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The men who would kill for that lifestyle are generally men who have not lived that lifestyle

The point of fight club is a brotherhood tale, centered around the idea that the 'american dream' is upheld consciously as a utopia but is unsatisfying for men on a subconscious level, who evolved to process risk and succeed on the merits of their own two hands

A larger number of people being unable to reach that non-satisfying non-utopia doesn't mean fight club is outdated. It means it's become pre-dated, ready to be relevant against once those people figure out 9-5 security is boring af

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Should've made an all-Black remake

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Lmao, the racial implications of this would be beyond dramatic, please please someone tell the 🧃 that this would help destabilize the US a lil more

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I recall Patrice O'Neal saying that Fight Club was the whitest movie he'd ever seen. Perhaps anti-yuppie brotherhood is not a topic that American :marseybuffbipoc: would be too interested in.

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How are you going to find THAT many straight black college graduates?

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That conclusion is dumb. What men want is a sense of ownership of their efforts and like they are actually going somewhere in life. A 9-5 job where you are stuck in place will never fill that hole but if you are of the group that can keep moving up you are good to go.

The point the people criticizing the protagonist of fight club for hating is life are missing is that his life is the life of Joe average where he can never hold an actual sense of relevance. It's not about how much you own or how rich you are. It's about how there is no sense of purpose or of having done anything that actually matters because you are drone #95495203 and replaceable by drones #10385938 to drone #95739434. There is no sense of personal accomplishment or life satisfaction but to then conclude that people would be happier getting eaten by wild dogs in the jungle is even more r-slurred.

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>people who take no pride in their work are pointlessly dissatisfied


There are many ways to find purpose and fulfillment, but those chasers :marseychaser: will never understand.

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How do you take pride in serving Mcdonalds to a 40 BMI dude every single day of the rest of your life?

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The knowledge that you're slowly reducing the population of fats on the planet, one heart-attack at a time.

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>What men want is a sense of ownership of their efforts

That's what I said

>and like they are actually going somewhere in life.

nah. Most men only care about station in life in so far as it gets them laid or respected by others.

>The point the people criticizing the protagonist of fight club for hating is life are missing is that his life is the life of Joe average where he can never hold an actual sense of relevance. It's not about how much you own or how rich you are. It's about how there is no sense of purpose or of having done anything that actually matters because you are drone #95495203 and replaceable by drones #10385938 to drone #95739434. There is no sense of personal accomplishment or life satisfactio

Yes. All of this is accurately summarized under "succeed on the merits of their own two hands"

>to then conclude that people would be happier getting eaten by wild dogs in the jungle is even more r-slurred.

humans bop dogs, 9:1 matchup

living in caves and fending off bears with spears and growing tomatoes would absolutely make part of male psychology significantly more satisfied than office work. It would suck because of the other parts, where people also value safety and shelter and comforts and not starving. The vast, vast majority of Americans alive today don't need to worry about not starving or freezing to death, so those concerns are forgotten and minimized.

So, would males be happier as cavemen? No.

Is Fight Club a brotherhood story about how some caveman aspects in life would be more satisfying? Yes.

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Give us the freedom of dying, starving wolves !anime

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but its not, as other comments have already mentioned that in the book the guy ends up failing and getting sent to an insane asylum. Which suggests that the problem of feeling like you aren't where you are meant to be has more to do with the individual than where they actually are, and shifting to the other extreme isn't going to change that sense of emptiness.

On the other hand research suggests that people who work out are happier so who knows.

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The author's thoughts are public record, and he's the one who classified it as a brotherhood tale. He said the two significant influences to write that story was a lack of "ya ya sisterhood" type bonding stories in the male space, and the andes festival of Tinku or whatever it's called, where all the men in the village come out and just punch eachother out until they're satisfied

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That sounds dumb.

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perhaps do something interesting outside of work

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The point of fight club is a brotherhood tale, centered around the idea that the 'american dream' is upheld consciously as a utopia but is unsatisfying for men on a subconscious level, who evolved to process risk and succeed on the merits of their own two hands


Men crave adventure and danger on a monkey level and the american system of being a comfy babysitting zone from birth to crypt denies it.

