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Now it's called "Of England". :marseyshook:

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If you were a believer, would you prefer a church where the preacher believes in your deity and the teachings of your holy book, or would you prefer a church where the preacher does not believe in your deity, and the teachings of the holy book are treated as secondary to the political agenda of third party groups?

The mystery of why conservative churches have better retention than liberal churches continue to perplex religious study majors.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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The idea of providing a space that encourages a close knit community and promotes moral values to all individuals seems like it could be good for increasing membership, and would be good for the community as a whole.

In the face of declining numbers of believers in supernatural deities, focusing on the actual practical function of the church in a community might be a good pivot. Then once you have more people in the door, you might get buy-in from some into the supernatural faith based elements. Those people who buy-in then end up turning to more conservative churches to explore the rest of the religion. It's still a net gain for the religion and community.

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Your logic makes sense on its face but at the end of the day the "here for the community" folks do just stop going altogether, hence why Baptists/Catholics/Pentecostals have weathered the storm thus far while the ones who dispense with taking the Bible seriously have hemorrhaged numbers with the younger generations... which was what @Count_Sprpr was saying.

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the "here for the community" folks do just stop going

Or get old and die without anyone from the younger generation replacing them. Like when I think of the Episcopalians I just think of old ladies in my grandparents' generation having a social get-together. The last place I'd be caught dead in.

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Statistically you're correct, which is fricking why I said "with the fricking younger generations". Average age for Episcopalians/Anglicans is fricking 56. :marseyboomer:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1723932132585548.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17239321327777746.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17239321329162283.webp

:marseynoooticer: Some stats for our !Christians. While I think "how important is fricking it to you that your children share your religious beliefs?" is fricking probably one of the fricking best proxy questions for "do you actually believe this is fricking true?" I would wonder how many of the fricking Mainline Prots and Catholics have ecumenically neutral views as opposed to being agnostics in the fricking pews. :marseypope2: Evangelicals mostly don't consider other denominations to be "real Christians" which would influence their response.

Regardless, it's not looking good for us projecting into the fricking near future Christbros. Pray for America. :marseydoomer::marseyitisfinished:

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Most of the fricking parishes in the fricking USA have at least one priest from SA/Africa/the Philippines at this point and it's only gonna trend further in that direction. Westerners are too fricking financially comfortable and commitment-averse to enter the fricking priesthood these days.

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It's funny :marseythissmall: but Nashville of all places is the only one I've seen so far that has a surplus of TN native :marseyeskimo: priests. We actually :marseynerd3: have like two priests per church. Everywhere else I go to the U.S. has a priest :marseyorthodox: from Africa :marseybipocmerchant: or S Korea :marseyhwacha:

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What's with that anyway?

My grandparents' small town in Kansas has a South Korean priest lady :marseyxd: (Not sure what you'd call a female Methodist preacher)

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Who's us? If Christians are gone, you'll be dead and this silly mortal place will be of no concern to you good or bad.

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IDK if you're in the fricking pinggroup just for equal opportunity trollmaxxing purposes but it's a fricking common definition of "love" amongst all branches of Christianity to will the fricking ultimate good for others, which means to know and serve God (the only acceptable answer for the fricking purpose of life). If you don't think that matters you've fallen far away from Christ.

Also Matthew 16:18 the fricking gates of Heck shall not prevail, @Grue.

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Grue's not trolling here. Xhe's just intellectually curious and likes debating

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I think @Grue knows I like xem I just take a fricking consistently combative tone due to my :marseyautism: :autism: :marseyautism: which probably isn't good for convincing anyone but it's hard to moderate especially when I'm mostly active early in the fricking morning while drinking coffee. It's 6:30AM here. I sincerely doubt I'm going to influence anyone's conversion but I can at least provide an orthodox Christian take on most subjects to add to the fricking intellectual diversity of this forum. Sorry to anyone I've offended past or present or in the fricking inevitable future until I leave this website.

Most of the fricking people I talk to frequently have been subjected to this aspect of my personality as @nuclearshill and @QuadNarca could likewise attest.

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Matthew 16:18

I also tell you that you are Peter,{Peter's name, Petros in Greek, is the word for a specific rock or stone.} and on this rock{Greek, petra, a rock mass or bedrock.} I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

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I don't disagree (although I'm pretty sure Catholics and Baptists are still declining in terms of percent of the total population), but in England especially there seems to be a movement among secular individuals where they are embracing the idea of "cultural Christianity".

