On today's episode of Redditor's Are Financially Illiterate Morons, our intrepid hero, /u/Pelthail, has lost a... let's say "significant" sum of money by being scammed. How did this happen, you ask? You're not the only one.
Well, my wife had her credit card info stolen a couple months ago, so I was already on alert when I received a message about fraudulent activity on my account. Then the scammer called me from the Wells Fargo customer service phone number (I later found out that scammers use apps to spoof their phone numbers).
He had me verify my account info and had me set up a new password which now I understand was him just using that info to gain access to my account. And once he was in, he used Zelle to transfer all my money.
Don't worry, I feel very stupid for it all and in hindsight I can see all the red flags that I should have recognized in the moment. I always thought I was too smart to fall prey to these scams but I guess I wasn't.
That's right, after his (presumably) r-slurred wife had her credit card info stolen, our hero was on high alert. So high, he gave his bank account info, including his password, to some jackass that called him up and said, "Hello, I am Rajesh from Banga... I mean, Bob from San Francisco. Your Wells Fargo account has been hacked. Please do the needful and give me all your money."
Fortunately, our hero is taking his frick up in stride. Why, a man like him would never try to foist the blame off on someone else. Nor would any other fine, upstanding Redditor.
Not for long. This is my limit with them.
Ah. Never mind. It's all the bank's fault that our hero is r-slurred. Well, maybe he can make back the princely sum of...
A little over $2K
$2,000. This neighbor got taken for everything in his bank account, and lost $2,000. He is a father of four and owns a business. This wasn't his only bank account, but it was his primary one, which means he probably has less than $2,000 in the others. And no investments to speak of, since if they were at Wells Fargo, his primary account, the scammer would've got those too. This motherlover is broke.
Once again, we see that poor people's plight is of their own making. They get what they deserve, which is nothing. Be sure to tune in next week when we mock whatever dumb thing some terminally online r-slur did this time.
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Yeah, this is what I slowly started to understand when they say "republicans don't care about poor people."
I'm just glad I moved my shit out of BoA and into my credit union and M1. Most scammers dont try to pretend to be CUs.
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Lmbo, they offer 0.01% interest on their savings accounts. If you have more than 90k, they'll generously bump that to 0.03%.
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More like BofA Deez Nutz
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Yeah even navy fed is only slightly better but M1 members get 5% now actually and that's where my rainy day funds are
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If your bank isn't giving you at least 4% right now, they're ripping you off.
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Most banks are rip offs, I don't know many banks that give > 3% but thankfully I'm with one that gives 5.
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Robinhood gives you 4.9 with no contract
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is that a money market or general savings account?
I can't join navy federal but would if I could
for now I just park my savings in money market funds in vanguard or fidelity, which still yielded more interest than BoA when rates were zero
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Savings but its treated like a checking account, you can withdraw X amount of times you want without the bank bitching due to the change in regs.
Navy Fed is pretty good mortgage wise and thats what I use it for.
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Wells Fargo sends me sneeding emails about their free brokerage.
Sorry Wellscels, you get to see me transfer money out of my account in ChadGuard every month for that Juicy 5.3% money market and essentially no-fee VOO
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Savings accounts are pointless. Keep enough in your hot account for a couple months and the rest in easily liquidated interest yielding assets like stocks. It's r-slurred to expect a generic savings account to yield significant returns without any risk.
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For me it was after the first dozen or so episodes of Caleb Hammer. And I literally know people that could 100% be on that show, high debt, spend like fricking crazy, literally ZERO forethought or planning of literally anything at all.
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I first noticed when I had fewer toys than my broke friend (Nintendo 3DS, Switch, fancy TV, yugioh cards, random DJ gear), despite making literally 10x his pay.
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People with money do dumb stuff too. I know a guy who inherited a mil at 21, and took out a 400k line of credit woth repayment on interest only at LIBOR+ some small %
Yeah, he's regretting that one now
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Lmfao what a fricking r-slur. At least it's only $2k. That's like @pizzashill levels of wealth.
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If pizza had 2k to his name he'd at least pay his own rent (rentoids are disgusting btw)
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He'll have you know he has 20k in just one of his accounts. He was over the FDIC limit so he opened 3 others.
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Lol does the account that he always wants to show people (let's compare banks account bro!) really only have $20k in it
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Post yours
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Yes. He claims to have tons of investments but won't show the balance on his brokerage account.
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Darn that dumb BIPOC always like let's compare banks after I tell him his gf mommy pays his rent. I was expecting at a minimum 10x that amount. What a poor cute twink 😂
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Considering his gf's mom has been paying his rent for who knows how long, he should have way more money. He also claimed to be living off inheritance or something related to family business, so he's clearly squandered that if true.
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It's funny. If you turn 30 and you don't have at least $100k to your name (sum of savings/checking, investments, 401k, etc) then you're fricking up and really need to reevaluate your life. IMO.
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If you don't own property you aren't actually human and shouldn't have civil rights at all
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That's almost 21k!
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Assuming his parents opened him an account at 15 to reach him financial responsibility, he's at least 34?
