
Introducing the world's next hit trading card game....


:sparkle: :sparkle: :sparkle:

It's exactly what it sounds like; I want to make trading card style artworks for prominent dramatards.

Admittedly, I've never fully committed to playing anything like Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon...

:marseyyugi: :!marseyautismwitch:

(Some neurodivergent, am I right?)


So here's what I need from you!


I need people who know more about this stuff than I do to help direct how these cards would be formated and what they would say.

Like do we want something text heavy, like a Yu-Gi-Oh card?

Do we want "types" of tards?

I started the brainstorming process with @Lappland months ago, and here's what I came away with:

-houses and holes they interact with should definitely be on the cards

-tards who have notable rivals, enemies or friends should have that written on their card

-items could be a thing, like a card representing different awards, or the autism hat could have its own card, etc.

-other people should contribute art of drama users! I think that would be super fun!

What trading tards are and aren't:

I'll be honest, I'm just in it to sometimes post funny doodles of dramatards that I made based on what I picture when I think of them.

I don't know how involved I'd actually be in the process of designing the cards themselves.

I also don't forsee these being an actual true card game, with a UI on this site, these are more for shits and giggles.

These are just goofy digital cards, not physically printed items

my vision

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17203972626475978.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17203972629693878.webp

I'm picturing something like a combination of these two styles; one where there's just the art taking over the whole card with a loose boarder. The other with defined edges and framing, with some text at the bottom.

Text could be a description of said tard. For example:

"Aveann is the founder of rDrama, he's Egyptian, and really really likes Capybaras"

Here are some examples:


That's a trading tard I made of darkabsinthe. Idk he kind of inspired this whole thing because this is what I picture when I hear his user name lol

This next one needs no introduction:



Yeah! Go nuts with the concept, I think this'll be great!!

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  • hop : creative chad!!!!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17203986247264738.webp its a trap

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Hearthstone and it's consequences

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Not Mantis God, would not draft.

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Slay the Spire and it's consequences have been a disaster for card design

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It's the fricking GOAT card game though

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so overrated

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sequel next year :marseysoyhype:

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Shut up and take my heckin money


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Excuse you this is a direct ripoff of Inscryption

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And it's consequences.

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You think Inscryption was inspired by StS?

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Its navigation style might have been :marseyshrug:

The cards are obviously mtg and pokemon but that doesnt say much

Im not sure if slay created the rougelike nodal map navigation idea but it definitely popularized it

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The card layout, yeah I think StS popularized it

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That was hearthstone lol

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720403690484612.webp so which part of this card is the same as what I posted, and that wasn't already done WAY before StS? (Name/Picture/Description was done as early as MtG)

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Mana orbies and neat lil status icons as shorthands and banner titles

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Symbols in description. By "mana orb" do you mean the energy cost? Magic also had numbers inside circles. Looks like StS is just a ripoff of MtG

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That's a pretty solid format

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:#marseymath: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17203987707346878.webp

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Oh what are those?

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I've already said too much :#marseytableflipfull:

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An ai generated spell card called "911roofer's nightmare" https://i.rdrama.net/images/17205411164108884.webp

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Lol I'm actually making a fully fledged digital CCG. It has its own lore (cyberpunk meets noir), but I should totally put in some dramatard inspired characters. I already added a Marsey!


(ss from the card library on my website, not from in game)

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Get your power users from the highscores, at least truescore, posts, and comments.

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i made one for @IP_IVIasquerena :marseywave2:


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Sorry but I'm an OG purist, so this is mine:



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skater girl>motorcycle girl

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Yeah, "she said see you lotorcycle boy" just doesn't have the same ring

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@TouchFluffyTails can i get a made for BBC :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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i made one for @ThermonuclearNekroz :marseywave2:


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Cute idea! Good luck! :marseywave2:

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Okay let me not be an ideas guy and actually try to throw together a prototype here. @LilMarseyontheprairie pls bully me every week until I get something done.

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Thank you!!! This will be so much fun!

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Why not Garbage Pail Cats?


