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What is gencon? What is a symposium? Why is this drama. Gonna need some info to bask in this.

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There was a previous thread.


Basically, the committee was supposed to organize guests and panels about sci-fi and fantasy writing. They picked two speakers instead of the expected four, and used the extra money for other shit without telling anybody or receiving approval. Both their speaker picks were no-names, one of whom had no sci-fi credentials whatsoever, instead being a garden variety identity grifter who writes essays with titles like "When Black Girls Hear That 'Our Bodies Are All Wrong." :marseychonkerfoidindignant: The committee was such a failure that the convention was willing to risk the racism accusation just to get rid of them.

If you want a full understanding of the drama, you'll need to read:

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Tl;dr: White couple, but specifically the foid, Emily Bell, are put in charge of getting four writers to be a draw for a symposium at a nerd convention. They get two, neither of them draws, one of them an Angry Black Woman, and spend the extra money on their own stuff.

They don't tell the orgs who they're getting or what they're doing until called out right before the convention, and Emily Bell portrays all responses and pushback as being racists trying to stop her from being a White Saviour who deserves free money. Standard prog response, you either support her 100% no doubts allowed or you're a bigot. Some top notch crybullying is involved.

Current news: by being DEI grifters the couple might have canceled all future symposiums because they have made it too toxic to run; every year the choices and committee will get people nitpicking the level of inclusion, probably the Bells themselves fuelling gossip to look better. Another thing ruined, thanks progs.

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Lmao imagine hiring people just to write letters to authors begging them to come to a board game convention and them screwing up the job

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Gencon is big convention. A symposium is a big meeting to discuss a specific topic. https://genconwriters.org/

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