Winnipeg pride parade BLOCKADE :marseysjwgenocide:

!leafs the pride parade got blockaded by chuds!!!

:marseyhomofascist: :marseyhomosupremacist: :marseysalutepride: :marseysjw: :marseylgbtflag3: :marseypridepearlclutch:

:chudtantrum::chudseethe: :chudtantrum: :chudseethe: :chudtantrum::chudseethe: :chudtantrum:

except it wasnt chuds at all lmao


Happy Pride Month :gaynadaflag:


!leafs we are entering tumultuous times on the prairies. Some absolute lunatics voted AGAINST a rainbow something or other :marseyscared:

The bill to establish Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility passed a final vote with unanimous support of the governing New Democrats and most of the Opposition Progressive Conservatives in the chamber.

But four Progressive Conservatives voted against the bill, prompting Premier Wab Kinew to accuse them of engaging in "an act of hate."

NDP House leader Nahanni Fontaine called the no votes "disgusting."

We really should expel these worthless conservicuck contrarians and establish a proper democracy once and for all


...and people say nuthin cool ever happens in this town.


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

May the Gods bless PEI if it keeps stonewalling these charlatans.


Many subs talking about it:

Reported by:
  • FBlshill : this user has blocked me. boooooo

This was referenced in a /h/leafland post yesterday, but that reddit post got jannnied.

Toronto nightclub kicks DJ out for playing Kendrick's drake diss, tell him he's not getting paid





:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Leaf in trouble for being funny


alberta is voting to become the 51st US state

finally poor colonized canadians are standing up to their oppressors.

here's a source on the story.



He who laughs last laughs longest.

That certainly seems to be the case for Facebook parent company Meta in its ongoing war of words with the Canadian government over paying for news content under its ill-conceived Online News Act.

After opting to remove news content its platforms, a study from the Media Ecosystem Observatory at the University of Toronto and McGill found that Facebook has seen no loss in usership despite an overwhelmingly negative impact on Canadian news outlets.

That means instead of being forced to pay for news content, Meta has actually benefitted at the expense of the Liberal government in Ottawa.

“We find little evidence that Facebook usage has been impacted by the ban. After the ban took effect, the collapse of Canadian news content production and engagement on Facebook did not appear to substantially affect users themselves,” the study reads.

“However, the ban undoubtedly had a major impact on Canadian news. Local news outlets have been particularly affected by the ban: while large, national news outlets were less reliant on Facebook for visibility and able to recoup some of their Facebook engagement regardless, hundreds of local news outlets have left the platform entirely, effectively gutting the visibility of local news content.”

The study analyzed the 987 Facebook pages of Canadian news outlets; 183 personal pages of politicians, commentators and advocacy groups; as well as 589 political and local community groups.

The study found that the Facebook pages of Canadian ‘political influencers' experienced neither an uptick nor a downturn in engagement. Facebook groups dedicated to discussing Canadian politics did not experience an exodus of members, nor a decline in frequency of posting.

And while sharing of news links became impossible, users quickly adapted by posting screenshots of news articles. “Meta's ban on news sharing in Canada does not appear to have had an adverse effect on the number and attentiveness of active Facebook users in Canada.”

The irony — or injustice — is that the Online News Act was aimed at protecting smaller news outlets. But in fact, the big subsidized media organizations were the ones that came out on top.

National news outlets lost about 64% of the engagement they previously had via Facebook users, while local news outlets lost about 85% of their Facebook engagement, the study said. About half of all local news outlets completely quit posting on Facebook within four months of the ban.

The Western Standard does not accept federal funding and instead relies on subscriptions and advertising to support its operations.


This was posted in /r/CanadaPolitics, the last leftoid Canada sub in a sea of :chudseethe:. It's about 15 paragraphs of smug pseudo-intellectual preamble before it actually gets to the meat of the argument. Here's an excerpt from the intro:

Conspiratorial thinking can act like quicksand. Even the most seemingly benign conspiratorial belief can suck the believer deeper into morass and closer to hateful, sometimes nakedly fascist, figures. The roots of conspiracism run deep in Canada, and the trajectories of several intellectuals and pseudo intellectuals show how easily these ideas can be harnessed by fringe political movements and have pulled the educated, respectable, and influential into alliances with noxious elements of Canadian politics.

Horrible. :marseyyikes:

1. Canada Doesn't Have a Constitution

I don't know anything about this and I'm not really interested in it at all, so I'm just going to skip it. You guys can go through it. Seems very similar to the "sovereign citizen" movement in the US.

2. The Anti-Fluoride Movement was started by a fascist

This part is when it actually gets ridiculous. The author attributes fluoride skepticism to a famous literary scholar (who also happened to be an antisemite and anti-multiculturalism), Watson Kirkconnell.

In the 1920s, he proposed banning interracial marriage, prohibiting so-called non-white immigration, creating unemployed labour camps, and sterilizing the “unfit.”

Sounds like your average Canadian tbh. :marseyshrug:

What the author fails to mention at all is that fluoride skepticism didn't stem from Kirkconnell and is, in fact, a prominent topic of discussion WORLDWIDE in the scientific community. This is from an article on the NIH website:

The controversy over fluoridation of drinking water supply began as early as the 1960s, approximately a decade after the American Public Health Service officially launched the National Fluoridation Program. The controversy has gained momentum over the years as more research is released to support the stance of the antifluoride lobby. Several factors have spurred the present-day controversy. The irreversible, debilitating effects of fluoride toxicity, the transient effects, and hence the continuous need of exposure to fluoride to maintain caries resistance and the fact that benefits of topical use of fluoride are as good as ingested fluoride are some of the leading contributing factors.

3. NWO/anti-vaccine conspiracies were started by (you guessed it) a fascist

This part again focuses on one anecdote of an academic having antisemitic views to prove that any theories of a New World Order or shadow government are wrong.

A notable proponent of New World Order conspiracies was also a pioneer in Celtic studies in Canada: Robert O'Driscoll, a distinguished academic whose credentials were eagerly exploited by evangelizing antisemites and neo-Nazis.

It's funny how any academic who buys into any right-wing beliefs must have been "manipulated" or "exploited". There's no way an educated person could have come to those conclusions on their own.

O'Driscoll's understanding of the global conspiracy was complex and involved wild claims about the usual suspects: Jews and Masons and Catholics, all of whom were allegedly conspiring to shape a global government. He saw the tentacles of conspiracy on campus, thinking that the accusations of antisemitism he was facing were somehow also part of the same plot that he believed was inducing the chemistry department to bioengineer an HIV-like supervirus.

Pack it up boys, this one guy whose 40-year-old theory of a GMO supervirus didn't come to fruition, so any further criticism of vaccines is hereupon DEBOONKED. :pepeleave:

The grind never stops :horny:
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