Former American :marseyhealthy: pilot, who renounced US citizenship and went to China :marseyoctopusglow: to train :marseytranshitler: pilotz will get extradited to the US. His r-slur :marseymocking: wife doesn't understand why

Lots of seething :marseybeanbigmad: commie :marseydarkcomrade: fricks

!anticommunists Dan deserves to fricking :marseytom: rot in solitary confinement in the dark for the rest of his miserable :marseysorrow2: pathetic :marseycryingclown: traitorous life

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Treason is le bad?!

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He's not a us citizen

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It's treason against his country's lord and master


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He never said anything bad about Israel chud

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he was in australia, who is the puppet of america, who only then is the puppet of israel

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True. He betrayed the Queen! :marseyraging:

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He renounced his citizenship so he could go help America's enemies. That's double treason buddy

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65 years prison for training civilian pilots. The reality is he's being made an example because the US is giga butthurt whenever CHYNA is mentioned. All the pearlclutching rightoids around here acting like Red Scare-era boomers defending torturous prison conditions à la Gitmo is pretty funny though.

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Lmao yeah the Ching Chongs couldn't find anyone else to train their civilian pilots apart from this American fighter pilot. Hope the CCP dropped you a couple shekels for this one.

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You think with all the hundreds (maybe thousands) of Boeing 737s flying in China that we don't allow training civilian pilots? R u tarded?

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civilian pilots


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You sound r-slurred about ITAR

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shit you got me there. Execute him twice.

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Good then he can go to gitmo for a peepee flattening session.

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lol, thats what Julian Assange argued too :marseyxd:

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Australia (and most other countries) will invalidate the citizenship or acquiesce to extradition if it's shown the clown was doing illegal treasonous shit before he ever left the US. Citizenship is based on good-faith :marseysoyhype:, and it's pretty relevant to the Australian government to have good relations with the US

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>They're trying to hide it by doing it on a slow news day!


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Why would they even try to hide it in the first place?

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Traitors meeting their fate is a Christmas present for me tho.

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:marseydiehard: :marseyhanging: :marseychristmasparty:

If only they'd string him up :marseysanta3:

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Oldest trick in the book :marseypipe:

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>without proper explanation

You know it was explained well enough, they just refuse to accept it. Same with BIPOCs at a traffic stop. They dont actually care about the explanation, its just a delay and diversion tactic to stall and maybe figure out a way out of the situation.

... and at least for the BIPOCs coupled with the inability to grasp cause and effect and the concept of responsibility.

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Why didn't he just stay in China?

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China sucks obviously

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Idk, much less fat women, junkies, muzzies, and other unsavories

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less fat women

I dunno, I remember somebody went there in the '90s and his main takeaway from the trip is how many horribly obese children they have over there. Parents dragging these little chonkers around town, probably going from one restaurant to the next to fatten them up more. They would be adults now.

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They stuff their kids because they think it'll make them tall. Once they hit 14 the fat-shaming kicks in.

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Why I no have grandchild yet? I give you everything! Mrs. Li's boy have boy at MBA program at Wharton and he not fat like you!


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They're an uncouth people. Little to no manners and always trying to frick you outta something. The other half are fine. :marseyshrug:

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Opposite case- those kids like that bowlcut one who got their faces plastered all over western media during the mostly peaceful protests in Hong Kong a few years back. There was definitely a window in the weeks afterwards where they could have hopped on a plane and got out but for some reason they never do- family stuff usually, I guess.

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That's what I don't get. Half-assing a defection could never end well. I would've married a Chinese chick, joined the commie party, put a picture of Mao on my wall, etc.

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I mean you can join the fricking communist party without being Chinese... The fricking man is fricking clearly r-slurred, motherlover!

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!friendsofbussy-boy Watch out, he wants to be like Rewi Alley. I'm afraid we might lose him to the ChiComs. :marseysad:

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I want to be like Rewi Ailey and suck 10 peepees a fricking day to stay in the fricking good graces of the fricking commies, motherlover!

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Yeah. Even if you frick up the defection and your whole life like Lee Harvey Oswald, at least snag yourself a Marina while you're over there.

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Australian Government

I mean did no one follow anything that went on with Wikileaks?



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No. What happened? :marseybeanquestion:

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australia basically handed Julian Assange to the americans/brits on a silver platter. No loyalty to their own citizen nor respect for his human rights.

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wtf I love Australia now

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snitches get stitches

but, yeah, ausgov always has been, always is and always will be pathetic.

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Obviously this whole thing was a fricking psyop: glowies send our most r-slurred :marseygigaretard: pilot to the fricking CCP to teach them all wrong so they crash their planes. Now it's time for Agent Shortbus to come in from the fricking cold, so he "protests" his "extradition" - it's the fricking perfect cover because his Chinese handlers know he really is fricking that fricking stupid.

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He tried to go to China :marseyxi: to teach them in 2008, got denied, renounced his American :marseymutt2: citizenship, went to China :marseyxi: anyway to teach people because they were paying him, now he's gonna :marseyvenn6: spend a few years languishing in prison

It is the low IQ coward's opinion that everything is a glowie :marseyfedseydealwithit: psyop

Have some self respect :marseybowing:

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Was he a military pilot? If not, this is pretty r-slurred.



