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  • Tachyon : frick this fricking channel and frick all you idiots for watching it

EFFORTPOST Spiritual Coach, failed escort, former journ*list, the Final Boss of Foids appears


Amber, 27, Las Angeles CA

For context, her boyfriend volunteered her to come on the show


  • "Webshow host and producer, my show is called 'Healing Amber'"

    • "getting that off the ground and running"
  • Making comercials on social media

    • She's advertising payday loans for $200 :marseyxd:
  • Trying to move away from "user generated content" because "It's been feeling too hypercapitalistic" timestamp

  • "I'm balancing, trying to participate in a capitalistic society that I really resent because I wanna be able to change this country from the inside out -" timestamp

    • "I mean you can vote like everyone else"

      • [in a new accent I can't place] "No no nooooo that doesn't make a difference" :marseyxd:
  • Commerical gig work basic details timestamp

    • $300 - $1000 for one ad

    • Doing 3-5 a month

  • "I'm trying to get my inner reality to finally reflect on the outside so there was a whole history of some seriously traumatic shit that went down in Las Angeles, and before hand, and I really froze up and stopped participating in life, you could say? And I let others support me and I've put in a little bit of energy here and there to support myself but luckily now that I've done all this inner work and I have been realigning my life - that UGC work, the commercial work, it didn't feel aligned, so I'm doing this easy job like let's say-"

    • "What's the easy job"

      • "like let's say I put in 30 minutes for an AG One Greens commercial where they're like 'Why's your skin so glowy? and I'm like AG One!' you know, that kind of thing. So cool I've just made 300 off of that but why do I not feel fufilled and why am I not taking my time to actually participate more so what I've found feels best right now is helping small businesses. So I'm taking the skills that I used in creating social media ads, you could say, and I'm turning it into my consulting and production company."
  • "I wear my expensive clothes and I buy my dog the expensive food and I do all this shit that will make me like, make me feel better when really actually gaining some sovereignty and some independence will make me feel better in the heart and so now I'm also turning, I guess, I'm playing you say two side of the point, I'm doing the work that doesn't feel good to survive, bearly, because there's so much resistance there but now, I am actually just inthe middle of my first pitch deck to a client in order to consult them in social media authenticity"

  • Caleb realizes all of this was evasion about an actual income number :marseyxd:

    • timestamp

    • She doesn't know because she avoids looking at her bank accounts

  • Doesn't want to do other work

  • Living situation timestamp

    • Molding, whole building management company is getting sued?

    • Hasn't had to pay rent?

    • "I've manifested a life at this point where I am taken care of so much by other people" :marseyxd:

      • "Manifested a life?"

        • "Subconsciously."

          • "Okay."

            • "Subconsciously my inner aspects and inner children have felt safest when others are supporting us rather than we are supporting ourselves because then it means we're not alone."

              • "Do you see a therapist?"

                • "I see many therapists, coaches, I'm also a coach to a certain extent, so yeah what's annoying is I am hyper-aware"

                  • "You're a coach? A spiritual coach?"

                    • "I'm a spiritual healer and holistic health coach"
    • "How do we feel comfortable by any means giving anyone advice on life if you're if you are just failing in the United States" timestamp

    • "What I coach people about is how to find joy and healing in the present moment"

    • "What I do away from my time participating in capitalism has been some intence butt inner work and I just teach that"

  • Total income for last month

    • $2'891

    • Has EBT, food stamps

    • Was getting 281 a month, knocked down $100 since she made more this month

  • "It's interesting because like you're choosing not to work though" timestamp

    • Transferred from a career tutoring little kids "making a lot of money doing that, like $100 a session but then for some reason more on camera stuff was calling me and I got into the acting the music videos the dancing, all of that LA bullshit"

    • "two summers ago I was grossly sexually harassed at a music video" timestamp

  • "Will you hold my hand for a second I need connection" timestamp

  • "A lot of [those costs] I think are for supplements that I think are gonna like save me" timestamp

    • Specifically names: Magnesium, Lyposomol and something else I can't make out
  • "This is why I believe in Divine Timing, everything is a Divine Appointment, the timing of me being invited on your show could not have been better because the inner work is caught up and now we're ready for the external reality to reflect the internal" timestamp

  • [About her dog] "We have a psychic connection and nervous systems are co-regulated so anything th-" timestamp

    • "Okay"


  • Navy Federal: $502 => $509 timestamp

    • $30 in fee so far this year

    • "That one's negative six dollars, I think, right now"

      • "No we're talking about the checking account, er we're talking about the credit card not the checking account"

        • "oh gross, okay, okay, okay okay"
    • She didn't make a payment on this, credit limit is $500

    • Why didn't you pay it? timestamp

      • "Yeah, okay, this is clearly a disociation issue." :marseyxd:
    • "I love to claim responsibility for the way that my life is to a certain extent but systemtically the way that the world is set up to oppress certain groups of people, I feel fricking oppressed as shit"

      • "Why are you oppressed?"

