EFFORTPOST Couple is $30'000 in debt, wife doesn't know because she never really asked


Will, 35 :marseysoylentgrin:

Hannah, 35 :marseywomanmoment:

Jarell, TX


  • Married for near 7 years

  • Two children, ages two and three

  • Brought salami

  • She is not a viewer, he is, she didn't watch anything prior to show timestamp


  • Him - "Food Broker"

    • 68'250 salary

    • $500 stipend for car

    • Another 5'000 in performance bonuses

  • Him - Woodworking side business

    • Net $500-$600 a monthly

    • Facebook marketplace

  • Her - 3rd grade teacher

    • Math and Science

    • $41'000, paid ten months, not 12 timestamp

      • "You have the choice to divy it up"

        • "But you don't" :marseyxd:
    • Has to pay 3 bucks a day for lunch at the school? :marseylaugh:


  • Married but finances are separate? They "each pay different things" timestamp

  • "She has a bit of a spending issue sometimes, like I don't really trust her to have like a joint bank account with me" timestamp

    • Panicked rephrase - "We have uh different ideas sometimes about wants versus needs" timestamp
  • Hannah thinks that furniture is a "need" to survive "things for a home are needed" timestamp

  • Hannah also thinks that she couldn't trust if they combined finances timestamp

    • She was prior married, with joint finances. Ex habitually spent while neetmaxxing, married for four years :marseyantiwork:
  • Both want to make finances joint now? Husband is hesitant about debt, thinks wife doesn't understand timestamp

    • Wife - "I get told things, after the fact" :marseythinkorino:
  • Claims about past finances timestamp

    • Tried to talk about finances but they never actually get around to it, high level procrastinationmaxxing :marseyxd:
  • "So you believe the finances and a lot of bad finances are her fault" timestamp

    • Husband claims the wife makes "a lot of bad purchases"

    • "A lot of them are purchases that we make together" :marseyclueless:

  • Some discussion about what a happy childhood is timestamp

    • they recently spent $800 on a TV?
  • Wife tries to justify some spending talking about how they didn't inherit anything and deflecting onto spending on daughter's extracurriculars timestamp

    • Genuinely pathetic :marseyraging:
  • Housing situation timestamp

    • Used to rent a house in Long Beach, now they rent one here, moved because it's more affordable. Spent "every dime" ($12'000 :marseylaugh:)

    • "Unfortunately my husband was also in charge of the move" :marseyemojirofl:

    • Minor bickering, wife doesn't feel 'included' in decisions, quick rehashing of an old argument about what they brought with them while moving timestamp

  • Scores timestamp

    • Him 1/10, her 8/10

    • Wife gives her perspective on things, she feels like she only gets a glimpse of how bad things are sometimes? Never thinks about it? :marseydarkfoidretard:

  • Wife Statements timestamp

    • A few Ikea, some fast food, a couple Apple Bill, the grocery store, tickets to SeaWorld

    • Husband's travel expenses somehow ended up there because she paid for it? timestamp

      • They are going to visit family "for Halloween" :marseythonk:
    • Pushback on whether wife is actually the reason for the debt timestamp

      • Wife looking smug :marseysmug2:
    • There's a $300 overdraft protection timestamp

      • No fees but she still overdrafted :marseyxd:
    • $1'845 in, $2'386 out timestamp

  • Car "situation"

    • Foreshadowing - wife "didn't have her id" timestamp

      • Car is under his name because wife doesn't have as steady a job history? She had a credit card she wasn't paying on that went to collections. She "got so overwhelmed" :marseyfoidretard:
  • "We were in a different position in our lives when we decided to have the kids" timestamp

    • Juicy deets - He was a chef for 15 year, lost everything during COVID

      • Executive Chef, owner wanted to not close down the second time. He'd already used his unemployment benefits

      • Background not in video - Cali's lockdowns were, on paper, a couple steps away from turning every 'citizen' into a prisoner. The state told people they couldn't go more than a few miles from home, couldn't cross county lines, all sorts of other tin pot tyrant insanity. A city deciding devastate some restaurant that didn't kowtow is completely in-character

