What are the worst cases of millennial writing/redditism you've ever watched? :soyjakyell: :soyjak: :soysnoo:

!kino !trekkies look at Star Trek: Discovery, why millennial writers do this? :#marseypicard:

The worst part is when adults behave like children while children are portrayed as mature and wise.

Compare with this

I'm taking it from Critical Drinker's video, yes he's a chud y*utuber but he's right

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Borderlands I think was one of the worst but Borderlands was also like the start that allowed it to be so prolific.

why millennial writers do this?

How much time you have? Cuz its Friday and work is slow lol blogpost incoming:

Because think of your average millennial that grew up with us. I'm pulling the number out of my butt but I can confidently assume like >60% of american millennials have spent their youths and young adulthood basically just sitting around and consuming media. Watching cartoons, playing video games, their only friends were on other terminally onlines on MSNM, then skype, then to groomercord, etc. They might have some real life friends but they always come and go and they can never maintain them long.

I'd go further and say its more prolific in millennial households of generational americans and less so in millennial households where they're first generation americans. I'm the latter.

They have 0 real world experience or even skills. Most don't know how to cook for themselves still and have to depend on grubhub to stay alive. :#marseyplex:

>Only 40% of millennials can carve a turkey, compared to 70% of boomers (The Washington Post, 2021).

>Half of millennials (50%) can roast a chicken, whereas boomers would have had higher skills in their 20s due to home economics education and earlier exposure to cooking (The Washington Post, 2021).

>31% of 18-29-year-olds (millennials) felt confident in the kitchen, compared to nearly half (47%) of adults over 50 (The Washington Post, 2021).

>One-third of millennials rely on a handful of dishes they know well, indicating a lack of culinary diversity (The Washington Post, 2021).

>Nearly 60% of millennials don't know how to make salad dressing (The Washington Post, 2021).

Its even worse for zoomers. :#marseyzoomer:

These types become writers to begin with because the only knowledge and skill they have is the media they consume. They also probably think the thousands of hours of online roleplay they do in their MMOs or DMing on Roll20 or gay fanfiction they write constitutes as hot shit writing.

"Mom wants me to get a job so I can move out, but I dont know shit and working at starbucks is tots beneath me. I know, I'll apply to work at Paramount/Netflix/Amazon/Disney as a writer! Not just any writer, a disabled (because they never move their bodies, the body is breaking down) and queer (they're addicted to pornography) writer!"

Next is what to write, right? So they have no real world skills developed or experiences to relate to and write about, all they have is the media they consume, which they then recycle, remix to "modern audiences" meaning their online internet bubble of losers that talk in tumblr speak.

You know what I'm referring to. Where they always end an opinion with a question mark. Their speech an effort of ensuring there is 0 aggression or offense to others but simultaneously edgy with f bombs or f bomb adjacent for TV complimented with snarkiness against whatever opposition, which is always portrayed as obtuse and stupid :brainletmaga: and them as witty, world-weary and intellectual. :smugsnoo:

But they're incapable of making these metaphors subtle. Subtlety is something your average millennial has been bullied about his whole life, jokes constantly flying over his head, any retort or comeback always landing flat against his peers. The only time they think up a clever zinger (maybe) is eight hours later or more and its too late.

Its because while your millennial writer has consumed a lot of media, and perhaps a book or two, the millennial never mastered the skill of critical thought, to take apart the things it reads and understand them at individual levels and do it enough times to actually think quickly. Its why they're incapable of nuances of big political issues and everything is black or white to them.

This is reflected in the media they write now, its why shit like The Boys has constant CURRENT political references that hammer on your head about the bad guys being white supremacists milk drinkers that want to kill all the beaners. Seriously what's with this milk drinking shit? Do Millennials constantly want to reference Clockwork Orange? Is this the only "subtle" jab about nazis that they can think ?

Here is another less extreme example. Think of the new characters in media that have been coming out. Like the new planeswalkers in Magic the Gathering for example. Most of them are introduced as fat queeroids and non-binaries and you know very little else about them. Because the writer does not know about world experiences that can shape a person. Because they never went through it themselves. Whenever they interact with the world and encounter challenge or struggle, they shrink away from it, they pop their xanax and shut their brain off.

