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The ziggers have taken 700,000 casualties


You having fun winning so much, my red-blooded patriot brothers?

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  • GOLEM : >slavs >european

This is such a dumb war. There is no real need for over a million European men to die for this. I won't fedpost, but the knowing I'm going to see articles on how Ukraine needs to import Africans to rebuild its economy makes me seethe already. Dying to protect a nation and a culture only to replace the dead with something far more deadly and foreign to a Ukrainian than any Russian.

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Somehow this war makes you think of black guys? Have you ever considered that you might be a homosexual?


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I have NDS, the doctors say it's terminal. :marseycry: :jannybell:

Also, have you forgotten what website you're on? Of course I'm gay lmao.

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I really miss being on a K-Drama translation website where it was 90% girls, not a gay cat site where it's 90% male homos. :marseysad:

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Why??? 90% girls sounds horrible

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Yeah except it's the only way I can get female attention. :marseyshrug:

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Why the frick would you want f*male attention???????

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  • WayOut : It's always the ones you least suspect :marseydepressed:

Because I'm... I'm...

I'm straight. :marseydoomer:

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Oh jeez

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Downmarseyd :marseytrollcrazy:

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Ew :marseyyikes:

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Go to a bridal fair and tell all the foids running the booths that you're the maid of honor for your best friend's wedding. You probably won't frick any of them but you'll get about as much female attention as you can handle.

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That's the kind of thing I would actually do if I had the guts. I certainly don't have too much shame.

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Women are actually good at finding and generating drama

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Homosexuals ruined behaving like a cute twink.


Jewish lives matter too Al Qaeda.

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Cute twink

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That's the best part. The girls think you must be gay to be on their site so you can take advantage of that to get close to them.

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Named after something designed to be smoked and sucked on by rowdy teen-agers too, lol

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>post about Russian casualties on the Ukrainian war

>most upmarseyd comment thread is another "muh African immigrants" rant.

!nonchuds there's also another comment thread on "muh Europe importing millions of Muslim men".

Why do chuds have to bring up their obsession with Muslims and BIPOCs even when the post subject is something unrelated?

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they only have one joke and one fetish, but sometimes they swap them for variety.

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makes you think of black guys

!grillers all chuds everywhere...

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The UK are so used to being cucked, the media just doesn't hide it anymore.

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>There is no real need for over a million European men to die for this

Good thing it's only slavs dying then

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  • WayOut : I always hire Ukrainians on WeWork, they're cheap and do good work.

Ukrainians have legitimately becoming my most trustworthy people. They now found their way in as my flower people, barber, mechanic, tuner, contractor, and whatever else I need. They're highly competent and offer fair prices for their work. Knowing their brothers are dying for globohomo makes me sad :marseydepressed:

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True, but also, why didn't putin attack mongolia or kazahstan or something instead of ukraine if he's so based

Clearly he isn't some white savior the conservatives like to larp him up as

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We need to grind down those yt boys into paste so Africans and poohjeets can replace them...

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It's still ziggers fault tho, they're the one killing European men. Such an r-slured war tbh

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We gotta have those 5 villages with 20k people! You don't get it there's nooozeeehs, and russian locals ard being oppressed! And zeleski is le ebil dictator jew!

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a million European men

A million slavs

Well, Im willing to accept ukrops as honorary semi-yuropeen, like the japs back in the day.

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There is no real need for over a million European men to die for this.

Wrong. The slavs yearn for the trenches

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Why does it matter if non-whites emigrate into a country of non-whites?

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You don't get it Russians are the new Byzantines!i!

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to replace the dead with something far more deadly and foreign to a Ukrainian than any Russian.

R-slur nuke.

The Lazy Africans are more dangerous too Ukraine than the Russians killing them. They should mass import Russians instead.

R-slur nuke alert.

Jewish lives matter too Saddan Hussein.

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Yes neighbor. Ukraine under 100 years of Russian rule will still have its people and its history and its culture. In 100 years do you see Germany, Sweden, England, etc. even having the same architecture?

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Ukraine under 100 years of Russian rule will still have its people and its history and its culture


Jewish lives matter.

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!pingme 100 years.

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Russians invade Russians

Result is Russians


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Technically they did conquer 2 villages and 3 huts...

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Romania let indians in one millenia ago and they not only failed to integrate, they're the most disgusting and parasitic people.

I'm sure this will turn out fine...

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Integrate into Romani culture for 1,000 years

Europeans are such pieces of shit they still won't count you as European after 1,000 years of living there continuously.

Europeans use excuse of they came from outside 1,000 years ago to deny responsibility at being complete fricking up taking care of their own people over a 1,000 year time period.

Lol. Lmoa.

Jewish lives matter.

Gypsies aren't Indian they are European. Deal with it. Ask yourself why are Europeans so fricked up.

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Selfishly, I think the worst thing is the impact on the economy.

The stupidly high energy prices were the massive blow to manufacturing industries, especially auto. Sure, European auto makers were fricking up for the last 15-25 years but this just accelerated the process.

I know of multiple 400-500 people layoffs from manufacturing plants nobody's ever heard off in 20-30k population cities. Jeets and chinks acquiring majority stakes in suppliers of car parts like dashboards and whatnot.

Should've either nuked Moscow or told Ukros to take the L 1 month into the war, instead we let millions of young people die and accelerated Europe's decline into economic irrelevance, but at least the bad guys didn't win :marseyletsgo:

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For me the happiest part is the death of euro industry whose only competitive advantage was pipelines to Russia laid since the 70s.


And getting cucked by daddy america they did it all for at the end was just the icing on the cake. :marseychefkiss:

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No cap this play was great for both US and China to drive EU/Russia into the ground...

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over a million European men

I don't think Ukraine has more than 1mil casualties...

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Bro it's just Ukraine, calm down.

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