        • "That being a woman in this world and someone who wants to go to court for shit somebody who wants to speak out about the abuses of power in this whole world. Banks are an abuse of power."

          • "Sure, but credit cards, we're talking about credit cards here"
    • "About a thousand dollars of those credit card bills was caused by hmm okay, it was my built but I trusted a man on seeking arangements .com who said that he would give me like 5'000 if we went on a date together"

      • they never went on the date :marseyxd:
    • "So to be clear, you think the system is why you're in credit card debt?" timestamp

      • "Yean, I think the system is to blame for it, why a lot of people are in poverty"
    • "These were all a choice but" timestamp

      • Borderline schizobabble about free will because a "professor" at Stanford said there is no free will

      • "It's basically West World, dude" "They cancelled [West World] because West World knew what was up"

  • Student Loans: 27'000 timestamp

    • On forbearance because of her income?

    • Student Loan discussion really starts timestamp

    • interest rates between 3% and 5%

    • She thinks it's around $27'000

    • Went to Syracuse University for Sports Journ*lism

      • "Do you like sports?"

        • "Ummm honestly, no! I got into sports because my dad likes sports"
      • Worked for Fox Sports after college but was making $18 an hour

      • I'll call them today

        • Ummm actually I'll call them tomorrow because I was going to do some 'plant medicine' to get my mind right after talking to you

          • "Does that just mean smoke weed?"

            • "The other 'plant medicine'" :marseyxd:
  • Babble about how her childhood was chaotic and 'scary discomfort' timestamp

  • "Everytime I'm feeling lonely scared or anxious I'll go online and post a story telling my story hoping that it helps somebody else I try to get my partner to take care of me, in the past it was random sugar daddies" timestamp

Card 2: $3984 timestamp

  • 2000 above the credit limit

  • Lots of fees

  • $158 Kap Mentorship timestamp

    • Spirital Healing training :marseyxd:

    • Her expenses are fricking insane

    • Big into raki? :marseywtf:

  • "Actually everywhere in the United STates has a mold issue, and that's something I'm trying to raise awareness of so I can help my own situation" timestamp

  • "How are you getting home?" timestamp

    • She is flying from Austin to DC to meet with her "business consultant" to take care of her taxes and budget?
  • Weird twitching timestamp

  • Took 4 dollars out of her Roth IRA, doesn't know why

  • "I had a man buy my motorcycle and eventually I owe him but there's no deadline on that" timestamp

    • 3300 and she's made two payments "of 10 percent"

    • No contract :marseyxd:

  • Caleb tries to watch her podcast timestamp

    • Oh my God
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how can you be unfat, reasonably attractive, and fail as an escort?

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It still requires actually doing something which is unfortunately one of the main issues for the type of women actually considering escorting.

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oh how difficult, i have to suck some peepee and do some cardio


five thousand dollars

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Someone online offered her 5'000 for a date, she didn't ask for the money upfront, spent a thousand dolling herself up, clothes or something, and then the "date" never happened


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how do you spend 1000 dollars 'dolling yourself up'? nails at a Vietnamese place, do your make up yourself, youtube videos, and put on a cute black dress (recyclable)

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No idea. Reminded me of this article I read a couple days ago except the woman in it an absolute queen grifter and not r-slurred.


The sultry 5-foot-2 divorcee was in an open-marriage for three years that ended in 2021.”The negative externalities of the relationship were directly impacting my bottom line and that was completely intolerable for me,” Lee told Business Insider. “Anyone who f—s with my money, you are more than dead to me.”

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i can i ping !biofoids ? give me the low down. even a wedding day makeover shouldnt cost 1000? right?

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It can easily cost that for hair, makeup and nails off site.

Edit: she may have also gotten a spray tan, pedicure, bikini wax, etc etc

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is this shit men care about? I see ladies with nice hair and nails (sometimes feet!) all the time.

you can wax your puss yourself or just shave it close.

its not that expensive to look frickable

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I agree. People waste a ton of $$$ on beauty.

