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"Casimir" really clocks him as a Polack, for better or worse.

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!kurwa Kazimierz slander

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Szlaheckie imię

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It's a cool name :p#olish:

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Yeah only Casimir I know is Casimir Funk who invented vitamins. He was Polish but he had to flee to America because he was Jewish. He kinda looks like the arm from Twin Peaks https://i.rdrama.net/images/16989845653533895.webp

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Hendriks Casimir discovered the Casimir Effect in QED

That would be a pretty cool name if they caned their child into doing differentials and integrals by age 3

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Get him one of these bad boys


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Wasnt :marseyavril3: Casimir Pulaski a :marseytrain2:?

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Does not sound very polish to me.

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Casimir sounds fine, she could go by cas/cass which is pretty normal sounding. Archie is a male name.

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It's a boy

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lol so true I saw sister and thought it was a girl !r-slurs witness me

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Archie doesn't even sound like a full name, does it have any history at least?

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It's short for Archibald, a very old fashioned name.

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that's pretty cool


Weird translation to "bald" though why wouldn't they just use "bold" lul

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I know a guy named ArchibOld.

Don't know any ArchibAlds though.

The O sound makes it sound more masculine too.

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I don't think so. I tried offering more American sounding names but her and her husband (both surgeons) are too ritzy for that shit. I wish i could convince her to go with like "Jack" but I think we are way past that point.

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The first thing I think of when I hear that name is the old comic series not the royal family. I'd think your sister was a Riverdale strag not a Britophile.

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Archie Bunker for me

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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what would you name our kids?

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Who's the royal named Archie?

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He isnt technically a royal (he doesn't have a title) but it's what Meghan and Harry's son is named.

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Didn't know that :marseyneat:

Though he is still in the line of succession if something happened to William and his kids.

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Yeah. Meghan's haters like to attribute a misquote to her, "all it takes is one plane crash."

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The newest one I think

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Tell her that giving your kid the same name as English royals is an extreme trailer trash move.

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Her sister is a literal bat-shit insane bpd narcissistic foid that was pampered and spoiled by her parents. She has not a single redeeming quality and it baffles me as to how pojom would even speak to her.

If even half of what I've heard is true this is a foid with such extreme bpd it's baffling as to how she even got married unless she found the most beta cuck on the planet.

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Poj is a fat, non functioning alcoholic, and the only information we have of her sister is that she's married to a surgeon, is a surgeon, and her kid isn't out of wedlock.

It's likely hard not to come off as a narcissist when you're objectively better than your sibling with the inferiority complex.

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eh, American name is irrelevant imo if they're gonna be in America all that matters is that the name is easy enough to say

With a name like Archie every person that kid talks to is going to have the initial reaction of something like "that's the shortened version of their name"

Also why would you name a moid with a name ending in 'ee' that's like naming a boy "Mikey" or "Sammy"

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Is your sister the favorite?

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See my comment

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The 5 yr old kids at this expensive private school a friend works at talks about how most have "unique" names. Its all obscure names or movie characters.

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Jack isnt a real name lmbo. Like naming a daughter Liz instead of Elizabeth. Trashy at worst

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Archibald im guessing? Archibald is cool but shortening it to archie make it shit

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Archie is short for Archibald, made famous by Archibald Archibaldovich, the maitre'd at the Griboyedov House in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita (one of my favourite books, the ball at Satan's is enchanting...)

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Name him Marsey

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Tell them to go with archer so he has an idol growing up

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for now.

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Casimir is also a male name (as well as a last name). The Casimir effect in Physics is literally named after Hendrik Casimir.

Fun fact: Ariel is also a (Jewish) male name.

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Have him go by Cash then



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For now :marseytrans2:, but trans lives matter more and more

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You're bad at names. It's terrible.

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Congrats on the babbaroo

Poj we all have limits.

Also don't gaslamp your sister into giving her baby a generic mayo name, for frick sakes there are enough Johns, Allens, and Mathews in the world.

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Reminder that amerimutts turned this franchise into a grim murder mystery teen romance drama :marseydarkxd:

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Such a Betty thing to play the tambourine.

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Convince her to call it something rDrama related. Aevann, maybe.

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"Here, miss"


*r-slurred screeching*

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@XY is there a badge for naming your child something rdrama related?

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Yes, just provide a photo of the birth certificate and the phone number for the nearest CPS or equivalent agency (so that we can verify it's really yours)


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Casimir is based. Like Casimir Pulaski, hero of the revolution.

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You butthole https://i.rdrama.net/images/1698965982655134.webp

You people have ruined my personality

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>strained relationship with sister


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You fricking dumbass why are you even genuinely taking advice frim people on a forum where the main goal is to act as r-slurred as humanely possible?

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Because she's not acting :marseygigaretard:

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Awwww that was a really good idea.


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Whats wrong with your sister lmao tell her to man up and stop being a lil b-word

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It's not a popular name in the US

That just makes it seem even more like she owns a Princess Diana tea set.

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ngl if my sister was giving me this much shit I'd be like "darn b-word try having ur own kid" it doesn't sound like they even asked for your opinion lmao

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>what is the nickname gonna be?? :marseyretardpearlclutch:

poj have you ever taken an IQ test? I'm genuinely curious

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Yeah i had one administered by a psychologist when i was in high school and i have a high verbal iq. Why?

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i want to plow your brown hole without consent

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Her sister is an actual surgeon while her mom pays for her and pizza's apartment

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Suggest Faagon, say it's armenian.

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That sounds like a bad idea, im not doing that

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:marseyshrug: Why not Marsey?

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:siren: POLACK ALERT :siren:

trans lives matter

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What about Gerber? :marseyagreefast: :marseychad:

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Omg my first golden marsey. They basically have to name the kid Gerber now :marseycheers:

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Yeah... name your kid "tanner". No piss joke will ever happen.

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Ask her why she wants a name that's specifically "not popular" and when she became such a special snowflake

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Holy frick just name your kid something normal. All the snowflake name is going to do is make their lives harder. The richest men in the world have normal names like Bill, Jeff, Mark, etc.

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Cas is a pretty cool name.

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only 2 good names left: lester and alouicious.

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Cameroon. Not Cameron, but Cameroon.

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Those are shit names mate. Fight it for your nephew's sake

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casimir so he can go by Chazzzzzz

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Have you pitched Marsey :marseyquestion:

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Yeah your nephew is going to get bullied lmao

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One of our mods is a legitimate nazi I feel sick I'll be migrating to SRD soon.

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Why would you not just name him Archer

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"Casimir" is a family name?

Are they polacks? Chicago area, probably? We got most of the 20th-century arrivals in America.

I worked with a 2nd gen who was saddled with the name "Bartosz" despite growing up in the suburbs.

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How about Leonardo? Not the most common and sounds fancy but people have heard it before and can be shortened to Leo or Leon.

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I suggested a bunch of names and she's settled on those two. My mom literally told me months ago that it was between those two. I have no idea how it got to that point :marseyshrug: but the babbaroo is healthy :marseythanks: and that's what matters

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Well tell her again :marseywholesome:

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And hopefully he likes turtles

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How about Leonardo? Not the most common and sounds fancy but people have heard it before and can be shortened to Leo or Leon.

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Why do you only get 3-5 words per line? How small is your phone? Or how shitty are your eyes that you need a geriatric font size?

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Based on the babies I know, there won't be much schoolyard bullying because all the names are like that.

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Name him Fëanor

or Juan Pablo Martín de Jesús Garza García y Vallejo, Juanpa for short

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If I lived in the US, I would give my son a stereotypical black name, like Tyrone.

It's the only way to end racism.


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