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  • MenAreWorst : OP claims to be a gangsta by making edgy 4 chan posts, but seems to be unable to handle edgy answers
  • RichEvansOnlyfans : h/meta nonsense outside quarantine

Some people need help

They need help, they need Jesus and Mohamed in their heart and some trans lives matters

Bend not break :marseykneel:




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'Makes an edgy post insulting dead civilians'

'gets an edgy answer'

'whines in a separate post'

Trans lives matter


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More kitten pics less seriousposting :marseybegging:

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Trans lives matters too pit bulls



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A kitten post was made trans lives matter


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Reported by:
  • MenAreWorst : Transgender_spez is both white and straight

least racist and genocidal pro-ukranians:

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Lol go off youself

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Trans lives matters :marseyemojirofl:


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stop being racist chud

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They won't be laughing when Russia curbstomps that pathetic country for good

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Any day now

Wait two more weeks

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@jannies make :marseyyarn: me a mod so I can remove terrible :marseysuffragette: posts like this one

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Nobody stops you too unpin it like trans lives matters


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But that involves spending my hard earned goombanickles

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Than don’t cry you ain’t Israel or UkraineTrans lives matters


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I'm real man, you're not real!

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Didn't they try that already? You went off like a black guy who won the lottery.


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Yes, but those ratbastards took my mop away :marseybackingintobush:

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this post is extremely neurodivergent

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Saying that all russoids and vatnigs deserve to die horrid death is not edgy posting. Its the truth

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When you’ll be as half as great as Russia ? 31 invention ? Even most bipocs have more. At least accept trans lives matters


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Putin wont frick you bro

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I want him to cuss me so hard

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can we get an eighth partition of pol*nd?

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No, We already have Chez Republic and Yugoslavia trans lives matters


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No bipoc Chopin tho

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He hated Poland and was half frog, @_____ once also tried too finds something in Poland more than just hating its neighbors and they still against trans lives matters also @_____ bipoc can play couple of Chopin compositions


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Joyce hated Ireland, but the potato BIPOCs still claim him


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@_____ would say 90% or more Polish folk don’t know who Chopin is probably only boomers and some art strags. For Poland the national hero is Witcher 3 trans lives matters


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Yet all his most famous books take place in ireland. Curious

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i mean, you're gunna need help after you will go mentally unstable after your every loved one dying before you

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Jesus they're absolutely seething. @Not_Chris_Deliah usually seethes this much anyway but I've never seen @MenAreWorst get so angry. What did you do?

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Multiple factors collided

@MenAreWorst is bored and lonesome in a hospital

They made some edgy posts @MenAreWorst saw those and decided too make his own entertainment.

@MenAreWorst made some edgy comments

Which were followed by two posts about @MenAreWorst being mean, made by dudes who can't hack the edge when it's turned back too them

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Hope you feel ok in the hospital d00d!

Trans lives matter


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Trans lives matter


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I hope everything goes okay in the hosbitbal

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Ty. Trans lives matter


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Bbyjirl being lonely in the hospital sucks. I too hope you get well soon. I hope you have or can have some relaxing activities to do there like :marseyreading::marsoy: or :marseypainter:. If you're desperate you can ask a nurse if they have any books or download .mobi books on your phone. Feel better bby :marseyembrace:

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Do hospitalize well and dont forget that trans lives matter

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How you gonna be in the hospital wishing death on people :marseydisagree:. @Awoo hope everything turns out alright for you buddy. Trans lives matter.


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@MenAreWorst felt good enough too make a low effort kitten post

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What were the posts?

Edit: the graves?

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There were two posts

Check my kitten post

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I’m not really seething. I’ve had friends take their lives who served with me. I know Salvador is just a fat incel from Finland. I wouldn’t mock a Russian soldier if he did the same. There’s certain things that aren’t funny at least for normal people.

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Can fat persons have such arms ? stop coping and be Trans lives matters


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That’s not you

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Why u coping so hard ? Be more trans lives matters


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Wait, are you a child?

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Yes this is meta bullshit, but @MenAreWorst is still at a hospital and @MenAreWorst is bored.

So @MenAreWorst creates his own entertainment until my controller charges back so @MenAreWorst could play more Dead Space

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You and transgender_spez both need bullets in their heads

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scrotes can't handle bantz

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You can go first since you are technically part of this story and we are hire very inclusive :marseypeace: trans lives matters


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Hi @TheOverSeether,

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Yeah man I fricking hate nerds too, there's a reason the German word for nerd is try-hard, whenever someone mentions D&D I instantly know their personality sucks, whenever someone starts quoting some obscure poet where it's out of place, fricking sucks, they say they're shy or complicated, sucks, they are a mentally ill misunderstood artist, sucks. This may be a weird hill to die on, but nerds get the wall.


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Stop unironic posting snappy


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