I'm not exaggerating, I used to be in touch with a "queer" community manager for a popular media and that was her go to cope when dealing with stresses of life.

They would rather not think than process and learn from what they deal with. :#marseypills:

And this reflects in the things they attempt to create. But its never creation from the void, its always a remix. The millennial writer is incapable of writing something original or at the very least base it on an idea or principle.

Its why Tolkien's work is so strong, despite the current leeches trying to milk it dry and ruin it for good. Tolkien survived WWI and drew inspiration from the world experiences he endured and created a language of his own making, which he then world-built around that language. :#marseythegrey:

None of these millennial writers will ever replicate or accomplish anything similar, ever.

I base a lot of this from the analysis I read years ago about the problems anime/manga were facing where a lot of the new artist and authors of anime come from backgrounds where their only experience is literally consuming anime. Its why newer anime is becoming more immature or edgy, more neurodivergent, with really r-slurred premises because the writers have no idea how to introduce characters and concepts together naturally.

Shit sucks and its going to keep sucking with mass media. Only solution is stick with old media or none at all. I'm honestly kinda thankful for millennial writers because I'm no longer interested in just consuming shit or playing new vidya. Or maybe I'm just becoming more of an adult since becoming a father, idk.

inb4 longpostbot congratulates me.

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It sort of reminds me of how AI unintentionally gets shittier as more AI-generated stuff is added to its training data. Writecels have spent more time consuming media and less time actually having experiences that could inspire good writing, so they can only ape preexisting media instead of coming up with something inspired by their own experiences.

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The singularity will be when 100% Slop is achieved and the AI sudokus itself wiping out all technology and ushering in a new dark age

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Ted's revenge

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It's what Orson Welles complained about when he said new directors were watching too many movies instead of drawing from authentic experiences from real life.

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Yup, I wanted to write in that parallel but I felt like I was already giving too much verbal vomit and already made the point.

But with AI we kind of expect them to be garbage and they're easily trainable. I dont know about your average millennial :marseyclueless:

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This is literally the opposite btw, by training AI with (good) ai results we're able to train cheaper models far more efficiently than we otherwise would

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:marseyshrug: maybe that's the case (I'm r-slurred) but I thought that I heard about an image generation model which got worse w each iteration bc it amplified unrealistic elements that it previously created

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This is just non-cs major """ethicists""" speaking nonsense

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They set the model up to train with no quality control, just blindly dumping the output of one to the input of another. Obviously the solution is to just not do that and models will continue to improve just fine

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>18-29-year-olds (millennials)


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oh noo, @Spysix_Amostnamash I have some bad news

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How could I be 29? I just finished my undergrad. :marseyboomer:

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I already embraced becoming a boomer

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:marseyconfused: isn't carving a turkey just cutting it?

Like it's literally just cutting the legs and properly cutting portions.

And a basic dressing is just some vinegar, pepper and olive oil mixed, I mean they're called vinaigrettes

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isn't carving a turkey just cutting it?

Basically, the only trick is just cutting the right portions of the turkey breast to serve.

A millennial will remember 2000 pokemon names and their types and how to counter them but struggle with many other basic tasks like changing a tire.

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Lmao this got me to properly look it up. Your analysis is about 70% accurate but it also gets bogged down in young people in general.

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To be fair to the millennials, who the frick eats whole turkeys outside of Thanksgiving?

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If you're just one or two people, you're really never in a situation where you're carving an entire turkey. Dad is still doing it at the family dinner because it makes him happy.

How many people actually make their own salad dressing


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Vinaigrette and fresh spinach is excellent poorfood

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actually make their own salad dressing

I do. A basic dressing can be as simple as lemon juice, oil, and salt.

