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:marseyelonmusk: says USAid is 'beyond repair' :marseythebuilder:and he is working to shut it down :marseyshutitdown:


:soycry: :soyjaktantrum: pretend this is a huge deal and it means he's gonna get rid of medicaid next. :soycrychicken: say there will be backlash when :soysnooseethe: realize theyve been duped now that they heckin' wholesome random money for other countries fund and more tacpayer dollars will go to domestic issues! Noooo :soyjakwow:


edit: he needs to be heckin prosecuted and charged with treason :soytantrumglow:


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>international aid org

>$42.8bn PER YEAR



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do you not care about getting condoms and Toms shoes to homeless people in namibia?


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Idk birth control to Gaza unironically sounds like a good idea, we could use less of them starting shit.

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Other countries could send it tho. If we stop sending food to the problem will fix it self


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It's just fourty three thousand million dollars we exchange for 43 lbs of soft power

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>43 lbs of soft power

My peepee

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billion with a b


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Carp can't do basic arithmetic

Explains a lot

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Yes that's typically what the world's no. 1 country chucks at bums

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43,000 million frick you

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fourty three thousand million dollars

thousand million with a thm

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And forty with no 'u'.

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Could be worse, that's about 0.7% of the US federal budget. Germany spends fricking 6% of its federal budget on foreign aid :marseygunshotsuicide:

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you know what they say, a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about real money!

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probably half of that "aid" is just us buying intel, access to naval and air refueling stations on the other side of the globe, access to rare earth metals, access to oil, votes in international matters, etc for pennies on the dollar. that "aid" is very good for us.

but yeah, the other half is stuff like educational genderspecial porn for brown people

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buying intel, access to naval and air refueling stations on the other side of the globe, votes, etc

lol, none of that stuff needs to be "bought"/can easily be attained thrpugh pressure from other means. Also the USAID isnt the only dept that furnishes such wasteful use of taxpayer dollars on "foriegn aid". We should cut off all foreign aid. Most countries do fine without it, butt unlike them we have the worlds largest economy and most advanced military.



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subhuman brokebrain stuff but its whatever

DURR WE CAN like JUST THREATEN ANYONE ANYWHERE TO GIVE US WHATEVER WE WANT as if we have the leverage to do that to literally everyone but go off i guess

also like meanwhile russia and china do foreign aid the way i suggested, telling poors frick yeah, well give you a million NEETbux per year if you sign a 100-year lease on your airbase thats sitting right on top of an oil field

we can boss around colombia, canada, mexico, etc, but how tf are we gonna boss around anyone in the south china sea if china's offering money and protection without your blustering bullshit?

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subhuman brokebrain stuff but its whatever

thats a great way to describe yourself.

we have the leverage to do that


russia and china do foreign aid the way i suggested

thats not the way the USAID was doing it butt go off

how tf are we gonna boss around anyone in the south china sea if china's offering money and protection without your blustering bullshit

whats my blustering bullshit? Also the USAID doesnt offer protection, subhuman, thats the US militarh. Also the USAId was hardly the only agency giving US taxpayer dollars to foriegn nations/only avenue for foreign aid. Butt you wouldnt get that bc ur dumb as shit with your subhuman brokebrain.

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And i don't think the politicians will want to tell us which is which :marseyshrug:

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Or are able to

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The money goes to various CIA schemes worldwide, not actual aid. USAID directly got caught in a scheme to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela.

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a scheme to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela.

Was the scheme called "accepting the results of the election"?

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I love it when unelected foreigners get to run and dictate our country.

Wasn't he President Musk just a few weeks ago?

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I love how him being a foriegner is somehoe a good criticism all the sudden. Sounds kinda biggotted/xenophobic to me


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there's a reason the founders require birth here to be eligible for presidency. See Trump's new obsession with South Africa

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require birth here to be eligible for presidenc


butt for real tho. Musk isnt running for pres. Every other gov job/political appointment can be filled by someone who was born in another country. They didnt teach you that in fake medical school?


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Doesn't have anything to do with what I said :marseyshrug:

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the first sentence did



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congratulations yo uhave won the award for the lowest iq rdrama user

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Foriegners can't be president for a fricking reason

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he isnt president tho :marseypregunta:

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trump speed running making china the new world power.

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theyre already a world power and they get a lot more for their foreign aid instead of jist giving money aeay to countries that hate them like the US does. The US ought be more carrot and less stick. Its not like giving away money is the only way to maintain influence/control.


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mark my words the US is about to lose an assload of global influence and become a complete laughing stock, this guy is pissing away a ton of US softpower.

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it kinda already is under biden. It's why russia invaded ukraine

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literally r-slurred

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What does SPAL say about this topic?

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"soft power" is only power if there's a credible threat of flexing it. For example, the USA was giving twice as much money to the WHO than China, yet the WHO sucked China's peepee and not America's, why is that? Because they were reasonably sure that China could withdraw their funding whenever they mentioned Taiwan by name, while American purse was controlled by idiots with the same delusion that you have, that giving someone money gives you power over them so you should never stop giving them money or you lose that power.