Secular society has a massive void when it comes to community.

It makes sense for a branch to try to appeal to these people.

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The idea of providing a space that encourages a close knit community and promotes moral values to all individuals seems like it could be good for increasing membership, and would be good for the community as a whole.

It does. Unfortunately progs don't promote moral values or community.

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just because YOU don't believe in progressive values doesnt mean SOME OF US dont

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But nonbelievers, tend to just not go out as often. Cultural third spaces died, not because of some conspiracy but because the consumer no longer exists. Most atheists just want to stay home and watch movies, and play vidya. For many the pain of interacting with other people is what drove them to atheism.

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Yes great idea. I wonder how your theory is playing out in the real world.

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The Of England :marseycharlesiii:

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Not much else to say really.

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The logical conclusion of the Protestant Reformation is atheism.

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Someone else has listened to or read Tom Holland I think. Millenium and Dominion are fricking good popular level works discussing the fricking development of Western morality and arguing that it all goes back to the fricking Church. The fricking gist of his central argument is fricking that the fricking iconoclasm and skepticism of idol worship found throughout the fricking Bible and the fricking Christian tradition was fricking turned inward first on Catholics (the power of relics, the fricking authority of the fricking Church, miracles in general etc.) and then on other Protestants.

Enlightenment philosophers and atheistcels are fricking rife with Christian assumptions that never developed organically. !historychads

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!anticommunists shoot the gooks

Communism will win butt

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Catching up with the quakers

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>Actively committing heresy to accommodate the Muslimarinos


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The Shahada shall soon be inevitably added to their articles of faith, Salafis do not care about white liberals with a noble savage complex.

:#praiseallah: !ummah

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Rage bait headline :marseyclueless:

They are calling church plants things like "worship communities" or "congregations"

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It literally just looks like some priests got upset about some slight changes in wording and are making a big hissy fit about it to the press. This has never happened before in the history of Christianity :marseyclueless: !christians !catholics

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Regardless of this specific instance it's reflective of real trends within the fricking Anglican denomination, they allow Muslims to deny Christ in their "worship communities" and have bent the fricking knee to every political trend of the fricking day. In the fricking USA the fricking head "bishop" of the fricking Episcopalians gave a fricking sermon where she called St. Paul misogynistic for exorcising the fricking demons of a fricking slave girl and implied that her devil worshipping prophecies were fricking "of God" in direct contradiction to the fricking plain text of Acts.

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Yeah true, I was just making a comment about this specific instance

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This is always how it starts. In programming, it was relatively tame in the beginning, and today projects get deplatformed for being slightly edgy. Give the people an inch and they'll take a mile

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Pretty sure england is now trolling rdrama

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Its over for Divorced,Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived- Cels.

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Henry VIII, I…

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!Christians sounds like this is the one and only time the !Mormons smoked your asses

An equally-valid historical contender too the current mainstream Mormon church was once called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Like, infinity years ago it changed its name to The Community of Christ, for the same reason as the Anglicans. !lutherans !calvinists

The current mainstream Mormons have rebranded a lot of their material. They ditched the old missionary lessons for a new play book. They ditched 3-hour church for 2-hour church.

They ditched a thing called "Home Teaching" but then kept doing the same thing under the new name "Ministry."

They talk much less about how God has a Wife by scribbling her, and capitalized plural God pronouns (They/Them), out of the printed Sunday School lesson materials and just left God instead, respecting His capitalized singular God pronouns (He/Him).

!atheists Religions consult Madison Avenue marketers to rebrand their product for new consoomers. Nothing to see here.

Meme chud phrase: Communism will win nothing.