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I have this lifestyle and it's fricking boring. We need to return to the time where your bosses' lunch was three martinis and you're allowed to openly chase the secretary's skirts at work.

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But Office Space does have a respectable ending where the guy takes charge of his feelings and simply finds himself a job he likes more rather than continuing to complain.

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Don't forget in the original ending. He realizes his new construction boss is just the same as his old boss and the cycle continues.

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Fight Club, OK i see the point

Office Space: they were gonna fire Samir & Michael

Falling Down: he was an abusive lunatic who lost his job

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Fight :marseyevilgrin: Club his job was also pretty :marseyroan: unethical

American Beauty :marseyspa: is the primo :marseybux: example tho, that movie :marseykishibemakima: is gay as frick tbh. Almost a parody of how r-slurred :marseydisabled: the upper middle :marseyfuckyou: class mid-life crisis is. Which is why an r-slur :marseyzoomerimplosion: like Nick Rekieta actively in the midst of a mid-life crisis relates so strongly to it !ranchers

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Counterpoint: Office Space is still hilarious and American Beauty was ALWAYS dumb as shit



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Office space was violently unfunny. It didn't get as much as a smile out of me, which I guess is because it was targeted at losers working office tech jobs.

The only good movie out of that list is Fight Club, and it's because it deals with the universal feeling of apathy, boredom and unimportance which everyone experienced at least once

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The thing about Office Space is that they got the shitty tech job down 100%. There are jobs that are exactly like what's shown in the movie, so for people who have worked a job like that, it has a really documentary feel to it.

Kinda like old Dilbert comics.

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dilbert guy was never ever an engineer, just randomly decided that that would be his niche. mike judge actually was.

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Sure, but many of the Dilbert stories were more or less directly ripped from actual stuff people would send in.

For example, one plot involved the company paying the devs a bounty of $10 for each bug they fixed. But the same devs wrote the code in the first place, so the joke was that they'd intentionally add bugs to their code so they could fix them and get money.

Apparently he got the idea from someone telling him about an actual program like that at their job, except in the real program it was $20/bug. Scott thought that was just too ridiculous so he toned it down for Dilbert.

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I think Scott Adams worked in an "engineering" department at a phone company while he was just starting Dilbert. So even though he never had the degree he just gave Dilbert the job title he had at the time.

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Office Space is relatable if you've ever held a deep seated resentment for your job

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Office Space really illustrates the feeling of hating your job but being afraid of losing it.

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https://media.tenor.com/i3uvgLDN1GgAAAAx/office-space.webp https://media.tenor.com/i3uvgLDN1GgAAAAx/office-space.webp

If this doesn't get at least a smile out of someone idk what to say :marseysuit:

Fight Club isn't bad, but it leaned into "I'm 14 and this is deep" a bit too hard. Which doesn't make it a poor film necessarily, it's just teenagers acting like it was the most brilliant thing ever and refusing to shut up about it for awhile got old fast. Solid ending though, I'll hand it that

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fight club tries waaaaaaaaaaaay too hard. it's a movie edgy teens love and think is the deepest thing ever made.

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You're the second person to mention the perception of Fight Club as a criticism of the movie itseld, and I'd really like to know how exactly that ruins the viewing experience. Because from my perspective, unless you converse with the said edgy teens daily and hear the same shit over and over again, it would literally have no effect on the enjoyment I would get from watching it.

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fight club tries waaaaaaaaaaaay too hard.

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For anyone who was a teen when it came out, or had to work or live with them when it came out, I assure you it was enough to taint enjoyment

Once you've had teens make you listens to them tell you all about the license/vet scene for the nth time it loses any charm it might have had

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i rewatched fightclub with my cousin & her ultrazoomer lil brother. both of them fell asleep :marseyunamused:

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Unsurprising. Foids consistently rate good films poorly and poor films positively and obviously Fightclub can't compete with the fricking massive dopamine hits a fricking zoomer gets from split-screening skibidi potty best-ofs and minecraft fails tiktoks at the fricking same time.

