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I feel like I can't explain to libs that Kamala lost because she sucked.

The past two nights I've been stuck around liberals that have stared into the abyss for too long. They claim that scared idiots like conservatives like simple answers. Yet the simple answer they cling to for their election lose is that America is racist and sexist.

Never mind the fact that compared to Biden, Kamala got 6 million less votes. Trump only went up by 3 million votes compared to his last presidential rub. The fact of the matter is no one liked her. She has a history of being unpopular.

They say that Trump is holding onto power so he doesn't go to prison. That makes zero sense because he could give himself a blanket pardon just like Biden gave his family.

I really wish these people weren't in so many of my social circles. I need to find ways to meet more regular people

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Easiest way I've found is to ask "which of Kamala's unique promises were you particularly excited about?"

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Duh, being unburdened by what has been.

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Locking him up


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Kamala was cringe. Hilary was cringe.

The fact they were women might have contributed to the cringe. The "first woman president" and "first BLACK woman president" making history increased stakes were cringe.

The cringe candidate loses. Always has.

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Disable or trans next, or :marseymindblown:both?

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Whether it was Kamala, Biden, or Newsome, it really didn't matter.

In the seconds following the Trump assassination attempt, the election was already over. No one was beating him.

I think Biden and Kamala knew it, and that's why Kamala took over. They knew they would get trounced, but they could at least achieve "First Black Female Presidential Nominee". That's why Kamala went around talking about coconuts, and "what can be, unburdened by what has been". She was saying, "Look, a black woman can be on the ticket. We are gonna lose, but don't have a crisis, America is still a progressive country."

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>That's why Kamala went around talking about coconuts, and "what can be, unburdened by what has been"

I thought it was because her and all of her handlers are mentally r-slurred.


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both the coconut tree anecdote and the "unburdened by what has been" quote were solid messages. people have lost sight of how good they have it today, what it took to get here, and the fact that all of that is now behind us.

she ruined them by regurgitating them in a variety contexts and tones, when it should have just been a one time thing.

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Biden would have smashed Trump again

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Good bait. Bidens internal polling had him losing New York possibly. Virginia, New Jersey and Illinois were lean reds on their big board

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The same internal polling that had kamala winning by a landslide? You got brainwashed by the kamalacabal

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True Kamala sabotaged Biden in a coup for power

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Iirc Kamala's internal polling had her losing too. :marseyemojilaugh:

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The same internal polling that had Biden losing by a landslide? Why would you trust that...

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Biden created the strongest economy the US has seen in a long time, which is even more impressive considering the state of the world the last 4 years. What reason would people have to vote against him?

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Have you ever had a relative with dementia?

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Yes, and they believe Biden was bad for the economy. Tragic 😔

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I found it heartbreaking. A shell, like they had died before their body did. If you're lucky you get some time where they remember the past and you get to be their dead sister, husband, child. They don't really make new memories, they can't, so everything including who is in front of them gets slotted into what they do remember.

Do you know about the bus stops? A number of care homes for the elderly found they calmed patients down to have a fake bus stop outside. Dementia patients get panicked easily, you see. There's someone they can't find or something they need to be doing. But they found if they sat at a bus stop, they would calm down and wait there for the bus that never comes. Their declining brain found a familiar groove, and didn't notice that it was a perfect circle that didn't go anywhere.

It's a terrifying illness. Trapped in your own decaying mental and physical facilities. Imagine watching your own self breaking away, like a cliff being steadily destroyed by the waves.

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Objective fact

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bro. bro. biden didn't do anything. literally.

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Shes also the first woman to lose the presidential election as a woman for the 27th time

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The Harris campaign was already on the wrong foot after that disastrous June debate; people were already distrustful of how Harris subverted the primary entirely. THEN the assassination attempt happened and it was 100% locked for Trump at that point.

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No doubt that she was qualified for the job.

The issue is that the DNC would not run a primary and that Biden went back on his word on being a one term president. I think she would have been eliminated in the primaries again otherwise.

Can you name a single person that could be considered a true head of the dems right now?

Rightoids just lumped themselves behind Trump. As r-slurred as it is at the end of the day they have a strong leader, albeit unwise, to look to.

There is no such hope for burger libs right now.

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No doubt that she was qualified for the job.

:#mjlol: :#mjlol: :#mjlol:

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Does she actually have enough backing among the proper dem base or is she just reddit-teir progressives darling?

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She's too feisty for the DNC donor crowd, and she doesn't support Israel. She's never getting in.

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But what if she :marseyfeet: ?


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Shes locked down the coomer vote. Drumpf is finished in 2028.

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True! I do think she's a cutie! :marseylaying: idk if she's enough to soften my hard chud heart tho. :marseychud:

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Can you name a single person that could be considered a true head of the dems right now?

Obanma but only as puppetmaster

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No doubt that she was qualified for the job.

why because she was a make-work lawyer in San Francisco?

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Uh yes? It's not like she's fricking stupid lmao.

Reread my post and tell me if you can differentiate between being qualified and being forced to be the only choice?

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If she could suck a career out of Willie Brown just imagine the history making deals she could make on her knees in the Oval Office

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No doubt that she was qualified for the job.

Bro, the only place she was "qualified" in 2020 was American-fricking-Guam, because that's the only place she won a delegate.

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Why are you incapable of understanding the nuance between being educated and familiar with government greasework and being forced as the only choice for party members?

