Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #82 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


@Aevann can you :marseypin2: pls

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!bookworms !dramatards @Redactor0 proven an r-slur once again.

Musk was right. Vivek was right.

We need less DC leeches and more Indians

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!antibharatiya !metashit rdh is a poobipoc

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Deal with it saar

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Yeah, that's what Desert Storm was like. What the frick does that have to do with me?

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None of your longposts have ever been remotely correct. Just pointing that out

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Ohhhhh I get it. You're saying that there were predictions of lots of casualties in Desert Storm, and I predicted the Israelis would suffer more casualties than they did:

The guys who planned out the war-winning strategy predicted way more casualties. The guys doing the fighting expected it. It amazed everyone that all of the new American weapons systems performed pretty much perfectly. So I guess what you really proved is that even the best minds are not correct 100% of the time.

That doesn't even apply here tho. I predicted that the IDF would take heavy casualties when they invaded Lebanon. Which never happened. My mistake was assuming that they would invade.

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ChatGPT response

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Lol how could anyone with military knowledge look at state of Iraqi military on eve of American intervention and say it'd inflict 30k casualties. The SAMs they had were powerless against American high altitude bombers, that alone decided the war. Those cleared the way for CAS fighter bombers by taking out what SAM they did have. Their air force couldn't possibly compete with American numbers. Terrain wasn't suited for camouflage from air or ambushes.

Maybe they'd have taken 5-6k casualties if the ground units actually stood and fought. That'd require Iraqi supply lines to keep functioning tho which was made impossible by loss of air. Except for where terrain isn't permitting(Vietnam, Afghanistan :marseysmug:) air really decides war.

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IT capabilities won the war. Iraqis didn't have GPS. The US did.

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Even if they had it they couldn't do anything with it. Not like they could input Washington DC coordinates into their Scuds lol. Saddam never expected to fight US in first place he thought they were bluffing and his army in Kuwait was similarly unprepared, in the first place they had a Soviet vintage military with limited capability to replace losses as the Soviet Union collapsed. Like Iranian military today is built to fight US, if US tried to invade and occupy Tehran I expect they'll deal at least 10-20k casualties. But Iraqi army was a dinosaur of tanks and general infantry meant to fight fellow Arabs, they had no protocol or gear to deal with USA which is how absolute disasters like highway of death occurred. Against an enemy that superior you can't hold cities or have columns advancing neatly. Their army didn't know how to operate otherwise.

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I wonder why Indians thought that .

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My best guess? Intelligence received from Russians about warsims against Pakistan in network and air effectiveness in joint warfare.

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The Troop by Nick Cutter. about a boy scout troop on an isolated island confronted by a terrible contagion

also because im a nut and can't read one book at a time, i'm also reading Lapvona by Otessa Moshfegh. about a fictional medieval town. holy frick this book is DARK. disgusting and disturbing. im having a hard time reading this

next up might be a rereading of A Little Life by Hanya Yanigihara. holy shit. don't ever read this. absolutely beyond disturbing. i have no words for what i have read. purely bleak, torment

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Lapvona by Otessa Moshfegh

You just made up these words. :marseysmughips:

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bet https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737287836CL0ottPXDnPDJw.webp

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Reading the first of the Unknown 9 book trilogy. It's very reddit, but also quite bland so far, nothing really egregious aside from some super smart neurodivergent from the early 20th century holding modern redditor opinions on that time period and some lanky cute butch consistently outrunning an alleged Israeli super soldier.


Oh and she bought a knife in england, lol

Jewish lives matter

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Picked up Annihilation by @houellebecq

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wait are you actually reading the Vandermeer one?

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No this one


I never looked into that series you are talking about, is it any good?

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first book AMAZING. the series is great though but the first book really hits. also reccomend Bourne by Vandermeer. it's about a post-apocalypse town after a disaster at a biotech lab.

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Is the protag an intellectual upper middle-class man going through his mid-life crisis reminiscing about foids he loved and lost along the way?

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It is 2027. France is in a state of economic decline and moral decay.

As the country plunges into a contentious presidential race, the government falls victim to a series of mysterious and unsettling cyberattacks in which videos of brutal decapitations and skillfully crafted deepfakes proliferate on the web.

Paul Raison's own troubles are bound up with those of the country. He is an adviser to the finance minister; his wife, Prudence, is a Treasury official; and his father, Γ‰douard, now retired, spent his career in the security services. Paul, badly overworked, is facing the threat of separation from his wife. When his father suddenly suffers a stroke, Paul must depart Paris for his provincial hometown, where he and his siblings now have the opportunity to repair their strained relationships with Γ‰douard as they determine to free him from the decrepit public nursing home where he is wasting away.

Seems like it is mostly one foid, but idk the book just came out a few months ago.

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Slightly different then.

I read Serotonin and Submission and the protagonists are essentially indistinguishable from each other.

I might read that, Houllebecq is quite intesting.

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I've only read Submission fully so far, still finishing up "The Elementary Particles" too.

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Finished Wicked. Last week I complimented the writing, but said it felt like the book was going nowhere. The latter problem is resolved in the second half, but after taking some time to chew over the writing, I've soured on it a lot.

