's supposed to be going on
there's a big bad robot with lots of bright colored light
Various tired scifi tropes, he wants to build an army of super robots
he brought the humans here to repair him by putting a few printed circuit boards into slots
Captain fixes the robot but then throws a rock at his red button destroying him
The whole planet is going to blow up, we need full power
I think at some point Captain's gf was killed???
the peepeeheads on Earth grovel and thank the Captain for saving them, say that humans really are better than machines
one member of the Blue Man Group is rescued and coming back on their ship
that evil robot they killed a long time ago has possessed a crew member, it's now jumping between them
Blue Man gets in a fist fight with a crew member possessed by the villain
the humans eject them both into space, think they've solved the problem
Captain's baby has just been born???
Captain asks the computer for an ETA home, it calls him an "Earthling" so he realizes it's possessed by the evil villain computer!!!
Somehow they inflicted this movie on other poor countries around the world.
I'm not really doing justice to just how bad it is. Somehow it uses every formulaic scifi cliche and is still incomprehensible half the time. Most of the screen is completely dark all the time to hide how embarrassingly cheap everything is, but what you do see is still embarrassingly cheap. All I can say for the story is that it's humans vs. computers theme makes the ending of Mass Effect 3 look high brow.
My bro Captain Hamilton didn't even get a chance to pick a color in the end. I guess the synthetics were that jealous of his biological peepee.
Several of these shit movies were made by the same team and apparently they're public domain now, so maybe we could have one for an rDrama movie night. The goofy impoverished Eurotrash character of them is quite enchanting.
This movie was directed by "Al Bradley". No, that's the name on his birth certificate.
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Ok but that's legit hilarious
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And so Italian.
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Tbh I love golden age sci fi get ups, and that's a certified
But @cabalist love sucking peepee too
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Inexplicable headwear is a sci-fi trope that I love.
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You say that, but they're not too far from spacesuits of the time.
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yeah but at least IRL there's mikes or speakers attached.
In generic sci fi stuff it's usually midieval caps
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Sheik Redaktør, I must ask.... Would you?
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I think I
the blonde chick at the end who gets possessed but maybe that's just because she's the only one who takes her shower cap off.
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Nah, my nurses are reinforcing it.
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This has been a great Redactor arc
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I've discovered that I don't need to be drunk to write, just really bored.
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It's even got 'spaz' in the title.
Does it at least have gratuitous nudity?
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Not in the version I saw. But it sure could have used some.
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My favourite Italian
sci fi movie
is definitely fascists on Mars
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Is this actually good?
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No it's a nice comedy
but it gets tired
and repetitive, even if the quality
of the jokes/political satire doesn't necessarily get worse, just repetitive, especially since it's made as a weird
film styles with a narrator
It's really
fun though, I had a great
time watching
it, they arrive and don't have any space
gear, and they're able to breathe
air simply because ordered to do so by their leader, and inspired by a bust of Mussolini that they carry around here's a link
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theremin: (click to archive)
Nixie tube: (click to archive)
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The did hokuto no Ken movie
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Didn't MST3k or rifftrax do one of these? I feel like I've seen it before but with some sort of commentary track.
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Likely. But then all Italian zero budget scifi looks the same.
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omg hi
@cabalist!!! okay so this is like super awkward omg but basically i had to remove ur comment bc u didnt say
i love sucking cock
lol. don't worry though, we like wont let you post anything that like doesnt havei love sucking cock
in it. anyways im like just a robot 😲 but if u want to talk 2 somebody you should do it here lolJump in the discussion.
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