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Unironically, how do you stop hating yourself? And don't say "just do it" like we're in a Nike ad or something


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i've come along way since those days (mostly) but please, pp. this is a super duper serious thread

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Make yourself proud or do something worthwhile with your life. Think someone's cool? Do that and feel cool

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>make yourself proud

that's probably not a bad place to start plus it can be done with small stuff first

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Exactly. It's really hard to do because you're believing yourself to be r-slurred but it really helps to ACTUALLY accomplish something. Try growing herbs and spices or small plants. The feeling of success in keeping a nonverbal creature alive via intuition is unmatched

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compartmentalize. I hate my past self but my current self is OK. I do repeatedly call myself a cute twink every day when I recall my past cute twinkry

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Through alcohol :marseymichelob: and drugs :marseyheroin: silly :marseybikechainincident: :marseyfacepalm:

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First you have to change your name from KILL_EVERYONE to KILL_EVERYONE_BUT_MYSELF :marseyexcited:

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Have you tried transitioning?

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no but it worked for you so maybe there's something to it

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:marseysurprised: i just jerk off to :!marseytrain:s. Anyways good luck on your transition :marseybow:

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>i just jerk off to :!marseytrain:s


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Neighbor you're the one threatening to 41%

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When I'm feeling low I put on Hank Williams 40 Greatest Hits and enjoy

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Hank Williams Jr but yes

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Why do you hate yourself? What's making you feel this way?

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because of massive levels of mental illness since early childhood i was labeled the "bad kid" despite not really doing anything. i can recognize it wasn't really much of anything now but as a child i didn't really know any better. on top of that i was abused by my mother, bullied relentlessly for a very long time, and yeah

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Have you tried not using mental illness as an excuse for everything? Most modern mental illnesses are just a descriptor for why you suck as a person.

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Mental illness is fake, hope this helps!

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yeah well if it's fake why am i the son of god?


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Because you are a sad, lonely, attention whore desperate for anything to make you not seem so gay and boring

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darn dude, chill out

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What kind of mental illness do you have?

It sucks to hear about your childhood. I also suffered from abuse and bullying, I know it sounds cliche but really the only thing that made me feel better was to stop replaying the past over and over and focus on the present. Did the abuse suck growing up? Yeah! But I'm not being abused or bullied anymore. No point in living in the past, is there? Life got so much easier when I stopped being resentful of my parent and child bullies.

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what kind of mental illness do you have

that's the fun part, nobody is really sure. my therapist says it's definitely some kind of mood disorder but i don't fit cleanly into any of the established diagnoses. it's better since childhood but yeah. and what you're talking about is called mindfulness and i know it's something i have to do. thank you for being kind btw!

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I would be careful with therapy. I'm not going to say it's all worthless, but therapy never helped me and it's also made my friends worse off too. I would recommend reading Bad Therapy by Shirer, someone here actually recommended it to me and it was eye opening. It really made sense as to why my therapists sucked so much and why my friends are getting worse instead of better. It's a short read, I can send you a PDF if you want.

Not dwelling on the past is great. That doesn't mean you have to completely forget everything, or that you have to be a doormat to the people that treated you bad. It just means you aren't wasting all your energy living in the past and retraumatizing yourself over and over.

What also helps me is thinking about things about myself that I like. So you have things you don't like about yourself, but surely you have at least one thing about yourself that you like, you're proud of, or that people have spoke positively about yes? Can you give an example?

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If you want a serious answer than probably therapy and maybe meds. Are you broke or you have a job?

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Therapy is just buying time before you take the rope anyways

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Be better than others

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Go on the apps and find someone to have s*x with so you can feel briefly alive and validated.

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Socialising, exercise are good starting points. Just getting outside taking in sunshine and fresh air does a lot already

Set some goals and accomplish them. Be that reading a book a week, growing some plants, making something out of wood, etc. staying dedicated to something and seeing it through will make you feel a lot of satisfaction

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I wish I knew. I just have this bottomless pit inside and sometimes I can distract myself by trying to fill it with stuff but it never lasts.

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Here's a good question for you, if you made a fursona, what would it be like?

What kind of traits to you implicitly self-identify with? What would an idealized version of "you" look like?

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:derpprocessing: God loves me so I don't want to be against God

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Understand what you are. You didn't just pop into existence without an origin. Your ancestors were oogabooga cavepeople who had to fight :marseykrazykarate: dinosaurs and disasters to survive. They endured where :marseydrama: countless bloodlines ended. Their endurance has lead us to be the dominant species :marseyhank: of this planet. You are their legacy, you are the apex, wear it with pride. Your brain :marseyneuronactivation: is a tool under :marseyhandsup: your mind's command that has been forged and sharpened over the course of millions of years since the primordial stew of amino acids from whence it came. Life is cruel, unfair, and hard. To endure hardship is your birthright. Your body is a fortress, your mind is a sword. You have the power :marseyzeldaganon: to manifest will into reality that can influence the world :marseyww1british2: around you. Once you understand this and draw strength :marseydiversity: from it, then you will be ready :marseyexcited: to take the next step. Should :marseynorm: you stumble or doubt, remember where :marseydrama: you come from and stand again.

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never start

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I self identify as all of myself. Conscious and subconscious, body and mind, choices, habits, etc.

Additionally, I define my will to be anything that I actually do. In other words, if I laze around all day, or argue with people on the internet, or make a mistake, it was my will to do that. My actions are not the work of an external force interfering with my free will.

Finally, I keep my mind open to myself. If I make a certain choice, then I will never assume that there was no rationale for it. Maybe the rationale was faulty; maybe I wasn't considering everything relevant when I was making the decision. Or maybe it was the right decision after all, and I just can't put it into words.

I don't believe that anyone with this perspective could ever hate themselves. But what do you think @KILL_EVERYONE? Can you name an issue with this? Is there anything that I have insufficiently described?

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