28 years old married to my wife who is 27 years old. We own our home in Arizona. My wife currently works but our baby is due at the end of this month and at that time will stop working.
I work in sales so my income is variable but my base salary is $102k I've grossed $133k since January and and $167k YOY. My wife works 20 hours/week and makes about $20/hour.
Mortgage: 2964.59
Pool guy: 115
Bug guy: 40
Internet: 55
Electric (summer): 300
Gas: 300
Groceries: 600
Water (summer): 150
Baby things: variable on the month
Dog expenses: variable on the month
Medical: I budget (
) $100/month but could be more
Cell phone plan and loan: 111
Online subscriptions: 116
Personal fun money for the both of us (eating out, shopping, entertainment, wants): ~$900 each
$401k: 5%
Save: What ever is left over
Some added context. We just bought our house in May 2022 with a 5.125% interest rate. Only other debt is the interest free phone.
The bills above are every month, but it seems like some big expense I'm not accounting for always comes up eating up what ever I had planned to save. Also with my wife going to stop working soon, and if there is a month I don't get commission we're in the hole about $700 which I'll need to pull from savings.
Do I have a need to be concerned based on the numbers above? Or am I freaking out because of the variable nature of my job? Another reason I'm looking for input is I'm looking to see if it makes sense to switch jobs with the hopes for more income?
Any input is appreciated.
OP responses:
You're probably right $900 each is a lot. I eat out way too much and she loves to shop. Definitely something that can be brought in. It's tough knowing my income is in the mid 6 figures and even at $900 per month per person we don't live an exorbitant lifestyle.
I try my best to budget all expenses but for example, we decide to go to Ikea and bought a new stereo for our car last month. That's a couple hundred bucks right there and of course those are both luxuries that I didn't budget for within the $900 fun money per month. Month before that I didn't plan for some computer software or some new tires. we also had a baby shower. Month before that was a hotel for my cousins wedding. That throws off the whole budget. Yes these are mostly "Fun money" things that are more spontaneous.
Just feels like $900 per month for fun doesn't got very far. That's $30 per day. I understand that some people would love to have that much fun money. I personally don't feel like I live in luxury or anything like that.
Also the wife has no friends
You threw your own baby shower?
Yeah lol we of course had help but my wife wanted to do it herself
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I hate him.
As a true poorcel I hope he loses his job in a recession.
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You should go buy yourself a new set of speakers from Ikea to feel better about yourself.
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Guy is married (to a foid), owns a house, and is going to have a kid and on top of all that their "fun budget" is more than most Redditor wagies will make in a month. This was definitely written to make Redditors seethe.
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Doesn't even social security make more than 900?
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I sure as frick pay more than $900 to SS
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Yeah this isn't giving enough credit to Redditors, which is impressive to manage
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I didn't even read it all but whyyyyyyyyyyy would anyone take financial advice from Redditors? Of course broke butt jealous people will tell you that you shouldn't buy nice things when you can afford them. The first answer I read was some idiot saying he bought too much house and should sell it.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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I put the new forgis on the jeep
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My math isn't great but unless he's planning on spending 2k+ on his dog and baby every month this doesn't add up.
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Hehehehe this is me except I know exactly why I have no money every month bc I have no impulse control !!
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Honestly i understand where hes coming from. 30 a day doesnt sound like an insane fun budget but it really is too much for a middle class couple. Monday through Thursday theres no a lot of excuse to spend that much each when you spend enough on groceries.
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imagine willingly volunteering to get blood cancer every month over icky bugs lol
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Lack of LGBT clarity is hurting g*mers
Being a badass heckin Marvel hero is hard work.
As a queer person who's been gaming pretty much all her life, it's blatantly obvious to me just how scarce the kind of representation I want, perhaps need, is in video games.
Heres why that's problematic:
For the longest time, cisgender men have dominated the video game industry and have continued to be mistaken as the face of the entire gaming culture. This diversity problem not only prevents women g*mers from gaining visibility, but it also hampers the development of a safe and inclusive environment for other minorities in the gaming space, namely the LGBTQ+ community.
So why is it, that an "allegedly" progressive company like Marvel, who keeps shouting they're supportive of LGBT rights keeps us in COMPLETE DARKNESS when it comes to OUR REPRESENTATION? are there ANY LGBT characters to choose from? or are we left to wonder, ponder that we might be left out once again?
Why is there ZERO mention of the LGBTQIA+++ community during LITERAL pride month? HELLO MARVEL??????????
Will i be FORCED once more to play as a WHITE CIS male? why can't i be the badass g*mer i want to be with my OWN complex gender heckin expression ???
Show your COLOURS !! make a public announcement that you're PROUD to support the LGBTQA++ community in this game, because right now?
It's not enough.
G*mers are watching
Game on.
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