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Injustice: How the S*x Offender Registry Destroys LGBTQ Rights :marseygigathonk: :donkeykonggigathonk: :marseyhyperthonk:


It's hard to believe that until recently, there were still laws on the books that made it illegal to be gay. Our legal system may no longer explicitly prohibit same-s*x relationships, but we have found new ways to criminalize queer kids. We label them as s*x offenders.

Across the country, children are put on s*x-offense registries for behaviors that range from "playing doctor" to streaking to having consensual s*x with peers a few years apart in age. The statistics are scary: out of 800,000 people on registries, one out of four -- more than 200,000 -- are under the age of 18. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as a "deviant." Additionally, initial investigations show a disproportionate number of these youth are queer.

To be clear, kids do commit serious harm. Regardless of the behavior, though, two decades of research have shown that registration does not reduce recidivism or prevent harm in the first place. And the LGBTQ disparity isn't a reflection of justice -- or public safety. It's an indication of the implicit and explicit bias woven throughout the legal and welfare systems and all the more reason to make eliminating the practice of registering youth a priority.

A report, called "Give the Kid a Break -- But Only if He's Straight," found that LGBTQ young people are given harsher punishments than their straight, gender-conforming counterparts. In the study, participants suggested disciplinary consequences for an older teenager having s*x with a 14-year-old. A 16-year-old straight culprit was much less likely to end up on the registry than a gay 16-year-old.

Queer and gender-nonconforming youth are also more likely to get kicked out of their homes, run away, or be funneled into the child welfare system. Once in the welfare system, their lives are more closely watched and normative behavior that might have elicited a talking to from parents ends up reported to authorities. Nicole Pittman's human rights report, "Raised on the Registry," found that 90 percent of the 500 youth on the registry she interviewed were in the child welfare system at the time of their arrest.

Even the laws themselves can be blatantly discriminatory. In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court struck down state bans on same-s*x sodomy; however, Justice Anthony Kennedy's majority opinion included this single negating phrase: "[the] present case does not involve minors, which this comment will refer to as "the minor exception.'" Kennedy was referring to adult-on-minor sexual conduct, but states have used it as a loophole. Texas law, for example, considers sexual contact with a minor under the age of 17 a felony, unless both participants are under 18, no more than three years apart, and they are of different sexes.

Once young people are on the registry, the trauma grows. Children are ostracized, socially isolated, and often physically banished from their homes and communities by child safety zones. Their life becomes a struggle for employment, and they must regularly check in with law enforcement; if they fail to report even a minor change in their lives, they can be sent to prison with a felony. LGBTQ youth in prison can also be both the targets of sexual abuse and homophobia. One out of five youth on the registry have attempted suicide. Queer youth already have high rates of suicide, so this adds to the risk.

The laws created to protect our children from harm have potential to be very harmful, potentially fatal, and definitely life-altering. Registering youth is contrary to public safety and a costly burden to law enforcement, but it is our LGBTQ youth who are paying the high prices. While they have shown great resilience and courage, this debt is not theirs to pay. As a society, we need to redress this miscalculation and eliminate youth registration laws.

TOM WAHL is chairman of the Liberty Education Forum and NICOLE PITTMAN is vice president of Impact Justice.

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!nooticers Do NOT notice this post or its contents. If you feel that you are beginning to nootice something please stand and face the wall

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hrrrghh i cant stop nooooticinggg :#marseynoooticer::#marseychartscatter::#marseychartpie::#marseychartbar::#marseychartgaussian:

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@tina new cinchnews idea! :marseysmug2:

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Holy shit. it's getting so hard to out-satire reality. totally stealing this though, thanks @janky_kong :marseyhomofascist::marseylove:

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>url isnt cinchnews.com


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NO :#marseytrollcrazy:

TAKE IT BACK :#marseytrollgun:

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The statistics are scary: out of 800,000 people on registries, one out of four -- more than 200,000 -- are under the age of 18. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as a "deviant." Additionally, initial investigations show a disproportionate number of these youth are queer.

This isn't the wholesome and empathetic argument they want it to be.


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The registry is messed up because of how many false positives it has. However it should still include minors and shouldn't be removed entirely.


