I think I might have missed a couple loans but it was a little confusing.
Alex, 26, Houston TX
She buys whiskey flavored coffee grounds, based alchy?
Claims to do "gravel biking" or something? Has some outdoorsy smart watch
Nobody taught her how to drive so she got tickets timestamp
My dad literally told me to go get a car and drive it back to a city
She kept getting stopped for black plates and ticketed for other things until a Border Patrol agent told her?
Got a dog at some point? timestamp
Dog bit her inhaler, a 2k medical bill
Dog timestamp
She IS a credit card person timestamp
Mentioned that she was kicked off of Lyft, she doesn't got into a reason
Demands the studio wagie "prod*cer" pick up her pen after Caleb "drops" it timestamp
- Now you can pick up both of my pens
"It's not even that bad, it's like a quarter of some of the other people" timestamp
- "I had no choice"
Car (2017 Ford Fusion)
Had a 10'000-13'000 13% loan that she refinanced against the car, 21'000 loan 29% interest
Late on her payments for this?
$404 minimum payment?
Her car is worth 8'000 at most
Told company she was considering a voluntary repo so they lowered the monthly payments, she doesn't know if there was also a term extension
Got this loan because she was unemployed for 6 months, she has a folder of loan offers she's received in the mail
Something about the dealer doing something weird while running her credit? timestam
Late Payment timestamp
"I don't have a late payment"
"I just got the loan and yesterday was the first day I made a payment"
Caleb btfo completely, it wasn't a late payment.
Loan 6'000 timestamp
198 a month
Personal Loan 29%
To pay her rent
Dissolved her 401ks, owes at least 1450 in taxes timestamp
"I didn't submit a 1099 form, I didn't know how, there was no part for that"
"When I was filing my taxes I just didn't see a part to submit it"
"Well they taxed me when I withdrew so I thought maybe they taxed it"
Was due in November but she "[hasn't] been able to get in contact with them"
She's drained her 401k twice?
Credit Card 1 (paid off) timestamp
- Ate a late fee on this one because she hadn't gotten the personal loan at this point?
Card 2 ($402/$500) timestamp
- Has a bunch of gym subscriptions?
Verizon bill 2'000 payment timestamp
she discontinued services and had financed devices
Got herself a phone, his dad a phone, "he didn't like it so he broke it instead of letting me return it"
"He is living like a homeless person and I felt bad"
Education - timestamp
10'000 in student loans
"multi-disciplinary studies in business administration, digital marketing, and sculpting?"
Did not graduate
Transferred from one uni to another in her current city? Time frame is not accurate, thinks she has completed 90 credit hours?
"Technically I'm a junior" didn't want to continue remote because it was "stupid" as an art student
Thinking about paying her personal loan off with more student loan money?
Owes some energy company 400 timestamp
- Doesn't remember when this was
Remote Call Center Rep
Got 6 months warning?
6k severance (3 months?), she had to stay until her end date to get this?
6 months unemployed
Firing Explanation timestamp
Found another job but got laid off from that because they were "incompatible"
"I didn't like the way they ran things and then they didn't like what I had to say"
Something about the trainer making fun of the sexual harassment training and some other dumb stuff?
- Actually this wasn't the issue she "kept this to herself"
"I have certain disabilities so I had to shut off my camera so they said that I was shutting off my camera way too often"
"Well when they fired me they used different reasons"
"They had pulled me into a conversation and they were like really aggressive and they said like 'you keep shutting your camera off' and like i-if you do this you're going to get fired' but I told them like I have a disability -"
"What's your disability?"
"Huh oh - I have overactive bladder and I have asthma and I have allergies that trigger my asthma"
She uses a wireless headset so she can stay connected while using the restroom? She thinks they didn't know this? That they didn't know she was still listening or that she has a disability? She told them in the "if you keep doing this you're going to get fired" meeting.
She mentions later that she turned down calls from other jobs offering because she was hoping for a higher paying role
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mfers are begging poors to take their money and yet people have the audacity to claim that the economy is somewhat less than stellar
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