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Meme about gatekeeping causes some :marseycope:, :marseyseethe: and :marseylongpost: Media literacy at an all-time high! :marseysoypoint:



1. :marseysoycry: "Star Wars was about Antifa in SPACE!" :marseysoypoint:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954337447107.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954338968747.webp

2. :marseylongpost: :marseysleep:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954340513835.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954342736979.webp

3. :marseyindignant: "boring cishets" :marseyderp: "easy with the slurs there, buddy"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954343272848.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719495434453283.webp

4. :marseyhmm: D&D went woke?


5. :marseymonk: "there is no gate, it's within your mind" :soyjak: "I completely agree" :doomerchud: "I completely disagree"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954350372603.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194954351347165.webp

6. :marseyweeb: "I tried to warn you, anime is next!" :marseysmug3: " :marseylaugh: "


7. :marseyhmmhips: "media literacy :marseysmug2: "


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Star Wars is a fairy tale set in space. There's nothing politically deep to explore lol.

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That is not a coherent statement. Stories are stories, r-slur.

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Star Wars is a fairly tale for kids (Lucas himself said he made a kids movie after finishing it), the first film is about the good guys rescuing the Princess locked in a fortress with the help of a wise wizard. It has a very basic good vs evil premise which works to attract large audiences.

Is not a philosophical political film full of grand ideas and politicking.


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Unless you are a commie.


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Im guessing he spends 20 mins talking about the strike episode (which is longer than the actual episode) and how mr krabs is greedy.

God i love childrens tv analysis channels.

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You are media literate :marseyaward:

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I figured it was about chivalry tbh. I mean they're called fricking Jedi Knights and they use magic light swords and have some "code" about upholding honor or whatever. (Yes yes I know IRL knights weren't necessarily super noble but I'm talking about the abstract concept of chivalry.)

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No you can't have your own subjective interpretation of a piece of media!!! You HAVE to appreciate it EXACTLY how I think the creator intended!!! Don't think for yourself or create your own opinions because that's not creative. You clearly lack media literacy.

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Media Literacy is watching and completely parroting narratives from a 3 hour Breadtube video essays about the queer politics of Pokémon, Chud.

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The power of MANY!

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It's clearly about freedom-loving ancaps defeating space communism :marseyindignant:

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There's nothing politically deep to explore

And yet they managed to frick up doing a fairy tale in space. I don't expect my Star Wars to have any profound insights, I expect it to be fun. Hollywood won't even let us have that anymore.

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A ripoff of King Arthur in Space and Dune

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!trekkies on the "foids saved Star Trek" :marseylongpost:

We all know Star Trek was always a progressive show with Roddenberry projecting his commie utopian views more and more as he aged. But the problem with the newer shows writing is that everyone acts like a moron. I can't believe I'm going to reference a rightoid Y*utuber but Critical Drinker made decent point on how r-slurred the characters act. Having a woman captain, fine, but having her constantly break and cry or have junior officers joking with superiors orders on their commanding officers face is ridiculous. They want Starfleet to be a zoomer workplace when it is supposed to be a quasi-totallynonmilitary organization with a strong chain of command.

Foid writers glorify "vulnerability", crying and being constantly overly emotional while acting stoically is "LE BAD REPRESSIVE MASCULINITY" :marseywomanmoment2: :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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They love to spout off about what Gene Roddenberry believed in but there's a lot of things about him they forget. Like that he was a bomber pilot in WW2. So no, he was not woke. He did not ask the tail gunner which pronouns he's using on each mission or let the navigator go have a cry over how stressful his job is. He did not put up for a vote which target they were going to attack. Every guy was expected to do his job to the utmost until that plane landed.

Also btw Gene Roddenberry was horribly misogynist even by the standards of his time. These tards just go by what he said at conventions, not what he said behind closed doors and not how he treated women.

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he was a bomber pilot in WW2. So no, he was not woke.



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Bomber pilots arent soy drone pilots

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:marseyshrug: bombs is bombs

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The primary problem with Nu-Trek is that NONE of the writers ever served in the military so they have ZERO idea how Navy Officers behave or act.

Soft, weak women would get boxed out waaaaay before they get control of a ship.

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Yeah, when I complain about something being "woke" I'm not complaining that there's like, a black or female actor in it. I'm complaining that it's written super poorly as a way to do insincere political pandering. If you write a good story and just let the character be a good character without being fricking weird about it there's not a problem. The only exception to that is :!marseytrain:s, probably, because I am legitimately bigoted as frick against :!marseytrain:s and I never want to see one on my screen in any context.

