I read a 126 page PDF of one of the most recommended r/nosleep stories and the entire thing ended up being completely not scary and the only purpose was to build up to the last few pages where the narrator learned that just because she doesn’t say “no” doesn’t mean it’s not r*pe, from his (“Yiddish”) therapist

That’s it. That’s all. That’s literally the entire purpose of the story. To make a point about enthusiastic consent.

It’s The Spire in the Woods, if you’re wondering. I needed to find a PDF because it got turned into a book and I’m not paying to read fricking Reddit posts. It’s absolutely not worth your time.

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Nosleep is riddled with female writers and "wholesome horror", both of which are an oxymoron.

There are some diamonds in the rough tho. I might find get you some recommendations if i can remember them.

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Nothing makes me angrier than the “wholesome nosleep :,)” bullshit omfg. You have to scroll to the comments and check for the usual Reddit tard shit about ninjas cutting onions or doggos and whatever before reading anything anymore or else you’re liable to repeatedly spend 20 minutes on massively upmarseyd “scary” stories about how “yeah the spooky demon ghost monster pupper was from HECK but he hated homophobes more than anything else.”

This one got a rec from one of the few consistently good writers, Grand_Theft_Motto. I thought I could trust it :wah:

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tfw you are above believing in a righteous God but jerk yourself raw over stories about monsters that eat male feminists.

https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/63ubzl/how_to_survive_in_hell/ one of my favorites. My tastes in horror are pretty much it being scary. I don't search for deeper meanings like "the real horror was humanity after all".

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lol I remember that one. It felt like vidya but it was fun and conceptually it was interesting.

Deeper meaning is fricking r-slurred.

I’m not looking to be moralized at by redditors. Especially not ones who write ostensibly scary stories for free. R-slurs. I like cosmic horror and the ever-more-rare well done supernatural shit. Nosleep has become increasingly horror-free, wholesome, focused on having a moral, or bland butt “realistic” horror.

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This is the same issue mainstream horror has had too. A Quiet Place and Birdbox heralded in a whole genre of a shitty faux deep thriller movies disguised as horror and people are eating them up. So now to find actual horrors you have to sift through the shitty millennial pieces.

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the real horror was humanity after all

Well no shit, only humans can choose to eat male feminists :marseyblowkiss: :marseyjason:

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Any fan of horror should be familiar with this shit.

Look up RT scores on your favorite spooky films. Read the reviews. Notice how Jordan Peele's Us was in the top 5 scariest movies of 2019.

Democracy is a joke.

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How many horror movies with actual substance get made in a year anyway? I'm surprised they had enough candidates to fill 5 spots.

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It's rotten tomatoes.


80% on tomatoe's :soyjackwow: meter, 25% from people who weren't paid to see it.


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A more recent one i liked. I have a special love for creepy places.

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I like Odd_Directions a lot! He’s got some flops and nothing I’d consider amazing or anything, but he’s consistently fun and the Scandinavian take on things is interesting.

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It's no surprise that redditors love the Babadook

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The only ones I remember from before nosleep turned from "some pretty good stories if you check by top/month from time to time" to "irredeemable trash no matter how you search for posts" are the collection of short stories from a rescue officer (which at one point I think was the most upmarseyd post on nosleep) and the multi-part story of a young boy being stalked by a man over the course of his entire childhood which was last updated... 10 years ago :marseydespair:

Edit: Actually, there's one more I remember, I can't remember whether it was a nosleep story or a creepypasta but I was wondrering if anyone else remembered it because Google isn't showing anything. The general gist of it is that a guy does a haunted house (or something along those lines) where all the rooms are numbered, and it's very spooky and scary etc and he leaves after, say, number 19, and then when he comes home to his house he finds the number 20 in his living room. ANyone else remember this?

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The Penpal story was my introduction to Reddit lmao. Makes me nostalgic.

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Same, I think I first found it linked in an r/askreddit thread (back when new users were automatically subscribed to r/askreddit) and it was the first thing that really made me think "Wow, Reddit really is significantly better than any other social media site", shame everything once good about the site is gone now; the advice "just subscribe to subreddits you're interested in and never browse r/all" doesn't even work anymore, like okay I go to r/guitar and it's just the same as everywhere else on Reddit but everyone's talking about playing guitar, same powermods, same SNOY userbase, just a constrained to one specific topic.

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Borrasca, most stuff by Vincent v cava and 'I dared my best friend to ruin my life' top tier stuff

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I think the Borrasca guy added an epilogue like a year after the original, never got around to reading it tho.

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If its what I'm thinking about, it's Borrasca V, it's like 3 hrs on it's own, and it's worth a listen if you liked the first part

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The SAR story is the first one I think of when trying to think of redeemable spooky Reddit stories. Horror in the woods is generally good when in prose format. Terrible when filmed.

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I remember the story in your edit. It was like a game with a money reward that the protagonist decides to try out when his friend emails him from inside the game and he thinks he is joking about all the supernatural shit. Am i correct?

