37 year old balding leaf posts mega-L breaking down why he's a failure


YouTube algorithm is recommending this guy for some reason. HIs other videos are Linux focused with like 2k views but he did make this video which I remember from a few years ago that has 7 million views. How to make a CPU

Current Balance Sheet (all Canadian dollars so shave off like 30%):


Bank Account- $650

Business Bank Account - $120

Canadian Retirement Accounts- $1,900

American Bank account - $2050


Credit Card 1 $1,580

Credit Card 2 $830

Business CC $3,100

Dental work $3,300

Makes $900 a month from YouTube. Rent is $1,100 a month.

Starts off whining about how landchad is trying to evict him from his rent controlled apartment. He does this for about 10 minutes. Also mentions he can't get a roommate because the landchad won't let him.

His story:

  • Tried to become a daytrader at 19, and wanted to focus on algo trading. 4 years of his life aren't explained before applying to university at the age of 23 or so.

  • Applied to university, had to take "pre-university" courses. They still rejected him, he accepts this and doesn't fight it at all (recurring theme), and they eventually let him in after his father called them

  • Graduated with a Software Engineering degree in 2014 and stayed in Canada (:marseydisagree: ) while his friends move to the US

  • Rejects an offer from Amazon which he doesn't mention in the video. He mocks the offer of $6,200 a month in this other video for some reason

  • Tries to do a bunch of contract work as a consultant instead of getting a 9-5

  • Dealt with r-slurred/shady small businesses constantly

  • Networked with other loser entrepreneurs that ended up resulting in nothing

  • Got a job as a part time professor, said it was too much work compared to the pay and quit

  • Did another contract with another shady company for a few months (not getting paid) before it imploded. Fights with them in court for 3 years for some reason.

  • Sprinkled in some dumb kickstarter shit, now focusing on YouTube

55:00 shows his revenue from 2015-2024. Highest year is $36k (remember Canadian $)

Complains about no girlfriend and has another little graph

1hr8m Finally at the end and reflects what he could have done differently. Pretends to act like getting a job would have been a good choice, but quickly talks about how most of the money at tech companies are from stock and the salary isn't much (:marseyconfused:.) Dismisses the trades since they don't make enough money as well.

Only glimmer of hope for him is that he did say this

I've been quite professional and obedient for pretty much my entire life and that didn't get me anywhere, so I'm going to stop doing that

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If you listen to his video on Nvidia and his reasons are all gay social bullshit. I hope his YouTube career fails after this surge

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the winning move wasn't to work there, it was to buy the stock.

With what money, r-slur? :marseyshitforbrains:

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He touches on that in this video. He pretty much discounts the concept of a salary both increasing, and not spending it all. It's a truly peakpoor mindset. He gives some example of a friend who joined Uber and they all thought he would be rich, but then the friend left before the IPO. This to him was a cautionary tale.

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!peakpoors this is some primo poorcringe

this post rests on native land :marseyeldritchnut:

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I have some good news: It took a few weeks to get this video edited and uploaded, and the actual revenue for November ended up being $1,060 instead of just $900

$1060 CAD ≈ $740 USD

Less than I made in two weeks as a part-timer at Walmart. :marseyrofl:

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How can you remain an unemployed loser after getting a software degree from Waterloo? That's like the top (non-research) engineering school in leafland.

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By rejecting every real job offer you've ever gotten apparently

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These wannabe entrepreneurs are fricking r-slurred. If you can't raise money for your idea and pay yourself a decent wage, your idea sucks. If you want to bootstrap, have the financial security to do it or work a 9-5 and do your startup during off hours.

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5 minutes with :marseycalebhammer: and he'll be a billionaire. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him posted here in a long time. Did he finally get in trouble for pederasty?

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He's become unwatchable

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