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I don't really get why people don't like Trump swinging his peepee around. Like yeah he's r-slurred, but what use is soft power if there's no threat? Being toothless and smart, just makes people take advantage of you. While being an r-slured chimp at least makes people think twice about what they offer you.

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China fears the ecuadorian drag show.

What does SPAL say about this?

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"Trust me bro, it's beyond repair."

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China spends only $5B-$10B on foreign aid, depending on the year. China builds soft power in the developing world through giant infrastructure projects and predatory lending.

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Because the US isn't sending billions of bribe money to other countries and China will just do it?

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it's not bribe money it's called influencing lmao, this is literally how the world works. China will step into the hole left and build more influence.

the last time Trump was in office he basically ceded Africa to China. We're basically watching the US lose a great power battle via self inflicted wounds and the lowest IQ form of conservatardism possible.

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it's not bribe money it's called influencing

haha oh wow :#marseydarkxd:

!chuds look at this pedantic shit "its not a bribe its influence!"

Hey pizza is this the same as inviting a girl to live with you but totally not interested in her bro? :#malefeminist:

the last time Trump was in office he basically ceded Africa to China.

We know how that went

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i have invited 11 women and 3 men to live with me, you just only know about ted.

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11 women and 3 men

Batting 0 for 14

Bro this isn't the W you think this is lmao wtf :#marseyemojilaugh:

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99 no and 1 yes = a yes lil bro

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Having a 1% success rate is not a win, sport. :@pizzashillpat:

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it is when it comes to foids

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so... where do you store their bodies?

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That lonely?

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he basically ceded Africa to China

It's not like Americans were going to handle the exterminations required to turn a profit there.

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Bribing? Bribing who??

Rightoids are actually r-slurred

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heckin' wholesome random money for other countries fund

Praying Trump puts you in a fricking camp for talking this fricking r-slurred

!commenters !schizos please join hands with me, we can manifest this reality together

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are you sad that Drumpf wont be putting anyone in camps like NPR said he was gonna?

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Drumpf wont be putting anyone in camps

Source, b-word?

NPR said he was gonna

Tucker Carlson's opinions are his fricking own and don't represent the fricking entire Fox News Network's endorsed perspectives

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>nooo only the proprietors of my foreskin get free money :soysnooseethe:

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Just ending it is r-slurred unless we build a new, more transparent USAID that doesn't employ treasonous scum who want to use it to fight the culture war.

Hot take: Not everything about foreign aid is bad, Giving impoverished nations boatloads of corn flour and fortified peanut butter in exchange for access to their military bases is a good thing that we should be doing, actually. Just, you know...no dumb shit like 50 million for condoms that Gazans won't even use.

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No, we dont need to send that much money oversees. Desert people can shoot at eachother, not my problem. Also we can put our military bases where ever we want if the country wants "protection"

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Bro, your brain is so broken that you are literally a subhuman now. You shouldn't even be allowed to vote.

If someone like you were in power, we'd end up as poor as Canada.

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Its funny how you try to suggest im dumb, butt lack the capacity to make up a counterargument. I guess thats why your resorting to that though.


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I'm not spending any brainpower kicking out arguments against the most r-slurred shit imaginable.

I'm just gonna wait for the rule of law to break down so I can toss you into the same hole as the progressives.

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I don't need to argue with people like you.

yet here you are :marseypregunta:

I just have to wait for the rule of law to break down so I can toss you into the same hole as the progressives.

:marseyxd: good luck with that buddy. You and your kind cant even make it without muh heckin foriegn aid :marseylaughpoundfist:

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You and your kind cant even make it without muh heckin foriegn aid

what are you even talking about

im an american and a net taxpayer, and you know, the guy who pays for the food stamps you started getting after your diagnosis, and you should thank me, subhuman

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i'm an american and a net taxpayer

:surejan: thats why you care so much about taxes going over seas. Motive totally checksout. Lmao, your so dumb. I bet you work as a school teacher or some shit. Also its funny how you try to tell me, what I "should do", when your so fricking dumb. When society does fall apart, youre soft hands/dimpled knuckles wont save you fatty

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TEACHER?! Neighbor pls.

I did a decade inFUNtry, resigned my commission with Obama's reelection. My hands may be softer than they used to, but if the boogaloo happened, they'd be holding an M1A. :macroneyeroll:

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Not the heckin good guyerinos

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You missed the fricking point smh

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America still exports its culture aka Sabrina Carpenter. Show me the Chinese equivalent of her!

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Show me the Chinese equivalent of her!



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they don't want foreigners to find out about their superior culture.

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USAID has been functioning perfectly, as the CIA's method of distributing launderable money. IDK what musk's problem is here

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>Trump ordered children's hospitals in Sudan to halt all activities.

NOOO NOT MY HECKIN' SUDANESE PAY PIGS!!! Wait. Why the frick do we give the slightest of shits about Sudanese? Frick those bulb/scarf wearing smelly cute twink BIPOCs.

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Never heard of them :#gigachad2:

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"Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journ*lism and you know how reliable that is."

― Joseph Campbell


"I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers."

― Mahatma Gandhi




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