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Yep, spmeone else replied to me, it was called noend house. Pretty spooky stuff

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The no end house

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As far as creepy fan-fiction goes the the scary stories threads that show up in askreddit can be pretty good when it gets past the same shit that's been reposted a billion times (dyatlov pass, tanam shud, etc...). Also r/LetsNotMeet has some solid creepyposting every once in a while.

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Randos on askreddit being better writers than the full time ones in nosleep is a fun phenomenon :marseynightmare:

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Russian Sleep Experiment was basically the only good nosleep and i don't even think it originated there

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That story is complete garbage and you probably only thinks it's good because the last time you read it was at least half a decade ago. Here's the last few paragraphs to jog your memory:

He pointed his gun at the remaining subject, still restrained to a bed as the remaining members of the medical and research team fled the room. "I won't be locked in here with these things! Not with you!" he screamed at the man strapped to the table. "WHAT ARE YOU?" he demanded. "I must know!"

The subject smiled.

"Have you forgotten so easily?" the subject asked. "We are you. We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread."

The researcher paused. Then aimed at the subject's heart and fired. The EEG flatlined as the subject weakly choked out, "So... nearly... free..."

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ok you're right, i was like 15 lol

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i think that was regular creepypasta

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You'll find better nosleep by ditching the "nosleep" label and just looking for places were fresh creepypasta are posted as creepypasta.

It's mostly written by teenagers, and some of it is terrible. That being said, you're more likely to find originality in the minds of youth that are untainted by reddit, since they still know what scary is, and haven't built a nuerodivergent fortress aground their minds where even the horror has to be "wholesome" where everything is rehashed to make it feel even safer. I've seen a few newer creepypastas by obvious middle schoolers that are unironically great concepts. All they need is an editor to make it not feel like a 7th grade English paper. I don't have any examples on hand because I don't enjoy creepypasta that much, I just know it's a better read than nosleep in the current year.

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I don't care but can we get more hippoposting

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Agree. I’m just imagining how great it’d be to eat a whole watermelon like that in one go.

Hippos are really interesting creatures but it’s really gross to see them pooping

Here’s what happens after a couple watermelons. They fling it everywhere.

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Me when I come into a post on all the local city subs on reddit.

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This is why you wear diapers gramps

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Based shitflingers

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poop storm :chad:

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Based fertilizer spreader.

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reading "literature" from redditors


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i only read stories from our bros at lesswrong. Harry Potter and the methods of rationality is one of the greatest works of literature from the 21st century.


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Chad Chris Langan needs to write HIS Harry Potter fanfiction if he ever wants to pwn the Virgin Eliezer Yudowsky

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yes means yes


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i remember i actually used to like reading nosleep (when i was in high school) but most stories were hilariously bad. especially the endings. at some point i got frustrated and stopped.

the buildups were often interesting, maybe redditors were just freestyling it and couldnt come up with a good ending idk.

the most upmarseyd shit was always awful because redditors have no taste

if anyone has actually good nosleep stories please post thx

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There’s tons of really good ones actually. The overwhelming majority is fricking garbage, and it’s gone way downhill over the years, but there’s still consistently a few good ones a week, so I generally sort by Top->Week on the weekend. This week being an exception, which led to me looking for hits I’d missed. Never again.

edit: @crat u/polterkites has some good mindfricky shit, this one is long but it’s brilliant imo


It’s episodic (long since completed) and starts out seeming like a generic “rules” story, but he subverts and subverts and subverts. It’s worth your time if you’re looking to kill like an hour or two reading.

He’s on hiatus now tho because Netflix bought a different story of his and they’re apparently spending quite a bit turning it into a movie.

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i dont read this stuff anymore but when nosleep started getting shit r/libraryofshadows was better

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I looked up a reading of 'the man in my basement' on YT, it clocked in at ~5hrs and I finished it just now, great story, and suited to a runtime that long, which not all of them are, if you know of any other good stories that long lemme know

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/x/ used to be great for decent no sleep style stories. No idea where they stole them from. Maybe search for "creepypasta" instead of no sleep so you don't get pozzed stories

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It’s absolutely not worth your time.

Wasn't really planning on investing it, tbh. If someone actually was - raise your hand! :marseywave:

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holds up spork

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How many actually valuable novels are under 126 pages that you could have read instead? Most of Kafka, for example. Notes from the Underground, a good portion of Steinbeck’s works. There’s even horror books worthy of reading, if you’re truly a man-child who needs that sort of sensory titillation.

Moron. Have some fricking respect for your mind. Do you want to end up like me, utterly r-slurred? Do you also subsist on cigarettes and gas station burritos? Fool. Apologize to yourself and read an actual book.


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Yes go on



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Did you arrange those books just to demonstrate how wrong I was? Fricking nerd. Books are for dorks.

Also, saying you can read trash because you already read good books is like eating a salad and saying “now I can pack my face full of candy”.