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The only "government greasework" Kamala is familiar with is greasing Willie Brown's pole. Sorry m8 you walked right into that one.

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"incapable of understanding the nuance" :marseynotes: Okay thanks

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I feel like I can't explain to libs that Kamala lost because she sucked.

What part of "vote blue no matter who" do you not understand

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I don't even think it was Kamala, I think the Democratic Party has just insulated itself from real opposition for so long that it got no sincere feedback from the people until they were off in lala land.

Kamala was just a symptom of that fact, and she embodied the fake, vague, insincere anti-normal personality of the DNC as a whole.

Democrats are fake and straight.

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I like bragging that we stole the election it's funnier that way

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This is why I am so glad I don't live near Portland anymore, everyone says Austinites are annoying but they are bearable to talk with at the very least.

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Libs are in total denial about the state of the party right now tbh it's bleak

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Yeah there is noticeably less actual resistance to Drumpf from Liberals now than in 2016. WPT fed posting and such is just the usual chronic online bleating but in reality most of them offline seem resigned to just ride his term out so far

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Sry, this IS regular people lol.

Libtard is as normal as it gets. 99% of any politically active conservatives are rictus-grinning nazis. Anyone apolitical is 90% guaranteed to just be neurodivergent and impersonal. Those last 10% are too busy grilling to give you the time of day.

It's far simplest to just placate the libtards by nodding your head, and hope they don't ever ever ever become leftists or commies: at which point, so is lost and you can just walk away and forget them.

Wingcuckery is a cancer and I'm not sure there's a chance anyone escape its metastasis. I see European and Canadian demographic shifts sometimes, and I can feel the whitehot kernel of chuddery fill my heart; and I'm not even white.

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I told one feminist that Harris lost because l'evil inkwell and bad influencers like Tate. And it's very bad Trump won for abortion rights.

She liked the answer

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Did she have s*x with you?

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Not worth it

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She is feminist and don't wax her armpits because apparently men don't do it (I do) her legs are more hairy than my Armenian pal. Her room is giga mess because apparently guys rooms are mess so her room must be a mess. So as you see she wants to take the worst things in guys and also do it because supposedly it empowers her.

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And you associate with this degenerate hambeast because.....? :marseysquint:

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She is girl from my university, she made effort to talk at cafeteria and I don't mind be friend with her

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How big are her boobs?

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She is fat and had logic, I am mixed guy so I am black so black guys love fat girls so she has chances with me. The full black in my family is my great grandmother so 1/8

Edit: my avi is me rendered in anime

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Aren't you following the thread? He wants to have s*x with her.

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Why would you bother talking to losers?


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he said on rdrama, an offshoot of a reddit sub

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>I really wish these people weren't in so many of my social circles. I need to find ways to meet more regular people

This is the problem I'm having. I live in an area that's way too polarized.

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I want to hang out with conservatives more but I just can't find any. What tf are the tells that someone isn't a leftist

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Often it's that they avoid talking politics in polite company

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Go pick up some chuddy hobbies like firearms then

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What else besides firearms?

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Off-grid communications

Small unit tactics

Competitive racism

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Small unit tactics...so join a militia?

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I didn't say that :marseyfedposthmmm:

Airshit and paintball exist too

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I assumed you need friends in order to join those hobbies

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Playing fields and stores have pick up games or look for meetups/clubs

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Doing your own home repairs. Go cruising at your local hardware (not HD or Lowe's)

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My lib relatives try my patience every time I see them. I can tolerate their ideas about racism, sexism and co but they're so fricking condescending.

I hear the media-literacy and voting-against-their-own-interests memes every time they come over, it drives me nuts.

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It's irritating as frick when you slightly disagree and the loud condescending attitude comes out. I had a friend of a friend say that republicans are making sure you can never vote for anyone else because republicans are against ranked choice voting. I tried 3 times to say that democrats haven't had a problem getting elected without ranked choice. She kept getting more shrill and loud until she finally let me get three words in. Once she heard my point she was quiet for a second and loudly went on about something else.

If they want to talk about any cultural force that won the election I would say anger against the liberal attitude was stronger than racism or sexism in this election. Especially when democrats think that calling republicans 'weird' was a win. It made dems feel good but it reminded everyone else that democrats support drag queen story hour

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I can vibe with very intelligent liberals because they don't raise their voices or interrupt as much. My friend was #2 in his graduating class and we had many cordial discussions about all this stuff during Biden's presidency.

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Very smart liberals are basically the platonic Christian because they recognize that poor/stupid people don't deserve to have a good life but still make an effort to give them one

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Yeah I've experienced this too and it's infuriating because we don't get together very often, and they want to shoehorn stupid national political discussion into our dinner 🤬

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She was so fake her changing accent became a meme.

I still see people referring to her as black. Her family is from some high level hindu caste and apparently her grandpa legit owned slaves. If you can ignore that you can ignore all of that you can ignore her bad bid for presidency running against Biden.

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Her dad was a Stanford Economics professor and her mom was a cancer researcher from a high-caste Indian family. She's elite as frick.

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Very funny to say holocaust harris didnt win because of racism and sexism when her entire policy platform was trying to be racist and sexist to other brown women in the middle east

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Give me their numbers and I'll tell them for you

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You cannot convince someone of what they don't want to know, sorry

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and you can't convince someone to believe anything that goes counter to their paycheck

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Nah it comes down to inflation. People were feeling the weight and vote for change nearly every incumbent government lost worldwide