Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #58 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

I'm reading "Fire & Blood" :marseygeorgerrmartin: and "La Guerre de Cent Ans" :marseyvampirecrusader:.

So far (Fire & Blood) I think Aenys I was a weakling and a naive idiot and that Maegor and Visenya had a point.

!bookworms !classics

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Began reading Journey to the End of the Night by Celine.

So far he's talking about his experience in WWI, how much it sucks and how he hates all the top brass :marseymajorgeneralgenocide:

He also got a burger nurse gf and she went hysterical because she gained 2(!) pounds, we need to go back :marseyitsallsotiresome: !thin

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Redpill me on Celine. I'm back with self-studying and practicing French (which is I'm reading that book on the Hundred Years War written by a frog historian) and I'm looking for good fiction authors.

He also got a burger nurse gf and she went hysterical because she gained 2(!) pounds, we need to go back


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First time reading one his books. I heard he went absolutely bonkers later on life though, could make a poltard blush with opinions on the Juden

As far the book is concerned, it's interesting story wise but I don't like his prose very much so far

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could make a poltard blush with opinions on the Juden

Sim, o cara começou a pistolar contra "le juif éternel", mas estranhamente não colaborou com nem os nazistas nem com o Regime de Vichy.

As far the book is concerned, it's interesting story wise but I don't like his prose very much so far

Pode ser uma questão com a tradução? Se bem as vezes os tradutores melhoram a prosa. Eu comparei uns trechos do :marseyhouellebecq: em francês e em inglês e pra falar verdade ele é mais besteirento e cru na linguagem original.

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>Pode ser uma questão com a tradução?

Talvez, algumas frases são dificeis de entender, outras tem um vocabulario meio estranho, mas é dificil pra eu ter certeza já que nem falo frances nem nunca li outro livro dele

>Eu comparei uns trechos do :marseyhouellebecq: em francês e em inglês e pra falar verdade ele é mais besteirento e cru na linguagem original.

DIficil de acreditar, sendo que ele descreve a namorada dele transando com cachorros em um dos livros

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:marseycrusader: :marseycrusader: :marseycrusader: :marseycrusader2: :!marseyking::!marseyquadmagyar: :!marseyquadmagyar: :!marseyquadmagyar: (there's no marsey longbow :britney:)

:!marseyking: :!marseyquadmagyar: :!marseyquadmagyar: :!marseyquadmagyar: :!marseydead: :!marseydeathpose: :!marseydead: :!marseydeathpose:

:!marseyrulebritannia: :!marseyrulebritannia: :!#marseydrum: :!marseyrulebritannia: :!marseyrulebritannia:


:marseytrad: :!#marseyimmaculate:

:#marseytradraging: :marseydeadinside2: :marseydeadinside2: :marseydeadinside2:


:marsey300: :marsey300: :marsey300: :marseytradraging: :!marseyking: :!marseynorf: :!marseynorf: :!marseynorf:

:marseydead: :marseydeathpose: :marseydead: :marseydeathpose::marsey300: :marsey300: :marsey300: :marseytradraging:


:#marseykingcrown: :!marseybib: :!marseydeux: :!marseydeux: :!marseydeux:

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There should be a Bayeux Tapestry with Marseys

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:marseythinkorino: Maybe carp could do a thing like Project Marseydex about that?

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Maybe they could make it HOTD style. Start with reddit and the fall of rdrama (doom of Valyria), then Marsey appears, then show some regulars like Frozen/Spal and other drama feuds, and then you end with Aevann seating on the throne with carp, pizza and co kneeling.

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We should also email it to Bardfinn afterwards :marseytroll:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 26 minutes and 39 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Top 10 bard respectors:

BardWatch: 349

ACA: 311

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Patsy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): 179

911roofer: 96

RWBY: 94

arsey: 91

UncleAbortion: 90

FormerLurKONG: 89


SpittingScrapmetal: 69

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I picked up "A fool's love" and I'm struggling. It's like Lolita, Underground Man and Golden Pavilion had a bastard baby.


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:marseyshook: wow it's like he's a weeb in reverse

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Yeah, he's such a euroboo, groomed a kid to raise a beautiful and modern future-wife, but she was only half of that and turned into vampire-whore and his shape rotating autism made him unable to loosen the noose.

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I'm starting this so I can begin to make an Obsidian Zettelkasten in order to write and organize notes. It's probably one of the few useful things I learned from Detsiny, it might even motivate me to read more books so I can make notes about them and interconnect them. :marseyschizowall:

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Been reading Raft in the Xeelee Sequence because I saw a big frickoff omnibus of it for sale in a book shop. If it wasn't for the periodic scientific asides it would feel like a China Miéville novel but the author probably has 500 pages of notes of the physics enabling the microuniverse, its got the same bleak portrayal of humanity as a China Miéville novel though,

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Check out Greg Egan's Orthogonal, he published his 500 pages on alternative physics lol: https://www.gregegan.net/ORTHOGONAL/02/Motion.html

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Is it any good as an actual novel?

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I liked it.

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I will add it to the list :marseynotes:

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The Hundred Years War: A People's History By David Green. Doesn't seem to be biased going from the title and I'm enjoying learning about England and France's relationship with each other.

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I'm reading the same story by a French historian. He details the economics of war, the importance of Flemish markets and ports and the complicated feudal relations between the Capets and Plantagenets (with the King's of England being dukes of Aquitaine and therefore "vassals" of the King of France).

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That's what I consider it fascinating, especially how both countries developed militarily, ritually, and government as a result of the ongoing war. The Kings of France struggles to collect taxes to field out armies but slowly gaining more power to have a standing army, while the English were able through parliament as well as their heavy reliance on Longbow men.

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Albert Camus "The Stranger"

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I finally got around to reading Trainspotting.

It was pretty cool. I thought the Scottish English would be annoying to read but it wasn't that difficult after a couple of pages.

I suppose there's only so much you can say about heroin though and I thought it seemed to get a bit repetitive at the end by the time I was reading the second story about pissing in someone's drink. The part about the guy who pretends to kill that other guy's child was pretty stupid too and imo almost spoilt the story.

But otherwise nice book. One of the first I've read for a while where I didn't get bored halfway through.

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Finished Night is short, walk on girl. It's a master class in magical realism with an unreliable narrator. A little too post modern but it makes up for it with charm.

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Wait, there's a novel of NIYWOG? I have this movie on my "will watch, any day now" list ever since I saw the trailer. Or are you making a weeb joke I'm too :marseyautism: to get?

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No both Tatami Galaxy and Night is Short are based on light novels. Night is short follows the book more closely but made a few changes that worked really well for screen adaptation. The book is a little more saccharine.

Tatami Galaxy anime differs quite a bit plot wise from the book but again, absolutely for the best.

Tatami time machine is based on a play which I have not and will never read.

If you haven't watched Tatami Galaxy, Night is Short is essentially the ending to the series but it's also a complete stand alone movie that doesnt require any other context. It's one of my top 3 favorite animes, it's absolutely fantastic in every respect

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light novels

That explains why I have never heard of it.


I watched maybe two episodes but it never grabbed me, I'm probably going to settle for watching Night is Short, any day now (5 years and counting)

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Been reading the Dresden Files, on book 3 now. The world is interesting and the books can be funny but Dresden kinda grates on me and Murphy was exceptionally annoying in the second book, and Dresden sides with her over himself about the whole thing!? Idk some dumb shit like that makes me put the book down pretty often. :marseyannoyed:

Also if you listen to the audiobook the narrator sounds like a drooling mess, you constantly hear disgusting little mouth noises and shit and idk how that shit got past editing. :marseydisgust:

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