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Compared to Europe, lolno.

>1 year out of my grad program

>earning just shy of 6 figs

>12k emergency fund

>7k in my 401k

>5k spent on travel all paid in cash

>2.2k on my new pc paid in cash

>spent like 2k on a ton of stuff during black friday sale

>new car

>student loans going down

>never skimp out on food quality at grocery store and eat hyper fresh foods

>never purchase cheap booze

>can afford to go out and ball out every weekend of every month, do so ofteb

And if I had a gf splittibg just my rent Id unironically have an extra $12k/yr so a 10% down from just me on a house would be doable without changing my spending habits at all.

If I were a poorcel earning less than what I currently make Id have to definitely cut back a bit (no new car, lower quality food, less travel and expensive outings) but its super easy to live really well, especially with a gf to split rent.

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