What are the worst cases of millennial writing/redditism you've ever watched? :soyjakyell: :soyjak: :soysnoo:

!kino !trekkies look at Star Trek: Discovery, why millennial writers do this? :#marseypicard:

The worst part is when adults behave like children while children are portrayed as mature and wise.

Compare with this

I'm taking it from Critical Drinker's video, yes he's a chud y*utuber but he's right

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It's DEFINITELY improving after the first few seasons but just frick me is it taking its sweet time in elevating itself above being just somewhat passable

The shit butt boring title sequence doesn't help things either even after it gets busier in s4

Is Voyager more like TNG?


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Personally, Kate Mulgrew being a complete babe got me through voyager.

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I only wish they had stopped changing her hair every fricking episode in the first couple of seasons. I read that it was the UPN president's decision on her hair, and it changed all the time.

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The bun wig in the first three seasons was great because it was SO over the top.

What the frick even is this? :marseyxd:


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Awful. In that first season, her hair was best in Cathexis, which wasn't an awful episode.


Shit, do you remember when they had the 7 of 9 and Captain Braxton time travel episode? They had to reconfigure Janeway's hair again to make it look like first season hair, but by then it wasn't enough. It looked hilariously fake.

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Hnnnng I love that episode. I do remember laughing a bit at their attempts to recreate season 1 lmao.

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Seriously, if you like Trek and also inside stories about the making of it, I really recommend "The 50 Year Mission." Great insights there. For example, did you know that Mulgrew was schtumping Winrich Kolbe, one of the most recurring Trek directors in the Berman era? Or you can learn just how bad Mulgrew was to Jeri Ryan when she came to the show, like fricking awful. Robert Beltran, in perfect Chakotay fashion, mostly checked out by the second year and was mostly in it for the steady paycheck.

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I definitely heard about Mulgrew treating Jeri Ryan like shit. She says she regrets it now at least. I heard Robert Beltran only joined up to work with Genevieve Bujold and then she quit two days in so he just phoned it in super hard after that. And boy can you tell.

I did NOT know Mulgrew was schtupping one of the directors. Was it true love?

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I think it was true lust more than anything. They kept it going for a bit too, but broke up. Mulgrew went on to marry some Ohio Catholic politician or something. IIRC they got together - Mulgrew and Kolbe that is - because both were coming off a divorce.

I don't know if Beltran came on to work with Bujold per se. Berman liked him from his sci-fi movies from the 80s. Bujold was their big get, but it was really apparent from the start she didn't get what she was doing. Plus, she was a movie actress and the TV schedules back then were brutal. You should check out her few scenes on YouTube; she was awful. Beltran is a pretty chill dude though, from all accounts. He tried and tried to get better scripts written, push for shaking things up, but they shot him down, so he just phoned it in.

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She's so enjoyably batshit fricking crazy.

"Oh yeah? You won't do what I say? Well I'll just KILL US ALL THEN" :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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I greatly enjoyed her absolutely murdering the frick outta Tuvix when no one else wanted to.

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Janeway did nothing wrong.

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She was morally right TBQH

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>The shit butt boring title sequence doesn't help things either

To boldly go where... here, we're already here. It's a space station so it doesn't go anywhere.

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Voyager is TNG except the ship is lost way out in space completely out of contact with the Federation or any other familiar species. I like it, so you probably won't. Lots of people don't. They have great borg kino though.

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Voyager is nothing but lost potential for me for some of the reasons you mentioned. But I watched it first-run on UPN, and while I like TNG more, VOY was my first Star Trek that was on week to week, excluding the last two years of TNG.

I am also an oldstrag if that helps.

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Yeah I will freely admit that some of my enduring love for Voyager comes from it being the first Trek I saw.

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It's the Trek equivalent to asking someone what was the best SNL cast. It's usually the one you grew up watching from 7th grade to around junior/senior year of high school.

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Voyager is the best

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THIS tbh

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Last half of DS9 is my favorite Star Trek. Voyager is a snooze fest.

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Voyager is like a 90's take on TOS

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Voyager is easily worst Trek, it's like a grimdark TNG with awful characters.

Still better than most TV.

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Voyslop is trying to be The Next Generation, but they realized that only trekkies and no normies were still watching, so they constantly throw in self-aware references to the lore. It's very derivative.

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Voyager has a kind of interesting plot development and setting but also the worst characters of any Trek. Chakotay is very cringe although he kinda crosses into being hilarious sometimes; Tuvok is like an even more annoying Vulcan with emotional problems and also he's black :marseynoooticer: ; Parris is all the worst aspects of Riker and Bashir in one character; the Doctor is insufferable; Neelix is worse than all of them put together. If you're annoyed by Jadzia and Bashir and Kira you're not going to be happy with the Voyager crew. And at least two of those get better as the series goes on.

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