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Have you seen how poorly they drive? :marseyyikes:

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someone should teach them the principle of turn signals

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And after that more advanced concepts, like you don't need to maintain constant eye contact with your passenger for several miles.

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Yes. While in the passenger's seat. Never been so fricking scared in my life. :marseyshook:

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He was an F-18 pilot in the Marines. For part of his time in China, he taught CCP pilots how to land on aircraft carriers.

Pretty much exactly the kind of guy we should be going after.

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>implying I'm not the glowworm who designed this op :marseyhoneypot:

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Agent Shortbus


Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Dan deserves a dignified incarceration that probably extends the rest of his life.


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6 kids

Imagine going from fighter pilot to mini van driver. Bleak

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Fricking traitor. Personally I think we should deal with it the same way we used to, string him up.

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Roy Cohn had it right :marseyhesklennyyouknow:

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Roy Cohn smeared the army (the one that fought commies) because they wouldn't let the boytoy he was buggering dodge the draft. (Assuming he wasn't actually working for the communists Manchurian Candidate-style.) Are rightoids such strags now that he's been rehabilitated and is some kind of a hero?

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I honestly know nothing about him outside :marseytouchgrass: of the fact that he pushed for the execution :marseydeathsentence: of those two traitors, that he was gay, controversial, and mentored trump

Literally don't know anything :marseycoleporter: else

I'm not a rightoid, it just seems like it because I'm uneducated on the topic

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OMG you missed the real drama. The big moment in his life is that he was the central figure in the McCarthy Hearings. McCarthy had gone fully insane, was probably popping bennies or something because he was legit insane. He starts saying that the US Army is run by commies and implying Eisenhower is one too. He has his lawyer Roy Cohn go to the hearings and present his position.

Only problem is that the Army is on to him and his subversion. Cohn was an open and notorious homosexual. This wouldn't totally destroy you even in the 1950s, but he had to go way overboard with it. When his gay lover G. David Schine was drafted in 1953 he repeatedly tried to pressure the Army to give him special treatment and keep that sweet lil' bussy close to home where he could frick it.

So the hearings start and they're on live TV and radio around the country. (This is before the TikTok era when people actually had an attention span longer than 90 seconds.) The Army's lawyers tear him apart, including making smug remarks about him being a queer. This was not because he was the tragic victim of the "lavender scare" and homophobia. Everyone was turning against McCarthy already for a number of reasons. Everyone hated commies but he had lost all credibility. And now he sends out this fairy who is trying to help his fellow fairy dodge the draft. This in a country where literally everyone had a father/brother/son who had just fought in the war. ("The war." We still called it that when I was a kid because half the people in your family had been in it.)

The gay thing made it more salacious and more memorable (apparently not to you tho :marseysmughipskorean:) but that was the cherry on the top, not what it was really about.


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That degree finally paying off

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If I could educate 100 people about Roy Cohn getting called a fairy by the US Army I would die a happy man.

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They needed this scene in Angels in America

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It wasn't memorable to me because I didn't study :marseyreading: American :marseyhealthy: history :marseypharaohcat: in school

But Roy Cohn seems like a fun dude I'll definitely look into it

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I can't wait for the FriendlyJordies video where he turns is brain off to be mad that America Bad.

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Honestly kind of crazy. This is pretty much signalling that the US can arrest the citizens of other countries for working in China. No a good look. The kind of event that makes @Fresh_Start want too see America decline until it behaves better.

Jewish lives matter too foreskin bacon enthusiasts.

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This is pretty much signalling that the US can arrest the citizens of other countries for working in China.

And... :marseyconfused:

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and this accelerates dedollarization

Jewish lives matter tto Redactor american, which is why he sacrificed his foreskin too his semite masters.

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That decision was made already when I was an infant!

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Your parents sacrificed you're foreskin too the jews yet somehow the satanic temple are the real evil ones.

Jewish lives matter too Redactors parents who sacrificed a piece of Redactor's peepee too their gods (jews).

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The fricking rest of the fricking world is fricking getting bolder since covid. If they've got nothing to lose, why not make shit up and throw people into prison, b-word? :marseycatgirljanny: :marseycatgirljanny: :marseycatgirljanny:

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It's the US getting bolder. Wtf has China done to escalate, peeing in our coke?

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I don't know. But they said they found a fricking virus in a fricking Chinese wet market. We need to get to the fricking bottom of this, motherlover!

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lmao get fricked

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Good. I hope he rots.

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so many people are absolutely screeching GAWL WHY IS THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SUCH TRAITORS and i fricking hate social media liberals so much :uhuh:

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Dum Dum Duggan

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Not our citizen, so he's not a traitor, I guess. He's just very, very traitor-adjacent.

idk why the CIA didn't slip him a heart attack pill as soon as they found out what he was doing. This case is pretty much exactly what their assassins are there for, isn't it?

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He renounced his American :marseymanifestdestiny: citizenship after being told he wasn't allowed to go to China :marseyliondance: to train :marseytransattentionseeker: people.

He's a double traitor :marseygreytide:

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