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Anyone else think that English class in school would have been much better if we read 40k books?




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I don't know about you all, but English class in high school and college were boring as heck for me. Just had a thought that I would have read way more if a 40k book or two were thrown in there. Just my opinion but books like The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A Tale of Two Cities etc don't hold a candle to 40k lore.

A bit off track, but I read on Youtube once (can't find the comment anymore) that some high school student was reading a manga titled "Berserk" and his teacher mocked him along the lines of comic books being unworthy forms of literature. Somehow the student got the teacher to read a bit and the teacher later said it's the best thing he's ever read.

I get that the books we read in English class are "Classics" with "valuable themes", but you can't say that there aren't valuable themes in 40k. If something has value, but it's boring as heck, then the student isn't going to remember it anyway, so all that value is lost. But if it's interesting, then we're opening some doors. Thoughts?

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r/bookscirclejerk - They should teach WH40K lore in school

tl;dr mandatory lore classes in high school

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How about you read the assigned books AND read Warhammer? That's what I did

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