Dante's inferno

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Didn't Dante spend his whole life simping over some aristocratic foid that wouldn't touch him? Was Dante the ur-incel?

Edit: Looked it up

Beatrice was the daughter of the banker Folco Portinari and was married to another banker, Simone dei Bardi. Dante claims to have met a "Beatrice" only twice, on occasions separated by nine years, but was so affected by the meetings that he carried his love for her throughout his life.

:marseyemojirofl: Bankerchads :marseycapitalistmanlet: keep winning, philosocels get rekd. :marseyschopenhauer:


Eww, Bea, watch out for the creeper in the hat. He looks like he's about to write an epic allegorical poem about you. Gross.

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He's just like me :marseyme#:

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Incel chud reeeeing about (((bankers))) and (((merchants))) writes a self-insert which includes his favorite author (Virgil) and the girl he simps, meanwhile everyone he hates is in heck suffering for all eternity. I wonder where Dante would be in the modern era.

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Although Petrarch would probably be even worse, he wrote a short book, the Segretum where St. Augustine and him reflect about his depression and constant internal struggle over the incompatibility of being in love with Laura (a woman he only saw once and never talked to like Beatrice is for Dante), seeking worldly acclaim with his poetic works and being a moral christian man. For the weebs out there, those dialogues have basically the same tone as the train dialogue scenes and last two episodes from Evangelion. And also Boccaccio another writer of the time wrote an entire book, Il Corbaccio about why foids are le bad :incel:, so there's that.

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>daughter of a banker


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yeah sorry for not remembering all the specific details of dante's simpery from a university philosophy class ten years ago.

get fricked, pedantrycels.

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>not knowing that bankers and merchants are lessors to aristocrats and nobles anywhere in the world


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Please, I just forgot she was a bankerfoid, so sue me.

Don't make me quote Rörig on the medieval city and the rise of the burgher class.

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so sue me.

Maybe I will :!marseyindignant:

Don't make me quote Rörig on the medieval city and the rise of the burgher class.

Why would I be afraid of a burger? They're delicious! :marseylickinglips:

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Also, Dante was huge chud, even for his time. He copes and seethes about the fact that merchants :chudconcerned:started having more power and influence, than minor noble families like his, in Florence, the city he was kicked out of due to his political faction losing :chuditsover:. He also says that the Catholic Church is corrupt and, at one point that the Arno river should be dammed in such a way as to flood the city of Pisa, whose citizens according to him are the "shame of the peoples" :chudtantrum:. Although he does respect his rhetoric teacher who went to heck for sodomy. :marseyhomofascist:

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He was literally a paid shill

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Wait really, by who? :marseyshook:

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seethes about the fact that merchants :chudconcerned: started having more power and influence than minor noble families like his,

!nonchuds We Wuz Venetians n' Shit

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At one point he explicitly claimed to be descended from the ancient Romans while most the commoners of Florence were from some barbaric Italic tribe or something like that according to him.

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Wait really?

Though Romans were originally part of an Italic tribe so that is not to big of a difference

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Yes, in the lines from 61 to 78 of the Canto XV of the Inferno. Here is an English translation that butchered the original Italian rhymes and tone but keep most of the meaning intact. The bad people are the the citizens of Florence (which according to Dante had fallen :doomerchud: in the XIV century) who are prophesied to banish Dante despite him not doing anything wrong and are also descended from the Etruscans of Fesole. The town of Fesole was razed to the ground in Roman times when its people supported Catiline's conspiracy and the survivors reportedly moved into Florentia, now Florence.

I would have given thee comfort in the work.

But that ungrateful and malignant people,

⁠Which of old time from Fesole descended,

⁠And smacks still of the mountain and the granite,

Will make itself, for thy good deeds, thy foe;

⁠And it is right; for among crabbed sorbs

⁠It ill befits the sweet fig to bear fruit.

Old rumor in the world proclaims them blind;

⁠A people avaricious, envious, proud;

⁠Take heed that of their customs thou do cleanse thee.

Thy fortune so much honor doth reserve thee,

⁠One party and the other shall be hungry

⁠For thee; but far from goat shall be the grass.

Their litter let the beasts of Fesole

⁠Make of themselves, nor let them touch the plant,

⁠If any still upon their dunghill rise, ⁠

In which may yet revive the consecrated

⁠Seed of those Romans, who remained there when

⁠The nest of such great malice it became."

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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

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keep yourself safe honestly

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Oh and I forgot, he claims that his ancestors are from Rome in lines 39-42 of the Canto XVI of the Paradiso by saying:

My ancestors and I our birthplace had

Where first is found the last ward of the city

By him who runneth in your annual game.

referring to Rome for reasons I don't remember exactly and don't feel like looking up now.

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Moral of the story- All logicbros will go to heck

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I dont know how to read and didn't finish the videogame so idk how accurate this is

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Very very accurate, he also sprinkles in some "all the dead super :marseygoku: genius :marseyslab: writers and poets all tell me that they love my work" and his guide through heck is Virgil, his personal favourite

I do recommend reading :marseyhijab: it though considering it's impact you read some of the stuff and it's like you mean this was written seven :marsey7o7: HUNDRED years ago???

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I love how Renaissance artists were just always bootyblasted about something and used their art to dab on their enemies

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I disagree with this assessment - the reason for the limbo section is illustrating a potential solution to the problem of virtuous people dying before Christ redeemed them. The bit about Vergil is true tho lol he even suggests that Vergil is intentionally moving slower up the mountain to spend more time with him

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Michelangelo was fricking mad at this dude for telling him to cover all his nude art, so he painted him with jackass ears and a fricking snake chomping his wang in the fricking Final Judgment wall in the fricking Sistene Chapel


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Yeah its hyperbole a bit but tbf when we were doing purgatory in school :marseygrad: it was immensely boring :marseycricket: and ive never :marseyitsover: been a fan of it

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Most of the English translations aren't very good but students used to be fluent in Latin which helps a lot in understanding Italian, and were a lot more familiar with epic poetry which helps with the metre and literary devices. the Divine Comedy was extremely influential, and is very important within the literary canon, but most of the things it did that were groundbreaking have been copied so many times that they don't seem unique anymore

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I read it in italian :marseyitsaover: lol i definitely remember the first :marseywinner: time i learned that what we were reading :marseyhijab: was literally :marseyme: what dante wrote it was definitely a big shock :marseyscream:

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Reading in the original is always best. Have you read any Calvino? I've always wondered what his style is like in Italian

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I'm gonna :marseyvenn6: be completely honest and say that even though I was definitely assigned stuff of his to read in school :marseygrad: I never :marseyitsover: have :marseyshrug:

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I have an illustrated copy in the fricking original Florentine dialect

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I downloaded a free ebook and have never opened it.

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I like the fricking art in it, it's worth looking at

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I just played Umineko

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Thoughts on Umineko?

Trans lives matter

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Mad jealous of you rn

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Fabulous eyelashes on the heifer I might add

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I read the longfellow bottomsworth translation of this book which seemed great but also had heavy notation by some italian historian + art/lit major which provided a lot of much needed context.

It's a very interesting book, being as poetic as it is I could only read one chapter a day before my brain felt like it was thoroughly pounded by some wop hog.

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Didn't read lol

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