I can onwy gather swo much on /u/Mircy . I have a wwite-up on xer bf PIMM(in MworDwama) but there is scarce cwontent two gleam off of /r/dwama since mwost of xer activities were shenyanyigans on discword.
Here's onye such thwead cwontainying a slapfwight between
@dramasexual and
@snallygaster abwout remwodding Mircy
Here's anyother pwost abwout CwomedicSans yeeting bwoth Pimm and Mircy off of the mwod list fwor being discwordstrags
u/pwincessCuck thwead fwom where I gwot this image
Endless BanEvasionying. Mircy walked swo Kwaywon and Mewwo cwould run
Anyway !metashit & !oldstrags as i was saying, effwortpwost/wwite-up on xer would be appweciated. Alswo any infwo on hwow the discword faction started would
be gwate.
Thanks ILY
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Mircy killed the Minecraft turtles.
I never had any smoking gun evidence
but it was deeply suspicious the way the turtles all died every time xe went to the turtle sanctuary.
The people have to know about this. They think Mircy was all sweetness and flowers and guroposting, but xe was actually quite deranged (in Minecraft).
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