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I walked out of the theater stunned at the beauty of what I'd seen. Not because the movie wasn't r-slurred, just because I think that's the first one I saw where they did digital postprocessing to adjust the colors or something. I dunno, I'm not a film guy but there's some technology they used that was just coming out then (you see it in Seven too) that gave it a very different look. The story was beyond stupid, it was offensive with an adult guy (Kevin Spacey of all people!!!) about to frick a teenager, but then he decides not to at the last moment. And that makes him the good guy because at least he's not right-wing.

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Color grading


They abused it in the late 90s/early 2000s in a tacky heavily stylized way, cuz it was a new computer toy

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The first time I saw it, it really blew me away. It was like the real world except suddenly everything was so much more real. It got old pretty fast tho.

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I remember The Ring abused it

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lol yeah, the Kevin Spacey is only pretending to be a creep (what an actor!) bit aged worst of all, didn't it?

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  • DickButtKiss : The book was an allegory about gay anon s*x, and the bathhouse scene

Fight club movie misses the point of the book. The narrator is a fricking loser who doesn't know what he's doing. All the bomb recipes are made up because you can't publish that kinda shit, but in the book it's integrated into the story. Since Tyler was never real the Narrator has no idea how to actually make bombs so all his bombs are shit and fail and he's arrested and sent to an insane asylum where he lives in endless fear of the violent, hydra organization he's created. Operation Mayhem is as nihilistic and pointless as the capitalist life he lived before. The movie aggressively misses the point. !bookworms

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  • DickButtKiss : How do you do all that and not blow yourself up

!fedposters !ifrickinglovescience !chemistry !bookworms

You always purchase soap oils in the form of triglycerides.

We will discuss later how you can make a more potent version of TNT from crushed aspirin and easily purchased acids.

For now, we will learn how to make nitroglycerin from Etsy wine mom purchases.

A triglyceride consists of three long-chain fatty acids united by a glyceride molecule. !biology

If you add a strong ionic base such as sodium hydroxide (lye as correctly stated in !fightclub) then you release the three long-chain fatty acids from the glycerin and can make soap.

The glycerin layer is visible and extractble.

Let's review something you have seen before. Maybe a magician who made some fire appear out of nowhere? He used "flash paper" which is nitrocellulose. It's made by soaking any form of paper* in 2:1 sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

Literally do the same thing with glycerin. Now you have nitroglycerin. Add an intert filler and now it's dynamite.

Likewise you can start with toluene which is merely a benzene ring with a methyl group. Nitrate it the same way and you end up with trinitrotoluene, aka TNT.

Phenol is a similar structure, but is a benzene ring with a hydroxyl group. It nitrates the same way and is more explosive, and was the early HE in WW1, but was replaced with TNT for increased safety. The final explosive produce is called picric acid.

If you want to make picric acid you can just take your mom's aspirin bottle and watch YouTube.


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Thanks for the fricking tips, motherlover!


I've already converted all the fricking fabric and paper in my house into nitrocellulose and was fricking looking for other things to do with the fricking leftover nitric acid.

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making bombs is insanely easy if you have acess to nitric acid

which of course means that it's impossible to get in macacoland !macacos :chudtantrumfast:

no fun allowed, ever :w#ojaknofunallowed:

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I have a friend who works as an engineer in a quarry, we can get the explosives for rdrama there :marseyakbar: :marseynotesglow:

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When your fedposting radicalizes an entire website

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Aw yeah picric, WW1 spicy explosive

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I won't buy anything from Bayers because of what Germany tried to pull in WW1

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Any self-respecting !fedposters or !oolschayootershays already has TM-31-210 always at the ready on his phone for all his bombmaking needs :taysma#rt:

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downmarsey and shut up idiot

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More importantly, Chuck Palahniuk missed the point of the book, and the point of all his books, which is that he desperately wants a real man to grab him by the throat, slam him against a wall, and tear his butt apart. :marseytariq2:

Unfortunately, he's a racist twink who refuses to associate with anyone other than !pnw Mayos like him and his husband, so that'll never happen. :marseyhomoitsover:

!bookworms, if you think I'm joking or exaggerating, read Adjustment Day. If anything, I'm understating it. :marseycoomer3:

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The problem with fight club is that it cucks in the end, it makes it seem that doing a violent revolution and blowing up banks is actually le bad!

