Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #55 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

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I'm still haven't finished Père Goriot and I began to re-read Crime and Punishment as It's been almost a decade since I read it and I was gifted a new and pretty hardcover edition. I forgot how neurodivergent the characters acted, I'm not talking about Raskolnikov but Luzhin for instance behaves and talks so strangely in his first meeting with his future brother in law and co., he first comes out as arrogant, then clueless with a "fellow kids" vibe. Marmeladov's rambling at the tavern was longer than I remembered, and what a pathetic and wretched person he is.

>Yeah, I'm a drunk unemployed loser, my wife got beaten up by shark loaners and I did nothing, my kids starve and my eldest daughter whores herself to provide for us, someone gave me a job out of good faith and old trust and instead of working I went to buy booze and get lost for 5 days. But God will have mercy on me because I'm self aware :marseyclueless: :marseysmoothbrain:

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I finished Gideon the Ninth, it was a very good book. Now it's 100% I'll buy Harrow the Ninth.

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Is Gidion 1-8 worth reading or can I skip it?

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I'm reading A Spy in the House of Love by Anaïs Nin! :marseyangel:

Also lol ij remembered, hey !bookworms bbs! I'm sorry ab the bookclub, :marseysuicide: it looked like interest was lost and I'm terrible at remembering to post things so I forgot about it completely bc I'm a stupid whore :marseypaperbag:

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I didn't like Atomised and gave up. But I lol hard every time he talked about the mother, her whole character was about "being the biggest whore ever", it reached cartoonish levels when it was revealed she had s*x with a 13 year old boy after seducing/grooming him for a few days.

@johannesalthusius did you finish it?

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Houellebecq thoughts on wammin issues and sexuality are always comically on the nose lol :marseydisagree: Christiane being literally fricked into paralysis during an orgy, for example :marseylaughpoundfist: I understand why you didn't like it haha. What are you reading now? :marseysun:

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Christiane being literally fricked into paralysis during an orgy, for example :marseylaughpoundfist:

What? Lmao

What are you reading now? :marseysun:

Le Père Goriot by Balzac (a much finer French author) and re-reading Crime and Punishment.

I also want to re-read ASOIAF after finishing those as I'm high on Winds of Winter hopium.

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I'm being so fricking fr


I saved that so I can add it to my list, what's it like? :marseyjump: Also, I loved those books, I read most of them years ago but never got all the way through so I will remind myself to do that when WOW comes out. Is there news about it that gave you hopium? I haven't seen anything :marseyretardnotes:

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Is there news about it that gave you hopium? I haven't seen anything :marseyretardnotes:

GRRM said it was 75% done in 2022, recently he posted "Words of Wisdom" on his blog (WoW got it?), he's been attending editorial meetings, he said there would be no more Dunk and Egg novellas until TWOW got published, and around the world publishers are revamping new editions of previous ASOIAF books.

I'm ready to be disappointed but I want to believe :marseyhope:

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No, I stopped once I had s*x in real life

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Was the bussy good?

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!commenters I've been reading :marseymoreyouknow: White :marseymarcuswave: by Brett Easton :marseybateman: Ellis :marseybateman: and it feels :marseyvapecrying: like a direct line to the Gen-Xer id, quite dramapilled in that it's a boomer :marseygrilling2: spilling his spaghetti everywhere but there's a handful of passable insights too

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Just don't confuse Gen-Xers with the actual boomers who came before, or the one good generation of people who are totally perfect that came just after.

I would say I learned a lot about them from Douglas Coupland's Generation X except that I don't remember a goddarn thing from it. Except for some kid claiming that ackshually :marseyakshually: Fight Club was bad because fat from liposuction was a minor part of the plot and Generation X mentioned fat from liposuction. So it was just a ripoff.

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Sorry :marseyteehee: yes Gen X is correct, I meant boomer :marseygrilling: as in old !slots122

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spilling his spaghetti everywhere

what does that even mean

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He spends at least a quarter of the book ranting about snowflakes and wokeness and how he wasn't ever mad about twitter :marseyelonpaypig: but just posted a lot and extensively detailed :marseycatgirlhomofascist: how he reacted

e: at least half really :marseythinkorino2:

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The seethe and tears on reddit


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Phoenix Live View

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Music history book "Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest"


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Luzhin comes off as arrogant because he is arrogant. He's a person of a privileged status in Russian society at the time, and is only marrying Dunya so that Dunya will be forever indebted to him. He basically sees her and her family as below him.

I'm almost done rereading LotR, just passed the first half of Return of the King, really making realize how most modern fantasy is complete slop (at least, more so that I already did)

I'm also reading The Gult: The Making of an American Sea by Jack Davis, which is dry but interesting, the early section is mostly about fishing which was :marseysleep:

Almost done reading all of Robert Howard's Conan stories which are amazing, will reiterate almost all modern fantasy is SLOP :marseyobesekfc:

Reading Name of the Rose by Eco and Godel Escher Bach by Hofstadter after this.

