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Harry Potter tv "writer" for HBO said he didn't read the books. r/harrypotter thread got jannied lol :marseychudhermione: :marseyjanny2:




Here's the jannied thread


They're comparing it to the Witcher and Rings of Power lmao

!bookworms do HPcels deserve it?

What do you guys think they'll change? Harry being gay for Ron? Voldemort r*pes Lily Potter before killing her? Snape is Harry's father?

What a fricking joke, I'm so disappointed. The only reason I'm rooting for this show and backing it is because it was supposed to be a more faithful adaptation.

They won't be able to outdo the movies if they just redo all their mistakes.

I want to see more Dobby, I want to meet Winky, I want to see Bagman, I want to get all those random chapters from OOTP that added literally nothing but were so fun to read, I want to see all the Voldemort memories from HBP, I want to have the fricking mystery from GOF for fricks sake, they cut out the most important aspect of that book. I don't want anything left out, I want to see the books on the big screen.

I want literally everything they decided wasn't important enough to include the first time. I'm so upset by this, I really hope they come to their senses.


Rings of Power cares about the source, they just don't have access to it so they are doing the best that they can for a property the creators love. It would be much, much worse in other people's hands.

LMAO, !ringbearers imagine believing this?

Why is TERF mommy allowing her IP to be r*ped?

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You will not criticise the agenda-pushing


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neighbor dat shit is lev-ee-OH-sah

ain't no lev-ee-oh-SAH

b-word butt neighbor can't even say his words


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What you have a problem with the audi a5 with optional heated seating in middle earth bigot? Its fantasy not real, dont get your panties in a wad

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Harry Potter should have more automobiles tbh. HBO should pivot from just a straight adaptation of the books to some sorta story where an American wizard gets sent to a Japanese school where he has to learn to drive sideways to defeat the dark lord Driftemort, don't speak his name!

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Burger shifting, not double clutching like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of butter beer didn't blow the bristles off the broom.

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