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!commies rate on a fricking scale of 1 to 10 how disappointed you were fricking that the fricking film didn't go on to show Edward blowing up even more capitalist Jew bastards, b-word? I dock a fricking point from the fricking perfect 10 this movie would otherwise get for this reason.


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Never read the book but seeing the plot summarized like this I think the screenplay adaptation was the correct choice

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Counter point; shut the fricking frick up booknerd it was a fricking good movie in its own right

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It was fun and amusing, but it doesn't say anything serious. Its core message is teenage angst about growing up.

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@ObamaBinLaden Say this as a feminist ally

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it was shitty

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Surely if a movie fails to such an extent to reflect the book, you should consider whether the movie is making the same point as the book.

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Operation Mayhem is as nihilistic and pointless as the capitalist life he lived before.

Doesn't the movie make that pretty clear tho? :tayhuh:

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Movie is more ambiguous as they win in the end whereas the book implies project mayhem will go on forever as its more enjoyable fricking with the system vs actually tearing it down.

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I read it but it's been 25 years so now my memory of it just blends in with the movie. :marseygiveup:

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>its more enjoyable fricking with the system vs actually tearing it down

rDrama with reddit for the foreseeable future

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Yes it does. R-slurs don't watch movies.

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Falling Down is one of my favorites and I'm always stunned to see how other people react to it, because it's always either "he was the good guy" or "he was the bad guy". Which totally misses the entire fricking point of it.

It's like when I watched The Song of Bernadette with atheists and at the end they were in turbosmug mode chortling about how this was such a great takedown of Christianity because she dies in the end.

!catholics Somebody who knows wtf I'm talking about get in here and upmarsey me.

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Full movie is on YouTube. It's a classic. I don't usually get into liturgical calendar change griping (@Paragon) but the fact that they moved St. Bernadette's feast off Feb. 18 (the day the Blessed Virgin Mary promised she would experience happiness not on earth, but in Heaven) is a travesty. The BVM :marseyimmaculate: even appeared to her 18 times and that date was a perfect one week off the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. It worked on so many levels. Anyway, great film, great saint, great Marian Apparition with a handful of miraculous healings cross-verified by atheist :marseydoctor:. I am a bit skeptical of some private revelations but I believe this one 100%. !Catholics should at minimum read about her a little because she's one of the great modern Saints. Lot of Pinays named Bernadette, btw.

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One of my favorite movies ever. I guess what I like about it is it's not speaking to people who believe or people who don't, it's speaking to people about the process of deciding to believe. That this is a real decision, it really matters, but it's for you to make. And it's not so obvious that every good person will immediately know the answer and just check the right box.

Also the part about nobody ever recognizing your chronic pain because you're so angelic you never complain, which is actually me irl. :marseyangel:

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I don't care much about the liturgical calendar change, it was just stupid and there was no good reason for it. I reserve my seething rage for when weekday feasts and especially obligations are transferred to Sunday.

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You're the only one who I thought might agree with me about the change. :marseysadwave2: Freeing up certain dates for future canonizations or to allow local Saints to enter the picture made some sense, at minimum, but like plenty of V2 things the implementation has been pretty mixed. Looking at the USCCB Calendar I've only been to a few parishes that put any emphasis on Ss. Elizabeth Ann Seton or Kateri Tekakwitha, for example.

I reserve my seething rage for when weekday feasts and especially obligations are transferred to Sunday.

I'm with you there.

