Red pill me on this book and it's author. Is it worth it or just a meme? :marseyreading:

There's a sub entirely dedicated to that book btw

!bookworms !poll_voters how do you classify Infinity Jest?

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The author and all of its fans are annoying, but it's unfortunately a really good book

Fave by him is the one about tax accounting that he found so boring he had to kill himself before he finished it.

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It's one of those books a pretentious drug addict writes because he believes doing drugs has made him smarter than other people

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^ not a pretentious drug addict :taygrimacing:

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In terms of mildy boring rambling books that don't always make sense, it's one thousand times better than "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"

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Hitchhiker's Guide isn't boring at all. It's also funny as heck, is Infinite Jest as funny?

Jewish lives matter

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I got filtered when he started piping rambling schizo thoughts into my brain for fifty pages. Really don't need that kind of infohazard.

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This but unironically. In college group and discussion assignments I strived not to read anything done by my classmates. I just bullshitted responses based on what they probably wrote and always passed.

The thought of their mental gunk entering my own mind was revolting :marseyyikes: Even now, imagine paying an author who probably looks like this :soycry: for the privilege of essay posting at you :marseydisagree:

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You know the meme about millions of unhygienic fat foids flicking their beans to pics from a page called "hot guys reading" on instagram?


!chuds !incels am I wrong?

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DFW is a psued midwit etc but it's a good read. His writing style can be pretentious.

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I havent read it butt I always itended to give it a chance. A good book I did read tho that was unconventional was House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski

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Is infinite jest also oddly formatted in the same way? I always thought it was just long

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No other than having footnotes.

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i dont think so, i jist heard that Infinite Jest has its own unique format butt idk

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People claim its a difficult book, but it really isn't as long as you can follow dfws tangential, page long run on sentences. Its size is kinda deceptive too. Its less like a single 1200 page book and more like two 400 page books and a collection of short stories that all take place in the same world and relate too eachother. So you read 20 pages, then the next 20 pages is written in a different style. Some of its really funny, some of its really sad. Its all really neurotic. Probably frustrating if you care a lot about narrative... Theres a sort of "gamey" quality too the whole thing that @KongsburyDonkboy found super engaging but don't really know how too articulate on. trans lives matter

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Couldn't finish it, it was incomprehensible.

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It doesn't really have a central narrative. It kind of just meanders around between different characters (of which there are dozens), sometimes things connect, sometimes they don't, sometimes the plot makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. I got kinda bored and stopped reading because I had no clue what was going on and it didn't feel to me like that was going to change.

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It's a comedy

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:marseysociety2: "You wouldn't get it"

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It's funny, but people who pretend it's deep because it's long are r-slurred.

A fun read.

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yeah it really is a funny book. very enjoyable

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DFW s*x pest

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I got it on audible and use it as background listening and kinda skip around, it's really fun that way. incredible value for money too.

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How do footnotes work in an audio book?

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they ring a bell, have a different voice read out the number, read the footnote and then go back to the main text after ringing another bell.

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Jewish lives matter

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it's a good book he pretty much predicts the future, if he didn't kill hinself when he did, he definitely would have in current year

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I wouldn't say it's a must read but it's a good book.

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haven't read it in full but I like his essays. sort of like if hunter s Thompson got clean for five minutes and tried to actually write the fricking story he was sent to cover (best comparison would be the hells angels book)

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I enjoyed his short stories, especially "The Depressed Person"

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I hadn't seen :#amerimuttfastfood: before so I clicked on it just to learn the name

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