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Also b-word I ain’t seeing a single Faulkner up in that shit. Ain’t you southern? The frick is this shit. I’m seething. Frick you and your lack of Faulkner, and frankly, your bookshelf only has one American on it, Nabokov, a goddarn p-do.

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Faulkner is a fricking hack. I remember in high school being excited before we started that unit because everyone always goes on about how good his writing is, and then being incredibly disappointed when it sucked. I don't even remember what we read because I zoned out 5 minutes in.

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Wow shocking that your tiny zoomer brain is so dopamine fried you can’t concentrate on Faulkner, whose sentences comprise more than three words. You’re a fricking hack, you also a b-word neighbor.

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I more offended that you think I'm a zoomer than anything else in that mass of shit you called a post.

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“Mass” = like 30 words max

Illiterate confirmed


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See that was way better. You learned what Faulkner never did - brevity is the soul of wit.

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Steinbeck :marseyjamming: :marseyjamming:

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Wow a fricking hierarchy of garbage I DIDNT FRICKING KNOW I WAS IN NEW YORK


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humble yourself and read some Harry Potter

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I read a 126 page PDF


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I'm either glad for you or sorry it happened

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>I’m not paying to read fricking Reddit posts


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Hello Carp, I agree with how usually r/nosleep stories suck and are not scary. But there was one exception for me, "Stairs in The Woods" it was just a bunch of fun little short stories. And It was even a little bit spooky.

Lots o' Love,

Soren S.

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I used to own the nes Godzilla game when I was a wizlet , and saw that the creepy pasta about it was one of the most popular ones there was so I saved it to read later. I read it like 4 years later and holy shit it was bad. Like really really bad. The people that find this shit scary are the same ones who will post a pic of a regular doll and talk about how creepy it is.

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I liked this old-school creepypasta a lot: https://angelfire.com/trek/caver/

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Angelfire domains still exist? I’ll give this a try later just for the novelty of it.

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I was surprised too! I originally saw it as an archive.org link, then found a better source on some fandom.net subsite, and then decided to check what's up with the original, and lo and behold, Angelfire is still alive LMAO!

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I didn't think the story paid off the long build-up, but i was much younger when i read it so idk.

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Yeah, it's kinda slow in the beginning (I was skipping some paragraphs until it actually went into claustrophobic details), but I think that the ending was pretty much the best we could expect in the circumstances. Like, I was afraid it was going to do a variety of much worse things.

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if I remember correctly he went into neurodivergent detail on how caving works for a couple pages worth of paragraphs.

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Yeah, but at some point it turned quite scary all in itself!

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You disgusting worms, I can read in TWELVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. I have a MA in English and a doctorate in Education...

... and EVEN I think that the "classics" are shit for modern kids.

You're not on my level, trust me. So take a MOTHERFRICKING SEAT & leave my people alone.


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Some of the most recommended nosleep stories I've seen have turned out to be really meh tbh, I don't get the praise. I was always curious about The Spire in the Woods but never made the effort to look for it so I guess I'm not missing much? And yeah, they started with that wholesome nosleep bullshit and between that and the 1 million part stories that kinda killed the sub for me, sad :marseycry:

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Did your 4th grade teacher assign you a book report to do and you posted it to rdrama instead of handing it in to her?


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They still doing that strike shit? Nosleep has some good shit. Recommend reading at least the top 5 of all time.

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:marseywords: :marseylaugh:

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Darn, you must be desperate for reading horror stories this spooktober if you're going through r/nosleep content

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Someone send this dumb b-word the "just because you regretted it the next day doesn't make it r*pe" PSA, and I mean it unironically.

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The real problem is that it's original idea of "scary stories but they're being told as if they actually happened" was forgotten as far as the actual writing is concerned. You can still see its legacy in the comments IIRC, with every r-slur LARPing it out like the above story was a totes true account. Once the sub forgot about that rule it just devolved into half assed fanfiction tier shit and "wholesome" horror (the latter of which makes me sneed hard).

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I disagree. The "larp as a true story" rule made it so that every story had the protagonist escape and make it back to civilization so they can write a post on reddit, or told through someone else's found notes and stuff. Really limiting, especially on how you can end a story.

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Yeah. But at the same time the few remarkable stories that are on there almost all adhere to that rule. My dead GF on Facebook and the park ranger series being the best two examples. The protag dying doesn't really make the content any better, and the former story I mentioned kind of proves you can keep the ambiguity/stakes of the traditional horror "will they survive" if you're a decent enough writer. :marseyshrug:

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nosleep stories are not scary and made for and by literal children


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See this and tell me Reddit isnt a psyop orchestrated by the UN, Illuminati and Bezos


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:marseylaugh: :marseydicklet:

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I didn't realize there were fellow scary story fans on rdrama! Good to see.

Here's a scary story I wrote a while back. I wanted to make it more interesting than your normal scary stories, so I made it interactive. Look at what celebrities are wearing in their social media posts and you'll see what I mean.

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