This woman is 30 years old
"Do you watch the show?"
"Yes. Well, like, I watch the tiktoks."
I'm not sure when clips of this show got big on TikTok but I think it correlates with the r-sluration of the guests they've had on. Caleb recently had to ban unemployed people because a number of dumbasses came on trying to get budgets when they didn't even have an income
"Did you pay taxes?"
"I don't know"
"I don't know how to like, call a CPA, TurboTax is like, an app"
"How long do you think it will take to pay off your 13,000 credit card debt if you only make the minimum payment every month?"
"Uhhhhh 5 years"
"57 years. You won't live that long"
"So I guess I don't have to worry about it"
It's revealed that she comes from a place of privilege. Caleb says she hasn't experienced hardship, she claims getting through high school and college was very challenging for her.
One of her "statements" that gets audited is a list of IOUs to her mom
The total debt owed is the first thing that makes her actually break down
What happens if your parents die?
Why are you always talking about like death
"Becoming homeless probably wouldn't be that bad'
Degree: Elementary School Education
Not at all surprising, but fortunately she isn't teaching. She attempted a nursing degree but "didn't like it" () so changed to elementary school education because it was easy.
Further reinforces my deeply held belief that foids in education are some of the dumbest people on the planet. If she makes it to teaching babies how to add and subtract it will be a great accomplishment for her.
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Holy shit Caleb is looking rough. Is he making it through these interviews on gin and hostess cakes?
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Each guest is unironically more r-slurred than the last and it's getting to him
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Caleb needs to be shipped off to live with Steve1989, where he does nothing but push ups and eats 1970s ration kits. Would unironically extend his life by 20 years.
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I don't know man some of those rations kits would be considered the equivalent of friendly fire in the field.
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A little ecoli will toughen him up
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Fair. Caleb gives financial advice though not dieting or dating advice.
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my heart is telling me Lol theyve actually made it a thing where they go through dating app profiles, mostly in the post show, and Tho Caleb also constantly complains about not being able to get laid
Im actually mildly annoyed how much they get totally into shock jock s*x crap now but maybe Im like just a prude
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I actually am finding his guests of late to be too off-putting because they're genuine r-slurs and net negatives on society. Not anyone who screwed up on credit card debt and is missing things they can cut out OR someone with only mild debt but no retirement planning. You know someone that people would be sad if they got hit by a bus.
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I'm kinda realizing these are the people I watch for tbh, I've found the show to get pretty stale when it's Caleb squeaking at average middle class idiot buying Starbucks every day with car loan payments. The mongoloids literally fascinate me. Hearing how they put thoughts together, how they get by in life. It's actually pretty sad, they are in the awful middle ground of being too stupid to function in society but not quite challenged enough to qualify for state assistance. Worst is that they're highly vulnerable to scammers or other malicious people. I really wonder how civilization is supposed to handle them
This lady is another good example:
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Yeah i genuinely don't know either. Like there comes a point where you know that for their own good the best that could be done is give them government housing but put them in a factory 5 days a week to tighten on lugnuts that a machine cant grasp quite as good as a thumb can. They're just a little too stupid to function and you wonder how they haven't choked to death in a plastic bag yet.
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