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This thread is wild. Thanks, 911roofer :@911rooferlove::@911rooferlove::@911rooferlove: !

[–]Cute_Championship_58joke's on you, I'm into that {{forbidden theme}} 484 points 12 hours ago

The pearl clutching is getting ridiculous lately. Last time I received criticism about underage characters doing it (with other underage characters, mind you, there wasn't even an age gap), I asked the anti - 'You do realize that real teenagers out there in the world are having actual real s*x, right? And you're preoccupied with what I imagine two fictional ones will do?' But it never works, trying to rationalize with these people. They just want to be enraged.

[–]ftChuu 134 points 11 hours ago

It's because, in their minds, you're "sexualizing minors", even if you're a minor too...

>:soysnootypefast: Yeah I watch minors having s*x because they're minors having s*x which makes it okay.

:marseywtf2: !chuds

[–]usernamesaredumb3 34 points 9 hours ago

It's even wild to me when the underaged characters are literally aged up to be 18+ and people still say it's wrong. Ig they came out of the womb as an adult.

No, your Honor, even though they look like kids, it's not child porn because the author said they are 18+. :soyjaktantrum:

:marseyjudge: Double guilty!!

[–]Rhovakiin 134 points 12 hours ago

Someone call the police, my husband and I were at one point in the past children! We are aged up and having s*x! Oh no!!

🙄 /r/pastorarrested has some actual child SA perpetrators. Spend your energy doing something good for Real World Children instead of pooping yourself over fictional characters in a made up story.

Have the self control and discipline to monitor what entertainment you take in. We are not your parents, we are not responsible for you. If I want to write my ship, I will, because I am hurting no one in real life. Anyone who pops off at me about my silly hobby and about how wrong it is will be blocked because I don't have time to play games with immature 11 year old behavior. Grow. Up. Anyway...

>:soysnooseethe: Yeah, I masturbate to my own child porn, but it's fictional and does not lead to thoughts about fricking kids, and and and think about kids who have been sensually assaulted in the real world! What about them?!?!


[–]I-m-Here-for-Memes2You have already left kudos here. :) 60 points 11 hours ago

At that point of the conversation they bring out the "Well, no one is harmed by it, but why do you want to read about kids that much?"

Then you point out they're thirsting over a serial killer and suddenly that's completely different, obviously they don't condone murder just because they write about it 🙄 because they're ✨ smart ✨ unlike us

>:smugjak: Why yes, I masturbate to stories about kids, but isn't it peculiar that you read horror stories? Checkmate.


What the frick is going on over there???

!nooticers, redditors have new(?) arguments about why being a paedophile is A-okay. :marseyokay:

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