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:marseyelonmusk: says USAid is 'beyond repair' :marseythebuilder:and he is working to shut it down :marseyshutitdown:


:soycry: :soyjaktantrum: pretend this is a huge deal and it means he's gonna get rid of medicaid next. :soycrychicken: say there will be backlash when :soysnooseethe: realize theyve been duped now that they heckin' wholesome random money for other countries fund and more tacpayer dollars will go to domestic issues! Noooo :soyjakwow:


edit: he needs to be heckin prosecuted and charged with treason :soytantrumglow:


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>international aid org

>$42.8bn PER YEAR



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Could be worse, that's about 0.7% of the US federal budget. Germany spends fricking 6% of its federal budget on foreign aid :marseygunshotsuicide:

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you know what they say, a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about real money!

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do you not care about getting condoms and Toms shoes to homeless people in namibia?


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Idk birth control to Gaza unironically sounds like a good idea, we could use less of them starting shit.

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Other countries could send it tho. If we stop sending food to the problem will fix it self


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It's just fourty three thousand million dollars we exchange for 43 lbs of soft power

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>43 lbs of soft power

My peepee

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billion with a b


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Carp can't do basic arithmetic

Explains a lot

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Yes that's typically what the world's no. 1 country chucks at bums

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43,000 million frick you

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fourty three thousand million dollars

thousand million with a thm

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And forty with no 'u'.

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probably half of that "aid" is just us buying intel, access to naval and air refueling stations on the other side of the globe, access to rare earth metals, access to oil, votes in international matters, etc for pennies on the dollar. that "aid" is very good for us.

but yeah, the other half is stuff like educational genderspecial porn for brown people

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buying intel, access to naval and air refueling stations on the other side of the globe, votes, etc

lol, none of that stuff needs to be "bought"/can easily be attained thrpugh pressure from other means. Also the USAID isnt the only dept that furnishes such wasteful use of taxpayer dollars on "foriegn aid". We should cut off all foreign aid. Most countries do fine without it, butt unlike them we have the worlds largest economy and most advanced military.



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subhuman brokebrain stuff but its whatever

DURR WE CAN like JUST THREATEN ANYONE ANYWHERE TO GIVE US WHATEVER WE WANT as if we have the leverage to do that to literally everyone but go off i guess

also like meanwhile russia and china do foreign aid the way i suggested, telling poors frick yeah, well give you a million NEETbux per year if you sign a 100-year lease on your airbase thats sitting right on top of an oil field

we can boss around colombia, canada, mexico, etc, but how tf are we gonna boss around anyone in the south china sea if china's offering money and protection without your blustering bullshit?

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subhuman brokebrain stuff but its whatever

thats a great way to describe yourself.

we have the leverage to do that


russia and china do foreign aid the way i suggested

thats not the way the USAID was doing it butt go off

how tf are we gonna boss around anyone in the south china sea if china's offering money and protection without your blustering bullshit

whats my blustering bullshit? Also the USAID doesnt offer protection, subhuman, thats the US militarh. Also the USAId was hardly the only agency giving US taxpayer dollars to foriegn nations/only avenue for foreign aid. Butt you wouldnt get that bc ur dumb as shit with your subhuman brokebrain.

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And i don't think the politicians will want to tell us which is which :marseyshrug:

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Or are able to

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The money goes to various CIA schemes worldwide, not actual aid. USAID directly got caught in a scheme to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela.

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a scheme to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela.

Was the scheme called "accepting the results of the election"?

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