The worst is that Current Year media is so obsessed with their overly smug circlejerk that I almost have to deliberately avoid anything prominently featuring minority characters to get a good story. Bitches can't just write a character anymore.

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Yeah I couldn't care less if there are black hobbits in LotR. But Numenorians stating that elves are going to take their jobs and it's time to make the island great again are such lazy and hamfisted political messaging that it comes across as satire until you realize that writers actually think it's intelligent and clever.

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Numenorians stating that elves are going to take their jobs and it's time to make the island great again

Did they actually do this? Lol

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Reminds me of how in Dune 2 there was a part where somebody mentioned that the Southern Fremen are really religious and Zendaya was basically rolling her eyes at their fundie ways. I don't remember if there was anything like that in the book, and I'm no fan of religion so I don't care if they make fun of it, but in the movie it was obviously a forced political reference and it seemed really silly. Like, what kind of people write that kind of shit?

Shit, I'm still mad at Jackson for putting that stupid shield surfing and dwarf tossing in his LotR.

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You sound media illiterate

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Foid fatigue is real

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NuTrek bad.

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did foids really save star trek when roddenberry was misogynistic as frick and it did just fine in the 60s to 80s without that woman's touch?

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I will NOT read about irl politics in nerdshit. We gotta gatekeep escapism fr fr

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The Dance of the Dragons is a cautionary tale on the dangers of foidery. Rhaenyra Targaryen made sense as heir while Viserys I had no sons, Aegon II claim was always stronger than hers but the girlboss decided to risk a civil war that would kill hundreds of thousands and almost destroy her House while being manipulated by murderous sigma psychopath Daemon (only based black) because she can't resist Big Valyrian Peepee.


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House :marseyvampirecrusader: of the Dragon: Good Morning.

>only based :marseykingcrown: black


:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Cishet isn't used as an insult tho? I use that clinically, if anything "normal people" is what I put some venom into. The concept of normalcy and it's cultists is fricking lunacy.

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!humans humanmisia


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>normalcy cultists

!grillers ummm, is this directed at us????

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Yeah i prefer the term "non-defective people" over "normal people"

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Abbreviated to non-people

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>why can't you be normal just please stop sucking peepee all the time




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Cishet is absolutely a slur lol

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Shut up cissy


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!humans thoughts?

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No it isn't.

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>Gatekeeping is bad, also I won't stop seething about fake fan incels and launch crusades to kick them out

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The media literacy crowd still unable to grasp how homelander is a fun character :marseyhomelander:

"Noooooo you can't enjoy evil superman!! That means you think he's the hero" :soycry:

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!bookworms whatever you may think of GRRM :marseygeorgerrmartin:he said Daemon Targaryen was his favorite Fire and Blood character. Meanwhile some fans are like:



Though most of ASOIAF villains are fairly despicable or just grotesque and hard to root for (Cersei, Walder Frey, Roose Bolton, Ramsay Snow, Craster). He wants us to dislike Tywin Lannister and Randyll Tarly too though they're cooler.

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Hate Tywin Lannister Challenge: Impossible


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I loved reading Cersei chapters. What a girlboss :marseyadmire: :gigachadqueen:

I also like Roose a lot. Not a fan of Ramsay (too evil) or Craster (kind of a nothing character)

Frey is whatever, but I like the idea of a giant family and all the squabbles and conflicts that that might entail, although it's not really focused on in the books. One interesting theory I read was that Frey's desire to have so many kids was due to him being raised during the most recent great famine/long winter where tons of his own family died.

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I thought the concept of "media literacy" in the current year was about being able to correctly identify fake news, propaganda, bad interpretation of studies, conspiracy theories, etc. i didnt realize it now means interpreting capeshit and starshit strictly through the lens of breadtube.

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No it's about knowing that cool movies are satire and you're not supposed to cheer for the protagonist.

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They forgot Harry Potter. The description of bankers is straight from Karl Marx.

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Wrong. Rowling's description of bankers is more akin to "Mein Kampf" :marseyreich:

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That guy did some good comment trolling

Nice find bb

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@Sylveon the frick is that?

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719523072344193.webp This is all you need to know.

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"Star Wars is about antifa in space" mfers when you tell them not to give 10000 dollars in funko pops to the evil empire of Disney:

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