I even make my own mayo half the time. The hardest part is cleaning the food processor after -- and that involves putting the work bowl in a dishwasher.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the start but it was also a good show with great acting and interesting plots so it mostly gets a pass

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I think a part of that was the late 90s early 00s shows that wanted to show more "attitude" which then millennials have decided to exacerbate.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer works fine cause the stakes are fairly low, it's aimed at teens/young adults, and the actors had good chemistry with each other.

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I discarded your opinion the moment I realized you think Tolkien is a good writer.

The hecko whole manlet hobbits with hairy feet will save the world! True wisdom lies in the old days when we all used to hold hands and shit in the woods! Modern technology is le devil!


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So you read pretty far down and agreed until that part? Talk about :#marseyshitforbrains:

I said strong and listed reasons why his work endures but okay gigar-slur who you think is a good writer?

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Philip. K Peepee Valis trilogy

Ted Chiang has some great short story works.

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Philip. K Peepee Valis trilogy

A novel series based on him getting high and being contacted by an aliens :marseycocaine:

Ted Chiang has some great short story works.

You're basically an Isaac Asimov fan.

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Nothing wrong with Asimov, reddit hates him because he's an neurodivergent that didn't give a frick about characterization or women. He's uniquely good at exploring very novel sci-fi concepts and how humanity would struggle to deal with them. Ted Chiang obviously took a lot of inspiration from this cause his works often follow a similar theme and structure.

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There is nothing wrong with that, I'm just making a point that being incessantly nitpicky over bullshit is just that.

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Ted Chiang ain't anything like Isaac Asimov

Rings of Power is an honest representation of Tolkein and you lot cannot handle that truth.

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Ted Chiang ain't anything like Isaac Asimov

Ted himself says Asimov is one of his biggest inspirations :#marseyclueless:

Rings of Power is an honest representation of Tolkein and you lot cannot handle that truth.

Bait used to be believable. :#marseypipe:

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Being an inspiration and being a copy are very different things.


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Being an inspiration and being a copy are very different things.

And yet nerds will eternally debate the distinction.

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Did you know Ted Chiang is just an alias for Cixin Liu?

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Can Cixin dis peepee. :#marseydab:

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Philip K Peepee was a hack pillhead who could barely string a coherent narrative together

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Coincidentally, he was also the only classical science fiction author who could write coherent sexual scenes in his books.


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!ringbearers go get him :#marseythegrey:

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He's not a good writer. He's a great writer.

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and hoors aren't cheap, they are free.

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Millennials were the first generation to get absolutely cucked by the New Economy. Millennials were raised by soft, free-spending boomers who indulged them in all manner of nonsense, and the 2008 recession left many millennials unable to launch. They didn't progress in their careers, buy homes, settle down, and had the early-20s of driftless ennui extend well into their 30s.

As a cope, culture began to reflect this- when it's 2008 and you make 27,500 with a college degree that would have netted you a job starting at 42k 5 years earlier, sitting around watching cartoons, getting high, renting a shitty apartment in a developing part of a metro, drinking beers at a craft brewery and getting into mustache wax and fixy bikes are an understandable way to pass your time when buying a house, progressing up your career ladder and starting a family feel out of reach.

However, by 2016 or so this wasn't an economic reality, but an identity of forever childhood that millennials had adopted as their own, and the victim attitude many felt post-2008 became a defining aspect of millennial identity. Younger millennials who graduated to a booming information economy in the mid-2010s had no excuse to be as sour as their older peers, but the narrative of an utterly coddled generation being inveterate victims who coped with childish pursuits and shirking responsibility became the norm.

Basically, millennials had a tough start to their adult lives, but refused to grow out of it with consumer culture greedily jumping into feed childish desires instead of meaningful life goals.

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I mean, yeah, I was there. 2008 I couldn't even get any apprenticeship anywhere because nobody could afford another minimum wage. I was a bus buy before and literally watched like day and night as the restaurant that used to be packed every weekend and I'd make like 150$ a night go empty and I had to be let go.

and you make 27,500 with a college degree

A college degree in medieval arts, yeah.

Which I knew a chick I was banging was pursuing in.

It didn't help we were telling a bunch of them that they could pursue anything and that they'll all get that house with a spouse and two kids and live on one income. That was clearly an illusion and anyone who believed it wasn't thinking too much of their future.