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Robert Howard's Conan stories which are amazing

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Trying to get a bunch of D&D nerds to try a game that isn't sword and sorcery. I've been deep in several Delta Green books. I wish I picked these books up earlier. The layouts are great, and the lore's pretty entertaining.

Other than that, reading The Blind Spot...a book on how scientific research sometimes lacks empathy and consideration for the human experience.

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>scientific research sometimes lacks empathy and consideration for the human experience


I have not seen even one dog man frankenstein come out of the local university.

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and i don't want no pardon for what i was and am i won't be reconstructed and i do not give a darn :alienfinger:

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I have a first print of the Bands second album on vinyl :soyjakhipster:, it's so good

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Company Aycth

Hardtack and coffee

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Just read Children of Dune. I'd say overall the best of the series so far. The ending doesn't really stand on its own though, so I'm probably going to have to read the giant worm dude book

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I just read the first dune book and it was pretty good.

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I'm supposed to be reading pale fire, but I will probably do the audiobook

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Pale Fire is probably the least audiobookable book of any book ever.

I guess Infinite Jest would be worse.

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I'm bad at reading

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Try Lolita with Jeremy Irons narration.

That being said, Nabokov books are not what I would recommend to someone who's getting into reading (a beginner in literature), he's one of the greatest 20th century authors but his books are very prose heavy.

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I read QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard Feynman. It's basically an "advanced-level" popular science book about quantum electrodynamics. It's a short read, only a few hours tops, and reads similar to the 4 lectures it's based on. Definitely a fun read if you're interested in the subject, but don't necessarily want to crack open a few large quantum dynamics textbooks to get a sense of what's going on.

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im reading this thread

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about to finish 1Q84, very odd book. It's pretty entertaining but I'm like 80% in and it barely makes any sense

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Can you give me a summary?

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main moid is ghost writing a story for weird teen girl, main foid is a hitwoman who starts noticing :marseynooticeglow: weird stuff happening, as if reality was being rewritten :marsey1984:

main moid & foid are acquaintances from childhood and both their character arcs involve stuff around the mysterious r-slurred teen girl :marseywomanmoment2: and the cult she fled from.

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Elden Ring item descriptions :marseybigbrai#n:

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I'm 70% of the way through the final main Dark Tower book. Might finish it today depending on weather and how long it takes me to fix the awning. Took longer than I thought to de-wasp the fridge so I'm behind :marseydumptruck:


I'm upset that i watched a video on my drive home Thursday and he recommended a book but i don't remember what it was

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Anything good to follow Douglas Adams/HHGTTG?

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Asimov's foundation trilogy?

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:marseynerd2: the next four books in that series, my favorite is The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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I read all of them, and I stopped at the last which is shit (not writen by DA)

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I liked Eoin Colfer as a kid (both Airman and the Artemis Fowl series are children's lit kino) but he did not do a good job emulating Doug Adams lmao

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I'm reading this post :marseyreading:

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The martian by andy weir

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King Lear :marseyshakespeare: I'm thinking of watching the Ian Mckellen :marseythegrey: version when I'm done. I'm still in Act 1 because this Arden version has a 150 page introduction but it seems pretty promising. I guess gerontocratic rulers are oddly relevant right now.

Also Japan to 1600: A Social and Economic History :marseyweeb: I'm hoping this'll give me an overview of pre-modern Japan. But as the name suggests, it's must more interested in social trends than rulers so I might have to look elsewhere for that. I'm up to ~800 A.D. Silla Korea has (mostly) closed its doors, Japan is suffering recurrent plagues and is starved of both iron and labor. The central government are struggling to collect tax revenues, and the links between the provinces and the central court are breaking down.

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Watch Ran instead

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Oh, combining the two. Looks good, I'll check it out :marseythumbsup:

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Finished The Prestige yesterday, it was different from the movie but still really good even though I knew the 'twist'. Today I'm going to start The Third Policemen and will probably watch The Prestige over the weekend since it's been like 15 years since I've seen it.

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"The Big Book" and it's obnoxious. Worth reading once and can be interesting but it's an old book so there is that.

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Just started the Lewis and Clark Journals.

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Gotrek and felix: first omnibus

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Marrow by Robert Reed

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This site :gigachad2:

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Somewhat reading polybius the histories. Mostly playing Dyson Sphere Program like an autist.

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American Gods :#marseydisney:

It's not typically what I'd read but I tend to actually like how Gaiman writes

I'm supposed to be reading Catch-22 with a friend but he postponed it :marseysad:

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I always thought Gaiman and Ray Bradbury had a similar voice (one which I generally like), do you think that's true? Most people I mention it to don't really see it.

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I can see it! I definitely think Bradbury tries to be more aloof and Gaiman a bit more down to earth, which is more pretentious I'll leave to the historians but the similarity is probably what makes me like Gaiman

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