Bring back targeted bullying; manifesto gets jannied because users start to nooootice behavior karaboga top suspect

Karaboga says he didn't glock glock the mops --

I take it back X (formerly chiobu) made good point he doesn't say he didn't do it

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Meta is gay

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Can u teww mwe when I'm suppwosed two receive my wottershe winnying

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The problem is that the lottershe has a 10,000 dramacoin withdrawal fee and the admins goombled away all their cash.

I'm not allowed to pull it out but if you send me 10,000 then I can pass it forward to them and they can get it for you.

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Onwy if u pwomise two dwouble my investmwent

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I swear on your mother's life.

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I asked about it this morning but we were dealing with the spammaxxxers (boo and jimjones) and I didn't get a response

Idk what the reasoning was but i am fairly sure it wasn't done on krayon (sister toucher)s behalf

Evidence for thinking this: krayon (sister toucher) didn't message modmail asking for it to be deleted

Also i would be the most likely janny to do a favor for him and he didn't message me directly and ask for it

Carp deleted it and he is the least likely janitor to do a favor for krayon (sister toucher)

Tldr idk why it's removed and I haven't slept in over 24 hours so I am barely awake rn but pretty sure it was done for krayon (sister toucher)misic reasons, not on his behalf

@X (formerly chiobu) discuss

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get some sleep bb

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Like an onion this pit goes deeper and deeper

Perhaps carp does have a heart :marseylove:

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so why don't we ping the fish and ask him

carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carp

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To set the record straight: I haven't spammed since spreading the word about the commie janny leaks months ago. Before that the last time I spammed was a :marseytrain: copypasta near the beginning of the site. Those were the only two times I've ever spammed anything. So stop blaming me for someone else's spam if you're referring to anything recent, I've literally just been commenting like normal and making new accounts when they get shadowbanned by you carp and other janoids

Stop shadowbanning me it's annoying as frick I dindu muffin thx


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Darn, I can never tell who is kidding and who isn't: I thought his insufferable cute twink routine was a bit.


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Nope he is genuinely just a moral strag doxxer

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Nah @KARABOGA just love my dogs and hates people bullying innocent spergs. Simple as that.

Trans lives matter and drama jannies conspire with me.


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You are like that fictional whiny sperg, Holden Caulfield. A catcher in the rye for :marseytrain2:s. You can't save :marseytrain2:s from their own r-slurdation.

Focus on bettering yourself. You obviously know what your faults are. Try self-improvement and don't use autism or other diagnoses as a crutch. And for God's sake, stop taking this site so seriously, it's obviously getting to you.

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Trans lives matter. Phonies don't.



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The wanna be shooter to rDrama admin pipeline is real.

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Ey that's me

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:#marseysoypoint: wowzers!

will you sign my authentic rdrama brand marsey yeti beer cozie?

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I hope you die slowly

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That's cruel but not dramatic. I say boozemaxx and go on a high speed chase @Pog

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No one can stop you, you're all the way up

  • drake
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didn't glock glock the mops

What did he mean by this? :marseyhmmm:

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The glock glock 9000 big succ

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:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: :marseythonk:

A glock glock to you, too :boomermonster:

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Have a glick glock day, neighbor


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he didn't use his glock to kill the jannies (not based)

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Soon, brother.


Trans lives matter


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Sucking off jannies

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lmbo oh :marseyxd: Thank you :marseyxoxo:

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Tbh @KARABOGA is pissed about too. It wasn't even a manifesto just my life story.

And @KARABOGA don't dox or anything anymore.

Trans lives matter


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Why are the jannies suppressing this. Possibly 1984? Nvm suspicious again

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lol don't think he said that he didn't tell the jannies to remove it, he's just saying that he doesn't dox people anymore apparently

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Wait I've been played :#marseyohno:

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Too busy spreading the trans lives matter news to posts that upset him.

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Post it again in a pastebin link

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Good luck trusting Krayon (sister toucher) with a link or docx file. :marseybye:

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Anyone who clicks unknown masked urls without checking them first deserves what they get

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Trans lives matter

You really wanna read my manic breakdown?



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hey dramatardchan... i was thinking... maybe u could take a shower... if u want


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rdrama is my life. I die for my dramanauts. Its some real shit. I met the love of my life here, i gain bussy, i mature, its all part of the dramanaut life.

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Trans lives matter


@BigTurkeyHunter @X (formerly chiobu)

Dude pingmaxxing lol



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Nice why don't you go make a difference in real life instead of sneeding about the drama gay gossip site being too catty for you :#marseyfingergoodjob:

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@KARABOGA wouldn't exactly call Kiwis bullying a man too suicide β€œtoo catty”. Bit of an understatement don't you think?

Trans lives matter


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When did rdrama bully anyone to suicide? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” Why are you shifting goalposts since we AREN'T kiwifarms πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” your foid tactics are trash

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He thinks making vague statements gossiping about people behind their backs on a gay cat enjoyer site is harassment. Meanwhile, Captain Autism here :marseyautism: has literally doxed and harassed dramatards.

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That's basically what he said to me a few days ago during a spergout. It's okay when he does it because he thinks the people he does it to are bad guys (just like in Marbel moobies! :marseyautism:)

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This site harassed and mocked a child a few hours ago. How is that not objectively evil.

Trans lives matter



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no proof

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Proof: account was @Nic read the context of their comments.

Trans lives matter


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More proof:

Trans lives matter read the thread.


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At this point the function of this site is closer too kiwifarms than /r/drama. More focused on the lolcows than the drama.

Trans lives matter



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Not an argument, non sequitur, plus you eat frozen pizza rolls

Stop generalizing an entire site and stop shifting goalposts.

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You want a source on that, cute twink?

Trans lives matter.



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You really are just a worse pizza shill.

Sure give me a source that all of rdrama behaves like kiwifarms

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@KARABOGA have a question for you personally. Do you care about what kiwifarms or rdrama does or ever think they go too far?

Trans lives matter


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More comments

You are 73.44% sociopathic, 54.55% impulsive, which makes you 39.13% more psychopathic than the population average.

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Average dramatard.

Trans lives matter


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let's ban all social media


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Yeah I do remember a LOT of bullying to suicide on Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, and even SMS

Ban peer messaging services

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Other social media sites aren't centered around stalking and mocking mentally ill ecelebs.

Trans lives matter


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says you

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So what? What difference does that make?

Trans lives matter


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I just want to let you know that your pings don't work. I don't know if it's because you edit them in after posting or because the jannies have turned it off on you, but it doesn't work.

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I think they deleted his notifs cuz I keep gettin push notifs but no website notifs

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![](/images/16684385051510952.webp) @KARABOGA did you get this jannied be honest

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If Frozen is a 7 on the scale, her younger sister is like an 11. :marseygossip:

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rope immediately

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Her younger sister is her late 20s :marseyblowkiss:

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I'm sorry, does it look like I care? Get this horny strag bullshit off the front page.

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Honestly idek if I'm remembering who frozen was correctly

But also

:coomer: good to know

88 coins rdrama?? Kinda dogwhistling πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

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>Found 88 Coins!


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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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