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Trimph of the Shills :marseycrusader:



Rightoid mag National Review's house negro Armond White examines the intellectual decadence underpinning HBO's tits and dragons cash grab show, complete with Susan Sontag and Leni Riefenstahl references.


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Premiering Sunday nights, the episodes offer new immoral Sunday School lessons about the post-Christian world, teaching viewers to enjoy ruthlessness.

death to wingcucks

While HBO subscribers simply consider Game and Dragon as entertainment, the unanimous media approval suggests there’s something undeniably political — and sinister — in their appeal to the zeitgeist.

the liberal conspiracy has invaded television? :marseypearlclutch:

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I wonder if the author typed this up in a smell-proof room so none of the farts escaped


Has anyone watched this show and is it good?

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It's ok so far. Some of the costumes and wigs look really cheap and it doesn't really grap you the way the pilot episode of GoT did, we'll have to see how it develops. Beats watching She-Hulk anyways

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Armand White is the National Review’s pet lunatic.

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