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The Tesla Files


I have no idea if there's anything really interesting in these since I didn't read the article


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I thought this was gonna be about the files seized from Nikola Tesla, not the car company


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Yeah I'm not reading it either but maybe someone here is more neurodivergent than us and can TLDR


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Just use ChatGPT to TLDR it

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I'm neurodivergent and was having a Tesla related debate with friends. The gist of this report they reference is that Tesla has been misleading people and stonewalling regulators, often by never admitting fault. It seems to cast Tesla self driving features as not only being half-baked, but dangerous. Multiple people, allegedly verified by the journ*list mentioned in this article, have said they were injured or in an accident with minimal redress from Tesla. Tesla only communicated verbally, and all documentation of the "technical reports" were closely held by the company.

I would say since journ*lists are saying this, it's probably not true in the way they're framing it. But it could be. We just don't know because journ*lists are r-slurred. There's no publicly available evidence, and the issue really comes down to "do you think journ*lists would make something up for clicks?" versus "do you think a billionaire would hurt people for money?"

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the issue really comes down to "do you think journ*lists would make something up for clicks?" versus "do you think a billionaire would hurt people for money?"



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wish i shorted tesla before this drop :marseysad:

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There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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