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My TLM parishes and my family have always celebrated feast days according to the older calendar, so the change simply doesn't affect me much at all, except for when I'm attending a Novus Ordo Mass because a feast is during the week and the readings are entirely unrelated, which is disappointing but not something to get worked up over. Generally I'm of the opinion that as many saints should share a feast as necessary and let local devotion sort out which one to celebrate. It's not like there are only 366 saints anyway.

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it's always either "he was the good guy" or "he was the bad guy". Which totally misses the entire fricking point of it.

Michael Douglas's character was a man highly prone to violence. He had a restraining order and his ex-wife mentioned that although he never hit her she always felt he was about to snap at any moment

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Michael Douglas's character was a man highly prone to violence.

True. There's nothing inherently good or evil about that. This violent guy is rampaging across town chimping out and finally letting everything loose. Sometimes he's completely in the right (with the Nazi obviously, with the hard-working Americans, the old guy on the golf course). Sometimes he's clearly nuts and in the wrong and isn't noticing that his idea of doing what's right is hurting innocent people. I mean frick, the scene in the Korean convenience store, I've been on both sides of that.

his ex-wife mentioned that although he never hit her she always felt he was about to snap at any moment


And what happens in the end? Think about that ending scene, how it corresponds with that.

(As an aside if you take things really literally, if a woman says "he didn't hit me but I felt like he might" this is :marseyredflag2: :marseyredflag2: :marseyredflag2: that she's trying to manipulate you into getting into her trouble.)

Over the course of the movie he learns that he's not the good guy, he's not the bad guy, he's just a guy who doesn't have any place in this world anymore.

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he didn't hit me but I felt like he might

My interpretation is that he was the sort of guy who gave tantrums shouting, hitting walls with his fists and throwing things around over petty arguments, there's no need for exposition. But a characteristic of a good film is how viewers can develop so many different interpretations of the motives and characters.

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Yes, that's the basic premise of the movie. They didn't spend 2 hours just to tell you that he's angry so that means he's bad.

I dunno, maybe some of it is cultural. I'm from the west coast, I remember that time, I've dealt with all these groups of people. It's a very intricately layered movie. I think in this case there really are some subtle nuances that went over your head. But tbqh it goes over the heard of basically everybody here under 35 too. :marseydoomer:

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It's actually amazing how often people on this place do the same thing as redditors and don't actually understand subtext of things lol. You're 100% right, the guy was a ticking time bomb and anything would've set him off but the question is how much of it is society's doing. The guy was shaped by the world around him and is more just an unfortunate soul. It doesn't absolve him of his actions but shows how even normal people can be pushed too far.

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the question is how much of it is society's doing


Which is very much not a question with a simple yes or no answer. Hence the need to make a movie to spend 2 hours grappling with it.

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I may not have a place but I can fit into someone else's real easy, most people here are fatsos

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Yeah he was very much the villain in that movie but as the protagonist he became a sympathetic villain. He's a completely detestable, selfish character, it's just some of his goals intersect with general resentment against the system.

It's a good film

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eww gross are you a filthy fricking false idol worshipper

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It's not like that, it's a movie for everybody. In 1940 a Jewish refugee was sheltered in Lourdes for a while and the only way he could think of to repay them was to tell the story of their local heroine. That book is what the movie is based on. It works no matter what (if anything) you believe.

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Falling Down is really good. He isn't the good or bad guy, but an angry man out of place with nothing to lose.

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And that's what he learns through his journey. That in all these fights it didn't matter that much if he was right or wrong, he just didn't fit in anymore. That's how I took it at least.

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My man was fricking just a fricking !goyslopenjoyers and was fricking denied :marseyno: his slop breakfast :marseyheinzbeans:

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society intentionally ignores some stuff. if you act all smug and start "whistleblowing", you'll get a bullet not a medal

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What do you like about it?

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I think I've explained that about both movies elsewhere in the thread, but I'll assume you mean The Song of Bernadette. I like it because it doesn't tell you to believe or not believe and it doesn't hide any of the evidence for and against her. It's not judgmental of people who are willing to believe and it's not judgmental of people who want to see evidence.

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Not really, they just tried to live the people in those movies before earning money and realised too late they aren't good role models.

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