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The registry is messed up because of how many false positives it has.


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In states without Romeo and Juliet laws, sometimes stupid teenagers get put on the list, ruining their lives for what most consider to not even be immoral.

Urinating in public, whilst stupid af and usually done while drunk, is not nearly at the same level as being a p-do yet it can also put you on the list.

Also some people have the same info as someone on the list and get marked as a false positive, it happens a ton with social security and credit scores as well.

The registry needs to better classify offensives, and make sure false positives are minimized.

Then again I also think s*x offenders should never be allowed to be free again (either life imprisonment or execution) so ideally the registry wouldn't need to exist.

Edit: also sometimes people are put on the list during custody battles, sometimes if one of the parents breaks the custody rules even slightly the other person will try and get them put on the list. This is because in some states kidnapping a minor can get you put on the list, even when it really isn't kidnapping.

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Maybe he's talking about how relatively "harmless" offenses (like peeing in public or walking around in revealing outfits can be considered indecent exposure) can land you on a "s*x offender" list if done in the vicinity of minors.

Either that or :marseybrainletpat:

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A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as a "deviant."



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A friend in HS got the partyvan called on him cos he was looking at CP, he said he was looking at 14 and 15 y/o girls online while also being underage

Butane Billy, if ur reading this, we all think u actually hosted a CP server

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And why were you friends with Butane Billy

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We were friends b4 he got party vanned, met in computer class in 9th grade. The incident happened a year later and he wasn't allowed online or near computers, so we drifted apart. He got into drugs and alcohol instead, next time i heard of him was 10 years later and he was a toothless meth head working at a vendor

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A couple of little things that happened to me since I put sodomy behind me. Dogs stopped barking at me. Friends say it's because I don't smell like blacks any more. But also—and I can't fully explain this—I started to care about spoilers. I once posted HAN SOLO DIES on Twitter and lost 2,500 followers and reveled in it. But I'd be furious now to read that, and wouldn't inflict it on others (Star Wars cringe aside), because my viewing and reading habits are changing. I used to watch and read for color, texture, pattern, theme, atmosphere and didn't care what happened to the people in the story. So I liked Wilde and Rothko and TV sci fi. But now I find myself caring how the plot resolves itself. I want to know how it ends. I enjoy art for more than just the surface textures and historical contexts and political dimensions. Things matter, and what happens to people and to things matters to me.

I think I would say my focus has shifted to the story because I have stopped running from the ultimate story—our universal origin story. The story of the eternal mysteries of the universe. And I care about what happens to people in stories because, for the first time ever, I finally care what happens to me.


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This is such an example of peak wokebrain. They could get a lot more people sympathetic to this cause and have the same outcome by talking about how fricked up it is that an 8 year old can be labelled a s*x offender in the first place. But because they want to virtue signal how much they care about all of the poor oppressed LGBTQ, they've got to throw in a whole spiel about how this disproportionately impacts gay kids, instead of talking about the broader issue. Do you care about straight kids also? Too bad, chud - in that case, this movement is not for you! We only care about gay kids here.

Honestly, I started out sympathetic when I was reading the article, but now I feel more like saying "Frick those gay kids and this entire movement." If these narcissists are so self-centered that they only want to help gay kids - but not straight kids in a similar situation - then they honestly deserve whatever they have coming. Imagine being so bigoted and evil that you point out injustices in the legal system, but you only care if those injustices impact gay people, not the straights.

These wokebrained Leftoids are incapable of grasping that their selective empathy which they only seem to apply to alphabet people but not to the majority of society is something that most people consider disgusting and morally repugnant.

Sorry, was I seriousposting there? I mean "Bussy LMAO"

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Care to put your money where your mouth is, cute twink?

2200 EST, 05/28/2020, 4210 Wolfetown Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719

Bring as many of your cowardly friends as you want; I'll go to prison, but all of you will go to the morgue.

Thread ''We're sitting ducks': Concerns of copycat attacks following paedophile’s killing' https://kiwifarms.net/threads/were-sitting-ducks-concerns-of-copycat-attacks-following-paedophiles-killing.69969/

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