The Parallax View (The Test Scene)

The Parallax View is a 1974 conspiracy :marseytinfoil: thriller set in the aftermath of a presidential candidate's assassination :marseyjfk: atop the Seattle Space :marseyhal9000: Needle. A freelance journ*list :marseyreportercnn: (this used to be an actual thing and not just any blue hair with a twitter :marseybluecheck: account) played by Warren :marseycherokee: Beatty inherits the investigation after another journ*list :marseyreporterfox: mysteriously dies. He comes to suspect a government intelligence :marseysnappyenraged2: contractor :marseythebuilder: called The Parallax Cotporation. He presents :marseysanta: himself :marseytedbackstab: as an unstable loner and is recruited into the corporation :marseyglobohomo: who, it turns out, engineer :marseythebuilder: political :marseywatermelon: assassinations by murder :marseymini: hobos such as they believe :marseyparappa: him to be. This sequence represents the psychological :marseygaslighter: test they put him through. What it means, and how it allows the corporation :marseyglobohomo: to assess him is never :marseyitsover: fully explained but it's clearly testing him to see if he's a homosexual :marseyrdramauser: chud.

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