    • Tried solar sales and being a realtor between this and the food broker job

    • Filled up his CC during his attempt at real estate timestamp

      • He's still in real estate classes? Takes a couple hours

      • Descends into more bickering, he's worried about committing to the wood-working

  • Debt timestamp

    • Credit Card 1 - Quicksilver ($5'072) timestamp

      • 174 minimum payment,

      • he paid 372 but made 188 in transactions got 122 in interest

      • Purchase explanation timestamp

        • A $160 router on amazon - switching from Optimum to Fiberfirst

          • 150 for the router, 10 for the fiber receiver
        • They had a mesh router system but it stopped working

        • Caleb simps for renting routers :marseyeyeroll:

    • Credit Card 2 - Chase Freedom ($5'665) timestamp

      • Bickering about whether or he had told her just how much debt they are in timestamp

        • she thought it was seven or eight, not 30'000 :marseyemojirofl:
      • Made 2'650 in payments, 2519 in additional transactions

      • Fair bit of eating out, some subscriptions, a couple trips out with the daughter

    • Credit Card 3 ($2'434) -

      • $81 minimum monthly payment, 52 in interest accrued
    • Credit Card 4 - Shell - ($632)

      • $16 interest, $29 minimum payment
    • Credit Card 5 Best Buy - (1'816) timestamp 1 also timestamp 2

      • The $800 TV and her phone

      • "How much was my phone" :marseyxd:

      • TV was zero percent but he didn't finish paying it off before that ended

      • Phone is currently in the interest free period

  • Car time timestamp

    • "Ask him about his cars" :marseytroublemaker:

    • 1998 Jeep Cherokee - 117'000

      • Got it because he heard it's very reliable

      • Had a Chevy S10 prior that had a lot of problems, engine blew up, needed help from his granparents to replace that engine

      • At the mechanics right now because "a pin fell out" - mechanic is putting in a push button start, not charging for labor?

      • Owes 4'196 on this timestamp

      • $204 minimum payments, 36 months

      • He thinks the interest is twenty-something, maybe 24%

    • 1983 Mercedes and some other car at some point

      • Needs a vacuum that costs $250 to replace

      • Posted on Facebook marketplace but took it off while the Jeep is getting repaired

      • Thinks he can get $3'500 for it after he replaces the vacuum

        • He bought this car in California
    • Kia Van

      • 306 minimum payment - she pays $500 into some account that takes autopays it every month?

      • Her car, under his name because she forgot her id that day?

      • Took out a loan through CarMax, refinanced it jointly with her mother - interest is 3.4% maybe?

    • "I think we should just get a new truck" :marseyclueless:

  • Amazon Purchases timestamp

    • One or more of them is taking Melatonin

    • The router timestamp

      • Caleb (routerlet) seethes for a moment
    • Subscriptions for a 15% discount on household necessities :marseynotes:

  • His Account statements timestamp

    • Mostly sane stuff

    • $5 in savings

  • $7'000 in the business account

    • Gets his checks there because he's a 1099 not a W2

    • Also pays his rent out of here because Quickbooks tracks his business account and then he splits it within that account - whole garage and office are what he's writing off

      • got told that this works by a CPA friend of his
  • Wife goes for the throat "You've literally confessed to..." timestamp

  • Retirement

    • His - $4'200

    • Hers - $1'200

Overall Finances timestamp

  • 42'000 a year from his main job

  • Some from wood-working (he hasn't paid taxes on this, mostly done in cash :marseyretardchad:)

  • Ad placement from injury lawyers, Caleb's hit the big time

  • Pie chart timestamp

    • They get charged subscription fees for Smart Locks on their rental - no mentions of tipping :marseycapitalistmanlet:
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"She has a bit of a spending issue sometimes, like I don't really trust her to have like a joint bank account with me" timestamp

Panicked rephrase - "We have uh different ideas sometimes about wants versus needs" timestamp

Rare double !foidmoment !moidmoment

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132216480245337.webp neighbor looks like an overweight Phil Fish, !ranchers !oldstrags any of yxll remember zxim?!

also !effortposters new effortpost just dropped :marseyclapping: :marseyclappingglasses: I love sucking peepee btw

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Phil Fish is one of those people who I recognize the name of but cannot remember why I do recognize it lol.

