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Man thats alot of weed. U could sell some of that for food lmao.

Imagine not being able to feed yourself and still buying weed. Irresponsibility is what is keeping this person down and it won't get better till they take some accountability [-54]

That is likely a large sum bought all at once for cheap. I think in rough times, having a vice to help you cope is important. But also using all your available resources is important. [+58]

Goddarn junkies and poors. Blowing money on r-slurred shit and then crying about not having money.

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That is likely a large sum bought all at once for cheap

Cool now why don’t you try that with food

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>be upset about not having money for food

>buy drug that makes you wanna eat more food

:marseyrasta: dude it’s not addictive bro lmao

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I know people like this. A friend of mine in florida got fired from a home depot after punching a security camera.

We asked him why and he said he hadn't eaten in 5 days.

Which we found interesting because he had been smoking weed all day everyday for over a week.

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>Nooo you don't understand, I got a good costco deal on weed!!!


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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redditors are allergic to personal responsibility

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It's not redditors it's an entire generation.

I've seen them argue drunk drivers arent that bad.

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I've seen them argue drunk drivers arent that bad.



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Seriously all homie needs is a grocery bag and he's set to split and sell Gs (.8g per bag in actuality). Sell half, smoke half, always come out ahead.

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Depending on the area this individual is in that kinda buy an ounce and split it up dealing might be pretty obsolete

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Not everyone wants to or can buy from a dispensary. Could at the least target the local high school.

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I guess he didn't turn his life around


This is seriously like 90% of millennials, they say they're poor but they spend all their money on the stupidest shit.

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Unfortunate that it's not a generational thing, I know several oldcels who are absolutely terrible with money and seem to struggle wether making great money or low tier wagie shit

I think some people are just too dumb to take care of themselves

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True, but I think with older generations they kinda know its either their own fault or aren't screaming on the internet that the whole system needs to be changed so it caters to them.

Meanwhile Millennials and zoomers think the world owes them for existing

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Every time I see some loser complaining about capitalism online I lose a sliver of empathy :marseyschizotwitch:

>born in the most peaceful and prosperous times ever

>noooooo society makes me work 40 hours a week this is literally slavery :soyjaktantrumfast:

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It's because they didn't connect their bitching neurons to the internet at a younger age. I work with some boomers where the world is their enemy and things decide not to work when in use. They'll loudly complain to everyone in earshot about this.

There are (a lot of) inept, self-aggrandizing r-slurs in every generation. We're just seeing the ones using the same medium as us.

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I thought the weed would be tucked away in the picture but it's literally right there lol

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The caption also says “at least I have weed” or some shit.

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Man Pringles have really gone downhill these last couple years, been looking for an alternative. Then again, it's probably for the best I don't eat that kind of food anymore.

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I saw a guy drop a whole pallet of pringles a few weeks ago and then mark them all down to hide it.

I got like 30 cans for 50 cents each. Then realized pringles are gross and had no idea why I got them.

I think I have an addiction to deals tbh.

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Lays Stax are decent if you're in the market for a pressed potato dust snack

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Make ur own chips and spice them urself

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Most chips have, the bags getting smaller is whatever but a lot of them have started putting less seasoning. I got some cool ranch Doritos the other day and they were basically tortilla chips with a little sprinkle of seasoning.

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heroin is cheaper than most other addictions and a lot more powerful

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his entire post history :marseyoldguard: is about buying and doing drugs :marseysosa:

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hmmm let's check what comment is most downboated.

Maybe buy less weed?


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Maybe OP should stop smoking mold and see if the depression gets better.

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