
:marseyfranklin: :marseyshooting:

On an unrelated note do any ya'll neighbors have any book recommendations, I got an ereader for Christmas. :marseyembrace:

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when you see people on tiktok or reddit brag about reading 100+ books in 2024 THIS is the kind of book they are reading.

also swan song by robert mccammon


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Tbf I never made it all the way through Black Future. Large parts of it are actually trying to be a racist dystopian novel but not in a funny way.

It's like Hunger Games except you wouldn't take your gf out to watch the movie of it.

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Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham have brought together this collection of work—images, photos, essays, memes, dialogues, recipes, tweets, poetry, and more—to tell the story of the radical, imaginative, provocative, and gorgeous world that Black creators are bringing forth today.

In answering the question of what it means to be Black and alive, Black Futures opens a prismatic vision of possibility for every reader.

is this the book yer talking about because if so why would you even start reading it do you have drug/alcohol problems do we need to intervention you before you die?!

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!oldstrags He doesn't even know about Black Future. :marseydisagree:

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New African Army soldier detected. :marseyeyeroll:

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Looks interesting thanks, downloading it now


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that site has basically every ebook you could ever think of and even some that have never been released in e-form like the zombies that ate pittsburgh

10/10 site

swan song is an 11/10 book

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also also the last battle by cornelius ryan


and might as well get the longest day and a bridge too far by the same author

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>On an unrelated note do any ya'll neighbors have any book recommendations

What kind of stuff do you usually read neighbor, how are we supposed to recommend something without context :marseysmughips:

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I'm big into sci-fi and historical nonfiction but I'm trying to branch out and was curious what other r-slurs think's good :lelolidk:

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If you want sci-fi I would suggest the 1950s radio show Dimension X and the later version of it. These take stories from sci-fi magazines of the era adapt them for audio. They've got a heck of a lot of giants from the era and tbqh as an old boomer, this is when people were actually smart. Virtually every idea in sci-fi that you've ever heard of, they had done it better by the early 1950s. No hyperbole. You will recognize many concepts concepts that your zoomer butt thought were at least from my generation and they were fully developed by then.

Available from the Internet Archive.

As audio you can listen to these when doing cooking, cleaning, whatever physical labor. Perfect for when you're making lunch.

!trekkies It might blow your fricking minds but most of Star Trek was, as the old man always dismissively said, "derivative". Every possible idea in sci-fi was fully developed by about 1955. Fortunately I got wise and came back and said "yeah well frick you, Shakespeare was derivative".

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It might blow your fricking minds but most of Star Trek was, as the old man always dismissively said, "derivative".

How is it not obvious that most original series episodes are "I read an interesting short story last month"?

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Tbf I was like 8 years old when he was telling me this.

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This is a good rec, thanks king. Sounds great for my commute. :marseysteer:

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Your dad sounds like a proto-neckbeard who enjoys complaining.

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He also said "NotoriousNIG being a massive cute twink is derivative. I stole saying that from my son." :marseysmug2:

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He doesn't have the guts. Like father like son.

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Doesn't have the guts to do what? He called you derivative. That's the greatest violence you can inflict on another person.

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He doesn't have the guts to call me derivative, just like his son who has to defer to his father to make indirect limp-wristed jabs at strangers

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You read Pynchon's Against the Day yet?

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Never heard of it but it looks interesting, I'll check it out :derpthumbsup:

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The Gor series

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After some research holy shit does this series make Redditors seethe lmao I'm going to read it out of spite :marseyxd:

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It's not good desu but it's definitely readable to pass the time. Tarl is incredibly dense despite thinking he's hot shit and all the other leader dudes who are actually clued up treat him like one would a chocolate labrador; it's pretty funny as long as you're not actually invested in him as a character.

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I need this book,what book is it?!? Namedrop it o algo

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:#blackwomanspeaking: :marseykneel:

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moid foid

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Have you read blindsight or book of the new sun? Blindsight is good hard first contact sci Fi by an author on multiple terrorist watchlists, while BOTNS is excellent science fantasy.

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>In December 2009, Watts was detained at the Canada–United States border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to perform a reportedly random search of the rental vehicle he was driving. Watts is alleged to have assaulted a CBP Officer and was turned over to local authorities to face charges.


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Never read Blindsight, I'll add it to my list. :marseynotes:

BoTNS is one of my faves but Urth was a little meh. Wolfe is overall great and I really enjoyed the Wizard Knight duology.

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I'm reading Foucault's Pendulum, which is pretty good so far. It's a religious conspiracy adventure along the lines of Da Vinci Code, but more satirical in nature due to the main characters not exactly believing in church related conspiracies but rather just publishing them either on a lark or to make money, I'm not sure which yet. It's got Umberto Eco's usual massive asides about history too, if you're into that sort of thing.

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I'll check it out homie thanks

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wow :marseyblush:

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If you like sci-fi

They Hyperion Cantos


Ken Lozito's First Colony series.

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I've read Hyperion but I'll check out the First Colony Series thanks broseph

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What type of books do you like bb?

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