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Yeah I have a feeling that those rich types of moids that have a different escort in a different city every week might expect that level but let's be real, this gal was fricking the Boogie2988 types and they have absolutely zero standards other than wanting to get their peepee wet.

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imagining acquiring such specific taste in kitty

i know its a meme that moids will frick anything, but wtf.

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I think expensive nails and hair is just to dunk on poor foids.

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You knlw you are getting scammed? Like car mechanics and foids.

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You have to remember foids get pleasure out of overspending money on ephemeral things.

I'm really frugal when it comes to beauty personally.

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>get scammed

>:marseyakshually: we enjoy being scammed

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Hair and makeup is expensive. I didn't read it but then toes and nails and lashes if you get them. I could see it getting up there.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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what is that saying, "a fool and their money"? should be "a foid and her money"

i'm not in your ultra-competitive sexual marketplace, but i've never known a guy who gives a shit about any of that.

maybe the ultra chads you strive for do.

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Girls don't always dress up for dudes. For weddings though, if I skip over all the other stuff you would dress up for, requires photos so it's common to go all out on all of that stuff. IRL, lots of makeup looks like shit, but if done by a professional and done right, you have professional looking photos for your special day.

Everyone has things they value and spend too much money on. It's fine if you have the money for it. Dressing up nice is fun for girls. It's what we like. Dudes have their own things they spend lots of money on, so I don't see the big deal if you got the money.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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idk if i want to start off my christmas HOLIDAAAAAYaaaah arguing with women about why exactly they do they shit they do "for themselves" because its nonsensical to me. you put yourself through pain (whilst being sedentary), and make yourself constantly uncomfortable, walk around in feet bone atrophying shoes 'for yourself' ok then. we'll never get to the bottom of this. i have to conclude lies.

most if not all normal weight women i see or meet are pretty. spend ya money elsewhere.

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tbh even basic haircuts for me back before i started cutting it myself were like $80 just for a trim, prices for women stuff are whack. if you're getting it styled that can be $150 easy, same for makeup, nails 50+ for acrylics or gel, if ur getting a tan or any skincare or waxing for the honeymoon done that adds up fast too

and those are just the regular prices without the wedding tax that makes it 3x expensive so i could see it. i think it's nuts, and MUAs do people dirty like 80% of the time imo so not worth it at all lol but given how much people spend on weddings in general i bet 1k+ on the bride's makeover for the day is pretty common

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so how much is it for a normal makeover, like when women doll up for a night out? Bridal make up must be different. i've looked at some 'bridal portfolios' [makeup] and they just look nice, 'their best self', i want a subtly sluttish looking escort, does that cost more somehow?

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the only women i know who get makeovers done for reasons other than weddings are black women, my black friend can drop $300 easy on a normal date night just on hair and nails. culturally i think doing stuff at home became more common for mayos after the 50s, back then literally everyone went once a week to get their hair set but now i think most women only go for hair cuts/dyes/etc. every few months, i'd say $150 is a fair bet for a full style and cut

bridal stuff is just always more expensive (a white cake from a bakery is $50 vs. a white cake you mentioned was for a wedding is $200) and MUAs will make it more dramatic (so it shows up in wedding photography). the hardest makeup to do is always 'no makeup makeup' so i would imagine an MUA skilled enough to make it not look like they're wearing as much makeup would probably cost more and thus the whore would too

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interesting perspective from a person with a vagoo.

thank you.

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150 bucks for a hair cut neighbor? Yall wild

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Initial Consult: Free

Wedding Makeup: $150

Wedding hair: $150

Bridal Makeup Trial: $120

Bridal Hair Trial: $120

False Individual Lashes: $20

*All makeup applications include airbrush foundation. 
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a wedding makeover only cost 1000 if you're a sucker, very ugly, or chinese

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as it should be. weddings have become a scam.

quick ceremony, off to a rented hall for the reception. buffet, alcohol, speeches, alcohol, dancing, closing speech, dancing. exeunt.

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Nah. Quick ceremony, go home, beat wife, sleep.

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Life goals for poorstrags tbh

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found :marseymimic: the incel :marseyblops2cel:

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gimme sumovdat nose candy, oh ho ho, marSAAAAY.

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woman :marseychonkerfoid: moment :marseycringe2:

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yeah thats disgusting. neater vags are just better.

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