Rarity Gets an Abscess
>You have no idea how she got this, but you know humans did too, so you didn't dwell on it.
>You set Rarity in the tub and surround it with towels. The other girls crowd around and watch.
>Twilight even sets up a camera, though she doesn't let Rarity see her do it.
>Fluttershy hands you a wide tipped ice pick.
Alright Rarity, this might hurt a bit.
>RT: Just...just get it over with. Please?
>Shrugging, you punch a small hole just above and behind her cutie mark.
>Instantly, pus squirts out onto your forehead and the previously swollen area plumps up a LOT, the contents now having a place to go.
>FS: eep Oh my...
>RD: HAHA! Frickin gross Rarity!
>RT: B..be quiet Rainbow.
>RD: Hey! I'm not the on-
>You tug on her collar, breaking her mocking.
Sit down and be good Dash.
>She complies, but crosses her forelegs and pouts with an audible "hmmph".
>With the would be fight stopped, you grab a rag to wipe the puss from your brow before getting to work.
>Looking it over, the hole left in her skin lets you see under a little, yet doesn't bleed.
>It kinda reminds you of the holes left by those parasitic maggots.
>Besides that, it's already oozing yellow/clear pus.
>Wiping the leaking from the top, you set the rag aside and grasp the cheek.
>Her tail goes up on instinct from her training, but instantly drops when her mind catches up.
>RT: Sorry...habit.
>Shrugging it off, you press your thumbs to the side of the hole.
>What you thought would be a small amount begins to just flow.
>You feel the movement of the liquid through your gloves.
>TS: Wow Rarity, that's...that's a lot of puss.
>Twilight begins taking notes as she often does, even with her already recording everything happening.
>Though you've seen far worse on the internet, seeing it happen is still a strange experience.
>However, nothing you'd SEEN prepared you for the smell.
>As soon as the watery puss drains off, a thick off white glob spurts out and the room fills with the an incredible stink like rotten flesh and horrible fetid cheese.
OH! Jesus frick...
>FS: cough cough cough
>AJ: HOOOOO NELLY That stinks!
>Twilight actually goes to the potty, trying desperately not to puke. She doesn't thankfully.
>Rarity holds her head low, obviously ashamed.
>Everyone takes a moment to shake off the smell, and you wipe the wound down again and get ready to squeeze.
>You instantly wish you hadn't.
>A geiser of goo shoots from her side and the smell returns with vengence.
>Other than the sounds of gagging and lurching, the whole room looks on in stunned silence as the foul matter spurts from the hole.
>Rarity herself looks absolutely horrified at the sheer amount laying in the tub beside her.
>RT: urk How....ugh how revolting!
>You give a few more pushes, and the flow finally stops and you wipe it clean.
There Rarity, that better?
>RT: A...a little, but it still really hurts. I..I believe there's more.
>Twilight manages to stop gagging and writing long enough to come inspect it.
>TS: Hmm. Anon, I believe this may be an abscess, not some kind of boil or cyst. You might have to..umm, go inside.
>Nodding, you carefully slide your pinky into the hole.
>RT: GAH! Please not so rough! That's my skin you're under!
>You feel around a bit. You don't know how a pony is supposed to feel under the skin, but you're pretty sure this isn't it.
>Finally feeling a jiggly mass, you check the outside to try to make sure.
>The cut and drain made the whole thing a lot softer, and it's obvious what parts are the abscess. And DARN is there a lot of it.
@BenisBepisBenin is really sorry, but this is goint too hurt.
>RT: I understand, just do it fast. Please?
Alright, I'll try.
>You begin to wiggle your finger in the wound against the jiggling walls.
>Her body locks up and she grits her teeth in pain.
>Finally satisfied that you've managed to open things up, you start to pull your finger out before you realize what you've just opened.
>Carefully turning her around, you turn her around and take the finger out.
>A thick stream of white literally shoots out over a foot for several seconds.
>RT: GAH! pant huff Well...that feels much MUCH better.
>Everyone looks revolted, and the smell is worse than ever.
>Even Rarity buckles under it, and Twilight and Pinkie are both throwing up, and your finger is coated in a thick coating of white filth that resists you flinging it off.
>AJ: Wh..what WAS that? Where did it all come from.
>TS: I don't even know. I mean, I knew these could be huge but....Wow.
>You tune out the chatter, determined to get this over with.
>The whole thing looks a lot less swollen now, but there's still some jiggle left all around.
>You move your hands about her rear, and find it's actually spread to both sides.
>And there's still some left, some very chunky portions.
>Pushing up from the opposite haunch to the hole, large chunks begin slipping out.
>It has the consistency of...cottage cheese.
>Pretty soon, the flow stops, and the hole looks to be sealed with what looks like a chunk of meat.
>Flicking it, you look up.
Uhh. Rarity? Do you feel it at all when
@BenisBepisBenin touch this?
>RT: When you touch what?
>You'd been tapping the chunk the entire time you asked.
>Figuring she didn't, you give it a gentle, experimental tug.
>It pops out and another gush of chunky fluid gushes out.
>This continues for a couple of minutes, a chunk occasionally blocking the hole.
>Soon however, your work no longer produces anything.
>Thankful for that, you start to help bathe her and clean while the others happily leave you, Rarity, and her impressive smell alone.
- >A trip to the doctor over the unexpected size reveals that, while impressive, she'll have no long term problems from the abscess.
>Not that you couldn't fix, though you don't completely trust your ability to heal magically.
>The doctor puts her on antibiotics and tells you to ensure it stays clean.
>Within a week, only a tiny hole remains visible, and she's taken to more aerobics to tighten the skin.
>Her coat however, needed to be bleached to get all the red and yellow out.
>And nobody was keen to even go into the main bathroom. They'd walk to an extra on the other side of the castle just to avoid it.
(Rarity's PoV)
>A week after your simply shameful ordeal, things have gotten back to normal.
>After a fine morning breakfast of of eggs, hay bacon, and your owners seed, you make your way into the living room, where Rainbow is watching TV.
Up before noon Dash? What's the occasion?
>She doesn't look amused.
>"Morning to you too cumslut."
MY...I...I am no slut.
@BenisBepisBenin have but a single font too drink from.
>"PFFT HA! Lighten up Rare, I'm just messing with ya."
Hmmph, indeed. So, what are you watching anyway?
>Completely rhetorical, as you trot forward to see.
>Your body goes cold as you see a recording of without a doubt the most embarrasing body problem you've ever suffered.
>And it looks even worse from behind.
>"snicker You like it? Twi made sure to record the whole thing."
I...I....I...Nononononononononononono! I've gotta-
>"HAHAHAHA! She didn't show anyone but the house. Don't get your curls in a knot."
>You feel shame welling up deep inside. You know Rainbow Dash will NEVER let you forget this.

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Thank you for writing this. Your actual content (drama and lolcows) being surrounded by paragraphs and paragraphs of worthless references to what random dudes said on reddit is the epitome of rdrama. The entire post could've been one or two sentences, but instead we got this beautiful example of why nobody likes dramatards.
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