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The RLDS changed their name to Community of Christ in 2001, this is younger than most zoomers, but they still own the "RLDS" copyright for historical and legal purposes, here are some more bussypilled fun facts about the Community of Christ (CoC, very apt abbreviation for this topic! :kissin:)

The "Brighamite" LDS Church from Utah became the conservative branch of the LDS Movement, whereas the RLDS/CoC became the progressive branch, in fact they went full-fricking Tumblr lol, they now bless same-s*x marriages, ordain foids, had a "diversity"-related divine revelation in their edition of Doctrine and Covenants, recently chose a foid as future Prophet-President, and their current Prophet-President acknowledged his huwite privilege on his Mormon Stories interview back in 2015 when the "check your privilege" meme was hot, since the 1980s, their insistence on getting more and more like Tumblr and Reddit has resulted in like half of their active members quitting to form their own churches, now known as the Restoration Branches, there is a reason why even Ex-Mormon turbo-idpol redditors love them, since they focus on political virtue signaling and liberal activism first, and spiritual matters second. :soysnooseethe: :marseyblm: :marseytransflag2: :marseyprideflag: :chadlibleft:

It is almost poetic how the Church that was founded and led by the children and grandchildren of Joseph Smith ended up becoming the living embodiment of this meme:


They are also Trinitarians (something extremely rare in the LDS Movement even among non-Brighamite denominations), reject all of that bizarre polygamous gods from outer space and Book of Abraham autism, state that only the Bible is their full source of doctrine and belief in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants is not a requirement for salvation, their position on the BoM and D&C is that they are only supposed to bring people closer to Christ, but that again, belief in them is not required for members nor salvation, and the Bible is their only source of authority, they allow non-CoC members to partake in worship services and temples, have recently gone in a total selling season by selling a ton of Mormon and Joseph Smith-related historical property, artifacts, texts, and even their extremely valued historical temples to the Utah-based LDS Church, and if all of this that I've cited wasn't enough, they even openly criticized the Book of Mormon - the book by their Prophet that is the foundation of their Church, as racist and pseudohistorical! :marseybruh2:


Effectively speaking, the Community of Christ has turned into a de-facto Mainline Liberal Protestant Church, like Episcopalians and the United Church of Christ, they are pretty much no longer members of the Latter Day Saint movement other than their origin and historical background, in being heavily related to the Smith family and (formerly, until literally just a few months ago) possessing a ton of extremely valuable historical artifacts and property related to Joseph Smith, as Joseph Smith's children, wife, and mother joined and led the RLDS in Missouri, it was his nephews and uncles who followed Bring 'em Young to Utah instead.

But even before the whole culture war identity politics stuff started, as early as like the 1920s, the RLDS as a whole has faced a ton of bizarre leadership decisions, and unpopular changes which resulted in large scale defections from their organization, dunno why but they were always a pretty dramapilled organization from its inception, when Joseph Smith's son Joseph Smith III became their first Prophet-President, the autism gene runs in the Smith family I guess!, recently their main source of growth comes from dissatisfied liberal Mormons, and presumably third-world countries, like how the LDS church itself and Christianity as a whole has become dependent on for steady growth of new members.


!christians !mormons !atheists !effortposters

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Brighamite, aka Standard Issue Mormons, tried too start their own kingdom in the Utah territory and failed.

They were so assmad that they forcefully drive out federally appointed judges, which caused the U.S. too send the Army.

In retaliation they sabotaged the Army supply trains. This is known and documented as The Mormon War.

The worst Mormon atrocity is when they did 9/11.

On September 11th 1957, Mormons slaughtered over 100 men, women, and children whole disguised as Indians, because they claimed that the wagon train had insulted the prophet Joseph Smith.

This is known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

They became McCarthyists later under fear that Communism will win

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This kind of obscure drama deserves its own post :marseypopcorntime:

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Good job bobby, here's a star

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This "church" was founded by a mortal sinner who falsely proclaimed himself as chosen by God and committed this disgusting blasphemy of rejecting Christ's church so he could forsake his wife and be self-sanctified in his lust. He even made himself higher than the Holy Father. The Anglican Church is the greatest sin of all prot heresies and bongs are being punished by Christ it too this day. white extinction is long overdue

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I mean, not to defend that fat turkey drumstick holding ginger, but it wasn't so much a lust thing as a "I want a son" thing.

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now do mormonism

then do islam

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'bussy' (boy kitty) should be a transmasculine exclusive term, not a term for cisgays to describe their buttholes.

edit: oh dear god stop the madness I didn't realize it was AAVE don't crucify me



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The church has always been the vanguard of progressivism.

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Before you know it they're going to call themselves something ridiculous like "Religious Society of Friends".


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