Which is what most millennials didn't do

And that's on them.

Because I did and I am one of the few who got a degree in an sought after field. That enabled me to accumulate the wealth needed to buy a house.

Has the economy basically been sucking for the last twenty years? Yes. But that's when you adapt or die.

I had to adapt and abandon my dream as a lesbian dance interpreter and become a software engineer.

Maybe in the leftist communist utopia brought by Kamala Harris will make that dream come true and let me do that but also have free housing, free food, free video games....

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By the time I was in school I had no illusions of the "follow your dreams" bullshit. I knew my degree was worth less than the paper it was printed on, and focused on work experience instead which 100% was the way to go

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Absolutely. My degree got me started at 60k in 2016. And I got like. 2% raise. When I got more work experience and worked on my clearance my pay jumped from like 68k to 130k.

And you just gotta keep hopping job titles to get the next pay bump.

So when you get millennials too afraid to go next level or too comfortable to stay where they're at for years they're always going to have a stagnant wage that's falling behind.

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Your last point about their risk aversion is spot on. My wife was rather terrified when I decided to leave my midsized firm and open up a boutique firm with just two of my friends from law school. Like insanely terrified, and I was too; it was the most contentious point of our marriage. But, years later, the pay has gotten right to where it was before, but most importantly I run the show at work and call the shots (well, a third of the shots).

I tell that to some law students today and they look at me like I'm speaking Dutch. I also try to tell them that any firm over 100 lawyers is going to suck their life away to the tune of 80 hours a week, and that doesn't even resonate.

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is going to suck their life away to the tune of 80 hours a week, and that doesn't even resonate.

They hear large team and they're falsely thinking "my work, my mistakes wont be in the spotlight and I can just work with mid level energy and get away with it."

Funny enough I was almost going to be a lawyer as a career path. I was pretty much really good at speech and debate in high school and I was the allstar for Mock Trial club. It seemed like the right moves. My university guidance counselors were pretty useless though as far as like educational path I should go, they basically told me I could major anything in undergrad and go to their law school. I was basically going with an Econ with a legal policy minor.

And I was doing fine with the classes I was feeling nebulous about my future like wtf lawyer was I going to be? Getting an internship with the Maryland Public Defenders office and another internship with a private lawyer at a firm really helped me open my eyes. The PDO had some crazy stories. like fights happening outside the courtroom. But what really told that this wasn't economical for me was the other lawyer I was interning for, he basically was sorta new and he was working under another more senior lawyer, the senior lawyer is actually a well known name in the county. Thing is any case the new guy gets, he has to cut a check of the profits to him.

And I was like man I did not want to start my career being legally pimped out lmao. Like thats too much money sunk in to be a lawyer and have to work many many years for peanuts before I could possibly make it big. It's not like I was Harvard material to begin with :marseykekw:

So I had to tell myself to stop being a kitty and just go all in on computer science. When I graduated with my CS degree my parents, were pressuring me hard to just get "any computer job" and I knew myself well enough if I did just get any password reset monkey job, I'd be stuck there for a year or two before I might get the guts to move on.

Then I got an offer from a recruiter to work with the dev team that worked on Hubble that were (then) working on JWST. The new space telescope. The requirements for the job was a list of spooky shit but it felt like one of those once in a lifetime kind of jobs because it was so I had to tell myself again to stop being a kitty and just go all in.

And so far this strategy in the CS field has been working out pretty well for me. Really helped me develop a not give a frick attitude but still do well.

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Get r*ped cute twink

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James Joyce and his novel Ulysses has been a DISASTER for modern writers. James Joyce was a literal genius writer and everyone trying to ape off his epiphany techniques has mutated into modern slop.


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Kaamrev alt

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Fricking saved. Well said.

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Thanks king !

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I'm honestly kinda thankful for millennial writers because I'm no longer interested in just consuming shit or playing new vidya. Or maybe I'm just becoming more of an adult since becoming a father, idk.

Crackas losing their bread and circuses is really for their own good.

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