!marseyartists !oldstrags

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Garbage pail kids


I see those in antique stores sometimes

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I ran some AI with great results for Garbage Pail Kids. I'd have to fix the text manually.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720456338714539.webp Spida Oneida

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204563389269369.webp Nathan Immolation

https://i.rdrama.net/images/172045633911276.webp Asteroid Mergatroid

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720456339331009.webp Reentry Rodney

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720456339532911.webp Fungus Fargus

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bro dont mention us that shit's all ai

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Then fix it

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It's still art and it's still Marsey and it's going to usher in a new world

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:marseyfuckyou: ok whatever

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I'll look into that concept more

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Literally had some in 1st grade

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Golden Marsey card, one in a packet - can be used as a Trump tard

Zoz bot card - when someone tries to beat you, play it to nullify their card

Pizza card - blank, both players must argue 10,000 words x 3 each about what it means. Whoever gives up, loses

Glowie marsey card - gets to look at 5 cards of the opponent

Chud card - loses 1 round of playing

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Need all the soyjaks in there as well as the obvious reddit tier arguments that will boost their base strength. Some.ultimate mega board wipe when you play a self realization card

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Have a depression mechanic that temporarily boosts your arguments but becomes negative quickly

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This will make power users too smug



:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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That's it, your card has hemorrhoids now

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I made a bunch of portraits for my hoi4 mod lol, they're kind of card like right? :marseydance:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720434132112861.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720434132173373.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204341620333917.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204341322596078.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204341323047922.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204341323471117.webp

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this will be the libertarian tribe

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Carbine is so cute doe

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carbinechan too smug, needs correction

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@TheOverSeether is a certified bleach slut

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:#marseyshook!: I am!?

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@DestoryerCarbine this neighbor fruity

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oops, i corrected him(female) too hard. sorry :marseyteehee:

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Yes! They're perfect to make into trading tards

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NFTs that can be purchased from the store with coins.

Black trans lives matter.

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That you can gamble

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The Star Trek CCG was kinda cool but it suffered from the "unless Luke Skywalker is present" problem; the designers wrote cards to interact with other cards. Don't do this. It's a cardinal sin of CCG design. Richard Garfield himself once said, (paraphrasing), "write the cards, but write the rules for cards to interact with other cards." Meaning, don't ever have a card that refers to another card. The Star Wars CCG was awful with this (hence the "Luke Skywalker" effect). That was a terrible game.

The Star Trek CCG was fun but it also suffered from rules text such as, "...as long as Picard is present." Bleh. That's such shitty design.

The gold standard, fun to play CCG's, were the Battletech, and Deadlands. And, because we live in Heck Frick Clown World where nothing good can be allowed to exist, both blossomed and died for about 4 months back in 1997. But you bet your bippy I played both back in the day and it was rad.

Battletech in particular deserves more praise than it got; it was like a Magic the Gathering but with actual, you know, fun. Your "creatures" didn't attack your opponent's life total; they attacked his deck, hand, and lands. Every point of damage forced your opponent to sacrifice cards. The artwork was drawn by kids in the sixth grade but it was fun.

Deadlands meanwhile...holy shit. What a game. You played poker to resolve combat. There were like a dozen factions and each was oozing with flavor. But of course, because we can't have nice things, it lived and died for exactly 17 days back when Smashing Pumpkins was relevant.

So if you're designing a CCG, write rules for cards to interact; don't write cards to interact with cards; have a kick-butt setting like Pinkertons and president Andrew Johnson battling vampires and steampunk robots. And for God's sake, don't make cards that say "deals 16 damage, unless both Darth Vader and Chewbacca are present, in which case, deal 17 damage."

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Actually a fun idea. Unfortunately I don't have any art skills to help out but idk lemme know if you need something any user could do :marseyclueless:

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I don't like this because I'm not famous enough to make the list. :marseyrain:

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If you do it just make them in a purely collecible card format maybe with some text but nothing else

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That's what I'm saying, but if someone else develops them further, good for them! I just want to swap doodles lol

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:marseythinkorino:If this gets enough traction it could be used for a function comparable to the Soyjak Wiki and document the users, and events of this site for years to come, helping newGODs along the way. :marseyfranklin:

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If this gets enough traction


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I'll keep making Tards, maybe they'll catch on someday

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But mimic is a bad omen.

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It'll be ok! We got this!!!

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That'd be fun!


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!metashit potential metashit art

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What dramatic incidents in drama history could be used as cards?

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Definitely things like the whole melo situation or the penny situation....

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Accusing foids of being troids or moids is definitely a card or mechanic

As should actually showing a foid to be fake


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What would the back of the cards look like? :marseyquestion:

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Idk, the cards wouldn't be printed :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:

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It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.

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