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It's day 1 of the Olympics and France has already collapsed (coordinated arson attacks on railway infrastructure)


A series of fires have hit French high-speed rail lines, hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympic Games

Rail company SNCF says it's a "massive attack aimed at paralysing the network"; France's transport minister says they're dealing with "co-ordinated malicious acts"

Some 800,000 customers are affected with disruption expected "at least all weekend", the rail firm says - passengers are asked to postpone trips and not travel to stations

Eurostar services to and from Paris are being diverted with several trains cancelled

Whodunnit? My guess is environmentalists.


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Couple of women also r*ped, athlete robbed

Everything goes perfectly

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Couple of women also r*ped, athlete robbed

Not sure how that's something new...

That's daily business in France.

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I'm sorry OK! Geeez.

!male feminists

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That's why it's good :marseythumbsup: Macron couldn't stop Geist of Paris. Also yesterday there were tons of Olympic fans in my city, I wonder if they did tours of decided it's cheaper and safer here than go to France and Paris. (Seen guys with Israeli flag and behind them tons of folks with Palestine flags screaming free Gaza :marseyxd:)

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Paris is rather expensive for being such a shithole, but some of the luxury hotels are amazing.

I just don't end up actually leaving the hotel.

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It's still lives the illusion of being Disney paradise. Like I still know girls that go to Paris regularly to do pictures to flex

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Just like the American Dream.

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And one was a blonde Aussie.


We died in Flanders fields only for the Frogs too submit too globohomo and let BIPOCs in too r*pe our sheila.

Death too all darkies.

Someone chudaward @massive_frickwit @massive_frickwit is about too go Cronulla Riots 2.0




:#chuditsover: muh freeze peach. i thought it meant freedom from..... full life consequences.....

black lives matter

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!jannies you got a live chud here

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!chuds we got a narc here

hope ur jewish lives matter

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Implying Cronulla 2.0 is a bad thing and not what we all dream of at night

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How do women there not at least carry knives or something? Christ on a cracker

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Isn't like literally any kind of self-defense tool illegal in europistan? Guns (obviously), tasers, pepper spray, all the usual foid safety stuff is probably illegal there.

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pepper spray is legal, though not every variant. don't know about details

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Small blades are legal I think, some grandma killed a bipoc who tried to rob her with a pen knife a while back.

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It's illegal here in Portugal but I always have my blade with me lol. Most guys I know carry one too, the cops aren't too anal about it and give it a bit of a free pass unless you're carrying a seriously big blade with you

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because you need a LOICENSE for that bruv.

Oh It's Paris? Well then you need le lessiannce`

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Anti-weapon laws are hilariously anti-woman and people don't really know how to respond when you point it out to them

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Save a life, bin that knife Mr. Hunter

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Left-wingers/unionists. Some of them threatened to sabotage the olympics before and the rail company is filled with them.

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How about Russians who infiltrated the environmentalists and got the dummies to do it

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How about Russians who infiltrated the environmentalists and got the dummies to do it

Their voices would have been drowned out by the existing wingnuts who are already established there. There is no extreme of lefty weirdness greater than the French communists.

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The beauty of modern-day France is that it could be any of these. Is there a worse place to hold the Olympics right now?


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No one wants to host the olympic, the Olympic comitee was so desperate to find cities that it gave 2024 and 2028 to the only two candidates because they were worried that no one would bid for next olympics.

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Almost entirely because of the government's themselves turning it into a giant graft and waste scheme

Just like every infrastructure project these days

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Did you know out of 10 points of the communist manifesto. We live under all 10 right now. Including commie central banks and public schools and income tax and property tax

Trans lives matter

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The heck are you jibing about now?

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Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land too public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all too labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.

How many do we have today?

Trans lives matter

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!nonchuds are we living in gommunism?

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Palestoids would have killed people, probably

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Where is the option, refugees that chilled in Paris canal and were kicked out by police ?

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They're not coordinating arson attacks across the network. Disgruntled refugee would be a single random policeman stabbing.


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Maybe someone sent them one of SPAL's guides on how to wreck electric infra on a whatsapp group


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It's not Palestinians. They (along with the West German police) killed a dozen Israelis in 1972. If they're planning to attack the Olympics again, they're not gonna ease up and just do property damage this time around. :marseytaliban: :marseyhitler:

My money's on eco-terrorists, but for the !poll_voters, I'm gonna throw another option in the ring. :marseychartpie:

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The :marseydeux: have the only good passenger train network outside if East Asia. They keep actually improving it because it gives their police an excuse to hit ruraloids with water cannons.

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God did it because they are French

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Marine Le Pen sends her regards :marseydeux:

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Subreddit operators


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could also be fugees (or french arabs) lashing out. they're oppressed, you know?

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"(Muslim) Immigrants" should have been a choice

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How to vote for both Ziggers and Palesneed 🤔

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Its france, theres not even any doubt. 100% far-leftoid anarchists.

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laughed my butt off when i heard it on the radio

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>My guess is environmentalists.

Ah yes, famously train-hating environmentalists.

Probably :marseyputin:

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They hate one reliable source of electricity that produces 0 CO2, why wouldn't they hate trains

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No TAV groups are a thing

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Ah yes, famously train-hating environmentalists.

Have you not been following the news out of Aus and the UK? tards have been going after trains all summer too "raise awareness"

jewish lives matter, until we get the trains running again

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Ukrainians hit signal stations constantly in Russia rear lines

It was Zelensky!

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!commenters Daily Mail says it's either environmentalists or the far left.


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hon hon hon

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I don't see either of these groups actually being able to coordinate on a national scale :marseyquestion:

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Follow the money.

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Deutsche Bahn should have done this so they'd have an excuse during the European championship other than them just being horrible.

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I don't even care if it's eco terrorist commies, this is hilarious. Suffer Macaroni.

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hottest vulcan prove me wrong

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It's a French word too

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Truly a third-world country wearing a Gucci belt :marseytearsofblood:

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I'm so bummed out about France :marseydepressed: . Feels like nobody wants to make things better anymore.

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I know one person with a plan and the motivation to make his country great again

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Rioting is the French national sport

:#marseydeux: :#marseyflamewar:

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I wanna blame muslims bc I hate them but they absolutely would have killed people.

I'm vooting far left laborcels.

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This is a white person crime or slav

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we will never know what Achmed Mohmmands motives were

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arson about more like

bloody frogs

:#marseynorftalking: :#marseyheinzbeans:

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I don't even think Brazil was as bad as this.


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All the friends we made along the way :marseywholesome:

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Lol good

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