For example, this book has very deliberately non naturalistic dialogue. Nobody talks the way a real person would in any of these scenarios. At first this feels interesting because the author has a lot of freedom to play with language and the weirdness of the setting. It's often a lot of fun to read, and it feels like you're "in" on some private joke. But the cumulative effect lowers the emotional stakes a lot because everyone feels like a literary construction first and a person second. Also, many of the "literary" things Maguire's people say are just not interesting once you scratch past the cleverness. I get the sense that many of the book's long philosophical discussions are ironic and deliberately vacuous, because of the insufficiency of language against the reality of blah blah blah blah blah--but you made me read it neighbor!

Early on, there's a sequence where a character defends a piece of poor art as (ambiguously) ironic. Obviously we are meant to join in roasting this character. But I can't help but feel like this scene is a key to the book. It's scared to be direct, out of fear that people would see it as dumb and lacking if it were unspooled in front of them. The author's literary talents are considerable, and there are a lot of interesting techniques applied very well, but I can't help but feel they're being used in the service of something fundamentally unworthy.

The story's original sin is that it has nothing to do with Oz whatsoever. It's neither the book/movie Oz, nor is it some alternate "real" or "realistic" Oz. It says nothing about either Baum's work or the MGM classic. But it also doesn't work as an original setting because it's an edgelord shithole that depends heavily on the reader's familiarity with other Oz's. The setting is a gimmick to make people read the book. And for all the art on top of it, I don't find that forgivable.

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Still reading the Gor series after a hiatus because I got bored. I generally skip to the end of the paragraph every time the author goes on a digression about the setting and frankly I haven't missed anything. I swear only John Norman could interrupt an action scene or negotiation to muse at length on completely irrelevant worldbuilding details. It's a neat world that would be ideal for a low fantasy RPG campaign desu, but you don't need to go into the exact details of how someone's outfit compares to someone the next town over when the scene is supposed to be introducing the character.

Good to see the MC wises up slightly at the end of Hunters. Only slightly though, he's still thick as a bag of rocks, but at least in the next book he doesn't commit any grievous errors of dumbfrickery.

On that note, I found this hilarious review of one of the books where a :marseypennycoomer: sneeds over an account of a woman being kidnapped and forced into intercourse slavery isn't :marseycoomer2: enough, whining about how the author doesn't understand "the submissive POV" even though the MC isn't a sub; she's a slave so her own gratification doesn't enter into it.

There's also this passage:

She's also incredibly uncharitable towards the other slave girls, constantly comparing herself in looks and in behaviour with them, at times resenting them for being more beautiful than she is, sometimes being angry with them for behaving as willing slaves, and other times considering them her close friends. In fact female cattiness and competition is a constant, and incredibly boring, recurring theme of the story, in how she sees both herself and other women. She's constantly bemoaning in her internal monologues how she, a rich and spoiled hot girl back home, could possibly be reduced to this, with the underlying implication being that women are vapid and stupid and need to be controlled to find their actual peace of mind.

as though that's not a completely realistic depiction of women

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Inb4 the most :brainletchair: and original rdrama comments of, "rdrama"

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lmao! "inb4"! haven't seen anyone do that be4!

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Ill-Made Mute

Seeli wights

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Screwtape Letters

Need tips on how to be more devilish. :marseydevil:


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Hentai :marseysweaterahegao:

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  • FreedomforKongs : Japanese Destroyer Captain by Hara if you like war stuff

Anyone want to shill me a good biography or nonfiction book? Idk my desire to read novels has kind of evaporated

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if you like anything biology related- whether organismal or microbio, let me know. i got some fascinating reads. also some good schizo mathy physics books

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Organismal and schizo both sound fun. :marseygossipsmug:

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ill take a look. currently watching 2001 a space odyssey so when im done

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Sounds too smart for my r-slurred butt but thanks anyway

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what kind of nonfiction do you want then man

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Atomic Accidents

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Reading Kafka's Letters to Helena

I had forgotten how much non-fiction bored me :marseyyawn:

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i love kafka keep yourself safe IMMEDIATELY

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Just pretend that b-word Helena is like, made up

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I think the issue is not being able to see her responses.

So it's essentially a huge one sided monologue that doesn't lead anywhere :marseysoyrope:

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So like any conversation with a woman


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You should read The Screwtape Letters next


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>Doesn't exclusively read non-fiction


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I've never claimed to be neurodivergent :marseyannoyed:

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free on googz btw

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Still chewing through The Expanse series. 9 books so will take a while. I'm a couple of series ahead on the TV show, it's interesting to see the differences.

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Which do you prefer? There are some changes in the show which feels pretty inspired and some less so.

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I'm on book 3 and TV series 5. I hated TV Anna but book Anna is much more fleshed out. When Holden travels to the ring station then the book really makes it sound epic inside but the TV cuts 90% of it out. I like that the TV series uses Bobbie more :marseyslurp:

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Not this thread blue lives matter

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I read of the great expedition of Agamemnon and Menelaus against the treacherous Troyans.

Just like the last week. I'll finish it soon I promise

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The Flight of the Eisenstein (Book #4 of The Horus Heresy)

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just finished Conrad's The End of the Tether.

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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards

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