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30,000 mello/boo/carp/rdramahistorian rdrama alts celebration thread




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Hey she's my schtick get away

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ButteredToast alt

I actually was on old drama for a few posts. Ed_ButteredToast12 or somethin

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If Ed came back, what would you ask him? !metashit

  • Obviously if you're interested in the Marsey thing, it's you and Anton. If you ever want to come here and take possession go ahead. I'm just doing it now because somebody has to. Somebody has to try to become an internet microcelebrity because they were there when somebody posted an emoji.

  • Should I do three sleeping marseys or one big sleeping marsey? You didn't have that technology in the /r/drama days so I don't know which path to follow.

  • You were really good to me back then when I had cancer. It was like I dunno, 2%? chance that I was gonna die (they never actually tell you))/ So thank you for being there even if it probably wasn't gonna happen.

  • Can you please come back? At least just give us a little wink :marseywink: now and then? Or if not a wink an incredibly creepy child smile.

For those out there who haven't been with us since the old times:

You dumbfricks had no idea what was going on about him getting banned. :marseylaugh:

Ed decided he was gonna be the Henry Morgan of WIndows. But It wasn't normal Windows like you and I use, it was something for servers or some shit. They don't care as much if you're just a normie consumer, but if it's a business thing they will hunt you down. That's where they really make money.

That guy was such a great pirate that he was so brazen (or lazy) that he used his /r/drama account for his activities from Tortuga.

Also frick you because you're probably here right now and not upmarseying this just because you're a total peepee. :marseyfuckyou:


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There was some boomer rightoid that was from Iowa got feud with Ed and Ed would bully him by calling 🕦 Grandpa 🕧 tick 🕑tock 🕣

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Ed Butteredtoast was banned by the admins because he was sending unsolicited peepee photos to children. :marseypedo:

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I don't think that's historically accurate. :marseysmughipskorean:

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I made this up, and if you were to search all of the archives you would not find a single post where anyone other than @Redactor0 would say otherwise.

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Seek help.

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I'm Ed_ButteredToast12

prove it :#marseytrollgun:

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If I remember correctly, and I probably don't, he was banned from reddit and came back under a Ed_ButteredToast variant but no one was sure it was him and so a few people also decided to be Ed alts for a week or two so there were like five ButteredToast variants going on at one time. A regular Edapalooza.

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I was ed_butthurttoast and was just there to play with kippot lol

He thought I was an alt of some other dude he was recently beefing with lol.

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So what you're telling me is that I'm pretending to be an alt of another dude, who is pretending to an alt of another dude, and...


the name sounds really familiar but I can't quite place it. Remind me. What was his gimmick?

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The guy saying it or the guy he's accusing? What's goin' on there. "Bend over and cough" isn't something that I say to my bffs on a regular basis.

I gotta admit that I wasn't 100% sure of the right pronunciation of "lowcow".

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THe guy in the vid nofapg*mer, was reporting on Kipper, who was a notorious unemployed terminally online europoor welfare check doxxer and was originally banned due to terrible reputation off site IIRC.

he (kipper) was allowed to repent and be unbanned in rdrama tradition if he posted bussy and being the aforementioned kind of person with nothing to lose, he did so and was unbanned while also claiming the title for inironically the most horrific looking butthole ever in the dramasphere

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More comments

Thirdie troll. He posted bussy here and it was horrifying.

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A true carp-alt denies being a carp-alt.

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No really, I'm Carpticus

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Thanks! wouldn't have been possible without my other Carpticus alt, @RWBY

:marseylookingbackthong#: :marseykneel:

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Hot AF

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My personal opinion is... goddamit Dwight, this used to be my avatar on /r/deuxrama. Stop giving her butt implants.

She wouldn't do that anyway. She doesn't need to. She understands that her talking is more seductive than silicone ever could be.

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butt implants :marseyno!:

:marseystrutting#: :marseybooba!:

thats au naturel

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He gives different directions to each of us.

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I'm a rare coned alt

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You people are starting to sound like bardfinn screeching about sock puppets

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Boo was banned again?

I hope the Chinese characters aren't a dog whistle implying that the alts are me :marseyshiftyeyes:

No trans women are women

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No, stop sperging, you're not chinese :marseybigbrain:

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My ID says I'm Chinese :marseycry:

No trans women are women

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your ID was made by communists and speaking as a true patriot you're an honorary American



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Didn't trump just end birthright citizenship :soycry:

No trans women are women

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exactly, you have superseded the latchkey larp americans imo

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It was fun having a US passport for 21 years of @X's life @X guess

Finna not paying burgers any taxes :marseyindignantgook:

No trans women are women

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I have a 7x7x5 foot shed you and your family can stay in if you change your mind and wanna illegally immigrate here, just fyi :marseyshushing: :marseymoreyouknow:

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And you can't read Chinese?

That's a bit embarrassing.

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? @X can read Chinese

No trans women are women

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But then you would have known what Dwight has written?

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Welcome back in Chinese feels like a dog whistle especially after I've been alleged to be the alts of many users :marseyindignantgook: no trans women are women

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>not including lofi_girl alts

You are this close 🤏 to getting blocked

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shut up RDH, nobody cares, cute twink

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That's a lofi_girl alt

No one else posts videos of casino jackpots (╯•﹏•╰)

No trans women are women

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>literally who


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@lofi_girl aka @Chikorita aka @Hotcake aka @cinnamoroll aka no trans women are women

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>literally who

sorry I dont remember these alts

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Can't blame you lol it's just the Japanese emoji using user


No trans women are women

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wat is the point of the all their alts if they're not chudded or banned , especially if they dont have any meaningful gimmick outside of spamming one emoji though

idgi but I always upmarsey engagement so meh

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They're scared of Internet history

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No trans women are women

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That number doesn't seem exactly accurate. I just made an alt that was 31000 something.

And there's no way it's 30000 unique users with only about a thousand alts :marseysmughips:

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whoops you're right, I forgot to adjust for deleted accounts because I forgot that was a thing

:marseyteehee#: I missed the mark by 1616 accounts lmao

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1616 is NOT Azeroy confirmed

!yabujin !jumpstyle !azeroy !gyrottazao !1616 !1688 !8888

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!sd Marsey smiling while farting on a kiwi bird

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Marsey smiling while farting on a kiwi bird

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For a second I thought "Whoa I got a double batch!"

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Marsey smiling while farting on a kiwi bird

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