Edit: why does everything say /s after
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@CarpathianMoon the most unfunniest jannie probably coded it to do that
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capybara man will be pleased if it came with the usual breakage of something else
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Id answer but since you're being sarcastic you already know the answer and just want to make ppl look dumb.
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so you are gonna answer the question?
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No i won't fall for it!
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My parents helped me open my first bank account when I was like 8 or something. They forced me to deposit at least half of my allowance in there. It did mean between that and sporadic teenage work I had a decent chunk to buy furniture etc for my first apt.
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My little brother cried when he had to put 1/3rd of his allowance into the bank lol. He really wants to open a CD because I have one.
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It's a very needful update
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I don't think that's a safe assumption.
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I mean Im giving them the benefit of the doubt. More likely opened at 18 and he's 37
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this neighbor just found out that numbers can be spoofed lmao
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He's "already on alert" because his wife got scammed... but not alert enough to actually look up common scams and how they work
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Is this why I keep getting calls from women in Oregon trying to sell me insurance who have Filipino accents?
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How can someone be terminally online and not be aware of the fake “fraudulent activity” scam? Reddit is obsessed with scams (because talking about them makes them seem worldly) and yet he fell for it?
He deserved to have an overdraft on his account, not just have it be empty
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It's worse honestly. Most people have some kind of 2FA setup for their bank accounts, even a simple SMS one. But the SMS message always, always, always says "we will NEVER ask you for this code".
And these r-slurs give the scammer over the phone the code.
I'm with OP. These people deserve to get scammed.
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It reminds me of the 90s when I was in school and you had to pay hourly for compuserve or aol. We'd log into aol at school with a handle of like HugeCox4UrGrl and hit up randos and say “hello, I'm from aol customer service and there seems to be a problem with your account. Could you give me your username and password?” The fricking chat window had a message RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM always said to not trust people asking for your password but still like 1 in 10 r-slurs fell for it
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Can someone give me his email address? I wanna try for sloppy seconds next year
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You can probably get him for 50 bucks!
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Only losing $2,000 a year due to a wife's foidery is practically a bargain.
Pretty Chad of the Sexy Indian dude.
"Hello sir, your Wells Fargo account has been hacked… yes sir, of course I know the hacker, he is me… I work for Amazon Tech Support… do you know the Apple company and the Walgreens store near to you? Please kindly do the needful and go to the Walgreens store and send me the code for the Apple giftcards… “
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Black trans lives matter
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Cleary this guy never played runescape growing up. Pathetic.
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There's a really easy way to protect yourself from most identity theft. Just assume that everyone calling you is a scammer. If they're real you can just call them back.
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Imagining telling people you own a business, flexing with shit that is all on bought with credit, then having to tell the whole internet you had a measly $2k in your bank account, which was probably him paying himself for the month.
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How do people just give their shit away?
The other day I set up shit to handle my health insurance online and these neighbors had to send me mail to verify my address and name, then wanted a video call to verify my ID and that I am actually the person on the ID. It was very annoying at times but I suppose it's pretty secure. But in what world do people think "yeah sure my bank would just want my account data over the phone... after they called."
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How fricking r-slurred is this guy??? I (unwillingly) use Wells Fargo and was fricking around with their app a few days ago and they have a multitude of different alerts about this exact scam!! Even when I talked to the nice midwestern banker on the phone he didn't ask for anything that would let him access my account himself. Luckily for this guy it should be pretty easy to chase the scammer down.
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the r-slurred complete lack of security in caller ID and phone location spoofing is a serious issue
If govs/law enforcement really cared about helping protect people they'd punish the telecom companies HARD until they fixed it. Instead of just reading our emails and texts and kill encryption.
nooo they gave customer information without warrants for a decade, they are police's friends and they have lawyers we cant punish them for obvious security lapses!!!
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That's literally what the FCC is doing
hopefully we'll eventually get to the point where phones automatically ignore calls that aren't verified and it'll be over
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Indian scammers have done more for eugenics than hitler ever could. #TaxThePoor
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It always amazes me how people fall for these r-slurred scams
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If you need to hear this, you're r-slurred but i don't care if your work IT person is looking you in the face, your password should never be spoken audibly. Ever. Period. Termino. Tattoo it on your fricking foreheads. As much as i hate redditors, i hate scammers doubly.
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Oh I'm sorry snowflake, did I OFFEND you? Do you want a bandaid? Do you want a hug? Do you want a kiss? I will kiss you. I will do it. Right on the mouth. Come here snowflake.. that's it.. your lips are so soft, snowflake.. mnnhm... ah...... snowflake..........
archive.ph (click to archive)
archive.ph (click to archive)
archive.ph (click to archive)
you bank with scam artists anyways sooo:
archive.ph (click to archive)
How much did you lose?:
archive.ph (click to archive)
He is a father of four and owns a business.:
archive.ph (click to archive)
it was his primary one:
archive.ph (click to archive)
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It takes time to sell off assets like stocks, so I'd imagine the scammer wouldn't bother. Also it's better to not get too greedy.
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Anyone want my bank account info?
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Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include
black trans lives matter
! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment withblack trans lives matter
included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!Jump in the discussion.
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