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He made a shitty gay indie game but is more remembered for acting like an obnoxious r-slur in public, you probably remember him acting like an obnoxious r-slur at some point

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He made Fez and was involved in G*mer Gate.

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Net $500-$600 a monthly

If that's all your netting for woodworking, it's not even worth the time.

Another thing poor people never can do is determine how valuable their time is.

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If it's a borderline hobby, then it seems perfectly wholesome.


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This is your brain on Poor.

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Not exactly. There are two demographics where people have hobby jobs:

  • The poor

  • The rich

My husband has a job that pays under 1% of my TC.

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Rich housewives love running businesses that make no money

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The fact that he's turning his hobby into a side gig is another red flag for "poor".

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t. someone who's never had a crafting hobby

you gotta make SOMETHING for the hobby and you're either gonna just give it away or sell it for a mild profit

if you're making more than you spend on materials and equipment you're doing pretty well for a hobby. you basically get to enjoy it for free.

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My friend was making chopsticks out of random scrapwood he found/stole from an actual carpenter and sold it on etsy during covid and he made more than that.

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I'm sure he has

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New policy idea to solve the obesity crisis: All restaurants must provide silverware proportional to the weight of the customer.

Triple effect:

  • Shames them for being fat

  • Makes them burn calories when lifting the heavy utensils

  • Makes it harder to get food in their mouth thereby reducing food intake

What do you think? !poll_voters

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Eating from a trough is already pretty similar to the places that serve food in a trash can lid. Doesn't seem to work...

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>serve food in a trash can lid


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less than 6k of retirement funds


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I can't imagine saving only about 200 a year each. How can you even manage to be that poor in the US with a working spouse

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Jarrell, TX is where you can buy fully upgraded four bedroom homes for $300,000 and these two are struggling. :marseybeggar:

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You also get paid 42k for a full-time job in Jarrell, TX. I get the hustle bustle memes but there are lots of poor people living in LCOL areas.

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Does this Caleb guy make his guests in the thumbnail extra ugly because of his own insecurities?

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These thumbnails really ruin any illusion of 'serious financial audit' - sure his titles were always bad and his advice is really just "stop spending" but these thumbnails are bizarre and frequently grotesque. Puts me off from watching them.

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Caleb is the worst part of financial audit. I just read these breakdowns now so I don't have to deal with the fat r-slur.

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Her - 3rd grade teacher

Math and Science

This is a must-watch for anyone who says "Why can't we teach kids about financial literacy in school???"

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You're not teaching financial literacy in 3rd grade, lol.

I actually teach a financial literacy course in my school and the real challenge is figuring out what to teach that's applicable to kids at a high school/college/immediately afterward level. Halfway through the year we've discussed compound interest, loans, bank accounts + credit cards, investing, and budgeting, and there's very little left to pad out the year.

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Even with the morphed photoshopped edits the guests still look better than him lmao.

He just... Looks like someone from rdrama.

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I think it's one of the people he hired on as the channel grew, it wasn't like this originally and I'm pretty sure the distorted thumbnail is one of those algorithm optimization things.

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>ywn make a career out of laughing at poors

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Extremely entertaining Caleb episode for once :marseyclapping:

I'm hoping couple in-fighting becomes his new meta, instead of the e-whore grifters.

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It's probably a lot harder to get relatively normal people like this on the show

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Darn Morgan & Morgan adspot, it's at least a step above betterhelp and legalshield. :marseysaulgoodman:

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You need sponsorblock, frick ads

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I watch the ads so I know who to sue for malpractice later :marseymerchant:

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Im disapointed that they weren't more upset with eachother. Where is the screaming and the crying in this one?

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Vaush looking mutherfricker.

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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.

The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.

Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to •show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?






















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