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Things not going so well with Kathleen Kennedy's latest passion project





"Basically they don't have a plan. It's throw your spaghetti plate at the wall and see what sticks kinda strategy."

"They'd miss the wall." :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:


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Why were they writing another Rey movie anyway? They really trying to sunk their costs with this shit.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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The Force Awakens relied solely on cheap nostalgia to gross over 2 billion dollars, now they're just left with the cardboard Mary Sue character.

Is Rey even a fan favorite among the people who unironically liked the sequel trilogy? My impression was that Adam Driver played the only mildly popular character. I wonder if the token black guy who ended up doing nothing is more popular than Rey.

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Finn was at least interesting in the first movie. Great chemistry with Poe too. Then they decided it took attention away from foids or something.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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the finn poe gay love fan fic didnt score as many points as they thought it would...

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Adam Driver was jacked and totally dark and powerful. He's literally me

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The Poe and Finn bromance in the first movie was more interesting and likable than anything else in the trilogy. So of course they made sure to never include it again.

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Back when TFA came out there was a gaggle of dummies bemoaning the lack of Rey action figures (though if I remember correctly there were Rey figures, she just sold out quickly 'cuz she was the star of the film!), and they blamed this on sexism. I'm wondering if Lucasfilm took those complaints to heart and think she's much more popular than she really turned out to be…

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The first movie being kind of okay was one of the worst things that could have happened, in heindsight. People didn't hate the characters and it was "Starwars" enough to be kind of satisfying. People bought the new merch because they thought the new characters were kinda neat and were excited for where they would go from there. Which gave Disney the impression they had captured the magic.

This gave the IP some momentum going forward.

And that momentum propelled it right off a cliff and Disney execs were left genuinely confused as to what went wrong.

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>Should we pivot to the 35 to 60 Star Wars fan demo who has all the disposable income?

>No. Let's keep chasing the kid and young adult demographic that doesn't care about Star Wars with content that the older demo hates.


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Most of that 35 to 60 demo is going to watch it anyways.

They're trying to get a new audience involved so Star Wars doesn't become something only old people like.

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That's why you aim for the nerds who managed to have kids, so they want to share it with them like they do with the original trilogy. Jar Jar Binks was actually popular with kids.

Did kids like anything much of the new Star Wars? Porgs, Baby Yoda, BB-8 maybe, but did they get sucked into the story? I don't really know for sure, but I doubt it.

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Most of that 35 to 60 demo is going to watch it anyways.

That's the exact thinking the Disney execs had and that's how we ended up here. They really aren't watching, which is why even a good show like Andor didn't have an audience. And even when they do show up to watch, a lot of the ancillary stuff like merchandising gets ignored which used to be huge cash cows.

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Annoyingly they almost got there with Rogue One, but seem to refuse to go back that direction.

I can't wait for Rogue Two: Somehow Jyn returned

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Sad part is Rogue One wasn't even all that good, and even outright dumb in a few places, and it's still one of the better things they put out.

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I've seen most of the new star wars movies (not episode 9 tho) and rogue one was the best of the lot. It wasn't like an excellent movie or anything, but it was imo the only passable one. Episode 8 was so bad I didn't even bother with the trilogy finale. I'm still not sure why the purple b-word had to pilot the ship back into the enemy - surely this far in the future they have some sort of autopilot they can program, right? Her whole story basically made no sense, on top of being a terribly unlikable character.

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Sure but rogue one is a 6 while the rest are 3s and 4s. It might be the best of them, but it's clearing a very low bar.

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Rogue One is a bad film with a good third act. :soysnoo5: just have the same memory of a stupid dog

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I remember watching it but can't remember anything about the plot except the ending :marseyhmm:

rating: mid/10 Not the worst movie I've ever seen but wouldn't watch again.

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You can tell there was a better film in there before recuts

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How does this foid still have a job? Does she have petabytes of 4k videos of everyone at Disney at Epstein Island and Diddy's freakouts?

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She has Bob Eiger's pictures of raping babies on Epstein's island

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Her job isn't to make good movies that turn a profit, her job is to help destroy western civilization

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Dude just put a chick in it and make her gay and lame.

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!gonks star wars Sneed thread

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Her passion is getting paid for making bad movies.

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She's the perfect foid then :marseyfoidretardlove::marseyfoidretardlove::marseyfoidretardlove:

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What I don't get about Kennedy is that she was producer on an enormous pile of classic kino from the 80s and 90s. She did basically all the Spielberg movies

Is this just the Peter's principle? Was she always a hack?

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She got older and the world changed. She's a Current Year foid now.

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She's a Current Year foid now.

What could possibly make you think that?


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:marseychonker2: :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyrowling: :marseyrowling:

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Everybody in that thread seems to be insisting that the issue with the new trilogy was there wasn't enough screentime for cameos of the original characters.

The reality is that the writing fricking sucked, and the new characters sucked as a result of that.

You can make a good star wars movie with good characters and a good story and without Skywalker at all, but unfortunately you need good writers to do that and I simply don't think Disney has any.

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All you needed to do was stick the original 3 on the Falcon.

"WHOOOOOOOO! Just like old times ehh kid?!"

"Who you calling kid Han?!"

"Boys will be boys!"

"guttural Chewbacca yell"

"Thats right Chewie!"



"Guttural Chewbacca yell"


"Guttural Chewbacca yell"

"Thats right Chewie! Looser than an Mon Calamari egg sac!"

Then they jettison Leia into space, and she uses the force to sneed and travels onto a different ship and becomes a Sith Lord.

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throw your spaghetti plate at the wall and see what sticks

no one has ever said this. it's not a saying. :hmph:

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Rey Star Wars movie

Ha. Yeah lets make a movie about the character most people either hate or dont care about.

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Make her wear a sexy outfit, sword fight some baddies, and fall in love with a cute boy and I'll probably watch it.

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:marsey40k: :marseynurgle: :marseyslaanesh: :marseykhorne: :marseytzeentch:

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